Monday, June 14, 2010

I Am Right About Seattle Fire Light Fixture

I thought there was something with a light fixture and it looks like this may have been what caused the fire.

They say they think a mattress came into contact with a light bulb.

If you go back on my posts, this is what I kept bringing up, something with electrical wires or a light fixture.

I'd like to know position of everything. You know, light fixture and then also bulb and then wires too, how they were and if everything was normal there. But I was thinking, something about lights, but how could it catch something on fire unless it fell? because I had an impression of a ceiling light. Something about a ceiling and then something about a light fixture.

I guess too, it could have been electrical wires and a light fixture next to a mattress if this was a large closet where someone was sleeping. I still had more of an idea of the other. Who knows, but pretty close.

I did have this vague idea at the same time, of some kind of light in the middle of a room though, too, maybe someone else's house, I don't know, with maybe a table below the main light fixture above a table in approximately the middle of the room. But this may have been something totally separate.
I erased what I wrote here. If there are plagues because of Pharoahs regarding refusal to work to return my son, that's their choice. I can't convince people of everything.

I have never read Anna Karenena but I had this title come to mind awhile ago while talking to a man recently. I looked it up and don't think it has anything to do with my life (I would not, for example, do antying like give up my child for a man or throw myself under a train but I love Russian lit.) but I like it for the history and the actress has the most beautiful subdued flickers of expression. Some of the older actresses were amazing. Bette Davis. Greta Garbo. And they had good writers.

Hmmm, this movie version is from 1997. I selected this clip of a waltz and it's swan lake.

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