Friday, June 25, 2010

ideas to mind, music (offspring?) & open-heart surgery

I was thinking of songs to play and first Monticello came to mind. I don't know what though.

Then Americana and I had in mind folk but I ended up with a song called Americana by Offspring. I don't know them. What is a littleweird is that this guy just pulled out of here with their symbol on his SUV. I noticed because when this song came up I saw the symbol on the video to the song.

What is strange, is how did I know that the symbol that flashed up is their symbol?

Thinking about that, now, that is the weirdest part.

I saw the symbol on this SUV and then I saw it on the video but it was only one of many pictures that came up. Somehow, i knew that the symbol was the one for the band and then I didn't even think it was weird until I looked them up on wiki and saw that symbol on their shirts and realized, "that's their symbol" and they are wearing it so I know it's for them but how did I make the connection?

So I am going now to find Monticello but I don't know which one to choose and then I'll go to maybemy own style.
It's called "Monticello" and is from a musical called "Edges". I guess one of their songs, called "Be My Friend" has become a facebook theme, according to wikipedia.

Then Darren came to mind. Tons of Darren songs and songs with Darren in them so I went to page 7 and chose Angel Face, some oldies song. By James Darren.

Then "Dreamlover" just came to mind, by Bobby Darin. Another Darin but I didn't think about that part. For some reason the song Angel Face brought Dreamlover to mind. Must have been some kind of similarity. I just noticed, Bobby Darin has elf ears. I put on "Splish Splash" by Darin bc my son loves this one. I need to learn the rest of the whole song. He likes all these rubber ducky and splish-splash songs.

On a separate note, I returned "the man" to the store by his curfew. When I got there, there was a second one there! So I put them side by side. The one I had bent in the wind and I did start laughing bc the wind was blowing the opposite direction on the way back and my man was trying to get away from me. I almost lost him on the freeway.

There was this Chelan County police officer and here I was carrying the cardboard man. "Just what I need"--I thought, as my man was wiggling all over the place and fighting hard and I was holding his head and his feet both--"...a citation for disorderly conduct."

Then I thought, "I wonder if they were going to try to arrest me for 'theft' if I didn't bring the guy back in time!" Because that would have just topped everything.

"Devil or Angel" came to mind. I tried to go to this one with b/w clips from "The Outlaw" but the music won't play:

I decided to try looking up a douglas mcarthur song if there is such a thing.

I saw 2 choices, one was "Old Soldiers Never Die" and the other was, I guess, penned recently with McArthurs words in mind for West Point and is the new anthem:

I don't even know who the hell douglas mcarthur is and what he did except that he's a general or was. I don't know what he did thought. Very interesting.

Hey, YO! Ivan! Ivanho! Clear my good name!

It's 7:05 p.m. or so.

I decided to play the other one, by Vaughn Monroe: Old Soldiers Never Die.

I'll have to look up Gen. McArthur. Maybe he was a marine?

How weird. I just looked him up on wiki and his service number was 0-57 and he came to my mind around 7:05. Maybe a little earlier, and then I heard the song and played the next one. And, he was an Army commander, not Marines I guess, and went to West Point AND he is from Texas, like this new psychiatrist in town. The one I was just referring to--Ivan, who is from Texas, but I didn't know Gen. McArthur was from Texas and didn't recall he was in West Point either. I just knew he was an important commander of some kind. What's weird too, is that I didn't look at the time for any of these things except after I heard the West Point song and then wondered what time it was so I looked at this watch I have and then right after that, I looked up McArthur on wiki.
I'd like to know, exactly, when I'm getting my son back. I can't be passed off for crazy forever. I think we all know this is true. And I do NOT want my son to be another guinea pig.

And YES, I did read the biline about Harry going to NYC or to West Point and I thought about that after I saw this song come up under West Point. If it's HARRY that is sending me all this stuff, I'm going to wring his neck. What is he doing? having seances with the POWS over there? But I don't know what day he is there or going there. I saw a soldier going by, so probably it was someone local. Maybe it was Ivan.

I did look up this one photo, just one, of those two in S. Africa. The very weird thing is, I dn't think I saw that rabbit in the brush when THEY were there, but it was in brush like that, all sort of beige, that I saw it. If, by some very weird circumstances, that happened, that would be very odd. But there is also a lot of brush like that around here too, and I don't believe they were over there at that time that I got the image. I don't think. The only reason I would ever wonder about them is because I have wondered if, bc I have thought about their mom and had dreams and things, if it is ever possible I'm picking up on someone from over there. I know one time I told this homeless man I thought Harry seemed like "a Maverick" and then I later found out someone had nicknamed him this. Which I had never heard before. So there have been a couple of random coincidences but I don't know who it's regarding all the time. I think I do this with other people too, probably, but don't realize what I'm hitting on when it happens.

I had "elementary Mr. Watson" come to mind and got this, in Russian with English subtitles: (It's Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in 'The Acquaintance 2')

Oh my gosh. I just clicked on the arrow and read the description. The Queen likes these guys. This exact version. See what I mean?! Sometimes I can get away and then...

I just finished watching that clip.

For a minute I didn't know if I was just watching a movie or if have become a part of a movie. Like that play I saw a long, long, time ago. Where you can't tell anymore which part of what sphere is theatre. Theater.

It looks like a good series actually. I liked it as much as the show "Spooks" or whatever. Good acting and interesting dialogue. When I first saw the swords i got nervous, and then the talk about one fills their mind with...I thought "it's the russians again! they put the thought in my mind!" (just kidding) I also thought, looking at the breakfast Holmes was eating...That's what I eat. And I don't need anymore orange juice today, thank you, I've had about 20 cups. But I had oatmeal. And i eat a lot of hard boiled eggs, and soft boiled.
I've had a few problems with the computer though, in the last half hour. Seriously. Or with something else, but I think it is the computer. I was going to switch to my own thing but I decided to let things come to mind and this is what I'm getting.
I've had a few random things come to mind which has nothing to do with songs "emeraude", a perfume with memories from a long time ago, and some other misc. "curlain" or something to that effect and I don't know what it means. snoop doggy dog but I can't look at the cars bc I might pick something up off of what I see on the sides.

I looked up something emeraude to see if there is such a thing and got fleurs d'emeraude. saw a few other thigns I might look up. a dancing girls group but i was sort of wondering if there is an actual song, but I didn't think about a song when this came to mind at all, but a perfume my grandmother or someone used to have.

I found printemps emeraude by alcest with a beautiful view of a tree:

I really like this song. I liked it! and I didn't think I would bc of how it was classified. But it's beautiful and then I read the lyrics and they're so pretty! As soon as it began to play I almost felt like crying...a welling up, but no tears. sort of a welling of emotion though, maybe bc I could sense it from the very start.

I feel like I've seen this tree before somehow though. Like a deja vu. I am wondering if I've already seen and heard this, like a year or more ago, and now came back to the same one or something. Or I've never seen and heard it but something is familiar. If I came back to the same one, it's strange, because there were a lot of options for this song and I picked this one even though i saw it was just one still image the whole time. I am trying to find out where that tree is from. If there is a title or something.
There are a lot of mean people in the world, and mockers, but today, even with things going wrong, I have tried to get some things done by sending out email to lawyers for public defense and I can't do it alone so I am doing what I can. And what I get from these other things, is good still.

However, there is definitely something wrong going on with the technology stuff and I'm not making it up and I swear it just starts up whenever someone gets worried I'm making a difference in something somewhere so someone freaks out and does this, to either get me to quit or to make me sound nuts when I write about it. I am posisitve it's the laptop right now.

I found "Duke of Exeter" by Brodequin but youtube doesn't play it. It's a song about someone being tortured. Here, the lyrics:
i don't know. I'm no Sylvia Browne is the strange thing. I think that I have a small gift but maybe it's just for certain people and then with others, it's random. I might be figuring it out still.

I was thinking, I wish I could come up with something astounding, like Sylvia Browne, but I don't think it would make a difference...maybe not, regarding my son because there have already BEEN a lot of miracles and signs, and how much more does someone need? If I don't even understand it all, it is not MY manipulation of others. I do not practice black magic or cast spells or do anything other than pray to God and that's it.

Having a gift doesn't mean you're closer to God than others. There are horrible people who have a gift, and they use it to do terrible things and to manipulate, or try to manipulate people. So, it isn't everything. It's a small asset to develop and that's it.

I seriously would like to know why someone in the military just wants to fry the hell out of me and my son. It would only be military that could do this and ALLOW it to continue. Gangs have a lot of power, but not in the U.S. for something like this because someone military would be investigating and I've MET too many military already for someone at the top not to know. So they know, and it's horrible what they've allowed and continue to allow. They've done this with my son too.

Not only that, I have read a lot of evidence to support how even CIA allowed sexual abuse of children, intentionally, and I'm not kidding either, in experiments to produce the right kind of "manchurian candidate". This has been literally documented. People can barely believe that CiA would spy on a bunch of men having sex with hookers in a brothel, and tell the hookers to drug these guys too...and that's one of the most commonly known and accepted experiments. There are things that are even worse.

I'm sure it's to advantage to get a kid or child when they're very young and try to do this too. The younger they are, the more they can be groomed and developed into whatever the CIA wants them to be.

Because why ELSE would all these things be allowed to happen to my son and my son get no protection and have others covering everytihing up, and keeping everything with just a few select people in general. There is a lot of group coordination here as elsewhere, but some of the things allowed are totally illegal and I don't believe it's possible unless govt. and military persons know about it. Not only that, I think some from the UK knew what was happening to me at one of the places I stayed at. There is no reason why they would have so much interest or information on me, and why would that one military guy who had a chat set-up company...why would HE know anything about me or what was going on? It's too weird.

I have photos of how my legs got red and were swelling up. I wasn't making any of that up. Also, around the time I had all those heart problems and weird things happening, I just found out my grandfather had to have open heart surgery because HE was having problems.

My grandfather had surgery on June 1, 2010. I wonder which date it was that I had some assholes trying out their military shit on ME. He plays it off and said it was no big deal but that's not true.

My grandfather has never had heart problems. He said he did now, but in the past, he's never had any problems at all. Someone was doing something to him to cause these problems and create something. He has had diabetes and some small issues in his life, but I've quizzed him about his heart before and that is NOT in our family history on my mother's side. Not at all.

Either Diana is alive and she just disappeared for peace of mind which is why her tomb is untouchable and on an island, or someone did something to her in that ambulance and she could have been saved.

I've had enough things happen to me to know what is possible or not. and i'm sure some of these things have happened to others too, but they are not so bold as to talk about it. Understandably.

This guy walked back and forth in all white.

What came to my mind, thinking about her was cinnamon bears. Which is rando and I don't know why, but I was thinking and it came to mind. Everyone knows what they are and eats them I'm sure, but something about them with her. Charades. But I already read somewhere that she liked charades. Desperado. Which maybe has something to do with something else. Binion but must be bunion but all this I know. I wish I could think of something no one would know except for a few.

There's a "Binion" who was famous but in the mob in Vegas and died. I think it was for bunion. Then I thought something about "cormack and mccain?" or something like that. Don't know what I was getting but maybe not about her at all.

But then I sort of got an impression but it wasn't an image so I don't feel I can trust it really, of her maybe burying a small box somewhere. Like a small square or rectangular jewelry box maybe of some kind, metal mostly. I know she helped bury a child once, but for some reason, something about trees and a little box in the dirt. But again, it may have been my imagination because it wasn't a flash like an image, whcih is almost always right. I got more of an impression but I don't know, if true, what age she would have been when she did it. Maybe I'm crossing wires with some other woman though, I don't know. I might very well be. To me it came across as having a design of light engraving or something on the top. For some reason, bare hands too. Maybe that's not how the digging was done, but I got bare hands, not wearing gardening gloves or anything.

Just now, "Eleanor" came to mind. So now I'm looking up eleanor of aquitaine. don't know why but interesting right now.

Now, I'm still thinking about Diana having dnoe this, back of my mind, but I ended up on something about a metal box buried by a former Romanov. I swear I must be wearing a Russian woman's shirt. The yellow and white one. Which is underneath my t-shirt. I am starting to smell like this one Russian woman I met. I sniffed the underarms today.

Okay, reading on though, and only a couple people will know what I'm referring to on that last part, but reading...really fascinating actually, if this is true.

Oh, and Eleanor of Aquitaine had two sons, William and Henry, through her second marriage. William was the oldest one and Henry was next. Voila! well, okay...something sort of interesting there. I read the wiki on Eleanor and I cannot believe that woman. She lived a LONG life, in and out of terrible danger and misfortune and battle and imprisonments too. And I liked her lamp. It is her honly surviving artifact, this article says--made out of rock crystal and a metal I had once read a little about her, as much as knowing she went to the military with her husband, which I thought was cool, for her to do, as royalty and a woman too. I think if you're marrying military, may as well go with.

The article I got is unofficial but I'm just reading about buried boxes in general.

Hmm. Now I think it might all be a crock. It's unofficial and by "the court jester". Doesn't sound good.


  1. "My grandfather has never had heart problems. He said he did now, but in the past, he's never had any problems at all. Someone was doing something to him to cause these problems and create something. He has had diabetes and some small issues in his life, but I've quizzed him about his heart before and that is NOT in our family history on my mother's side. Not at all."
    He's had things wrong with his heart his whole life. No one could cause what was wrong with it. He's never had diabetes. Once again you don't know the facts.

  2. I would like to know who you are "Anonymous" because unless you are his personal doctor or his wife, you probably wouldn't know.

    He didn't have technical diabetes but almost did bc he had hypoglycemia or the hyperglycemia, whichever one can lead to diabetes and is a precursor.

    And yes, I've asked him about his heart, for my own health history and there was never anything wrong.

    You sound like a very obstructive and disagreeable person.

  3. Cameo,
    Grandpa has always had heart problems but he's alway downplayed it. His siblings have that same type of heart problems. He's always had an "extra" heartbeat or irregularity, along with a murmur and same with his siblings. He found out he was born that way, not caused by whooping cough like he'd thought. That is something the rest of the family needs to watch for but so far it sounds like maybe one or two have that heartbeat but not the murmur. I know Loren, the kids and I have known it, I've known it since I married Loren. I think Loren's sisters have known about it but he's always downplayed it and says it's been nothing. When asked in the past, I have heard him say that he has an extra beat.
    I've had hypoglycemia, same as Grandpa has, but it's not diabetes. He doesn't watch his sugar intake or eat special foods and hasn't since I've known him.
    He was in surgery 7 1/2 hours and he's still recovering but doing good.
