Friday, June 25, 2010

Man With Jacket In My Room--WA 00403

I was told this morning that a man had left his jacket in my closet.

I hadn't even looked in my closet.

Then I had a man come in and retrieve a jacket and it was black. He put it in his SUV with plates 00403. He wore a green and white hawaiaan "style" shirt. Middle age.

The only reason I even write this, is why did he look at me and act like he knew who I was? He knew I had taken his room and that he'd left his jacket behind there.

I went to my room after he pulled away and looked in the closet, and sure enough, it was gone.

He had the plates with no other letters or anything and I hadn't let anyone into my room or wanted anyone there but they left the "do not disturb" sign out of my room so I have to get a new one.

I just think it's strange that this man kept looking at me and acted like he already knew who I was. I mean, I didn't know who HE was.

If there was a "bug" in his jacket, it was a real exciting night. Boy oh boy (not that I dno't have my whole bag already bugged out). I went to bed at 8 p.m. and slept until 8 a.m. I was really, really, having a lot of fun in there and all kinds of exciting conversations. I think I was told there is a jacket in my room sometime after I called to make sure my son is being played with.

Then I walk out after checking on this and the guy drove off and this car goes by that says "Magic Transfer". ? Okay.

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