Friday, June 25, 2010

Sending Email To Lawyers For Public Representation

I had problems trying to send an email out to some lawyers for public representation.

Then this older man came in and asked me for directions to the Catholic Church and said he wasn't from this area. So I gave him directions. He seemed to know who I was so let's hope he'll put in a good word for me?

I tried several times, but it wouldn't go through. I need to send it so I can show I've tried everything.

This is what it says:

Hello Wenatchee Attorneys and Others,

There is no right to an attorney for private custody battles, but whenever a right is taken by the state, such as right to freedom (bc of criminal charges) and right to children (accusations of inability to parent), there is a guaranteed right to public defense.

There a right to public defense for DSHS cases, to provide indigent parents (as the only parents who are deemed "unfit" are usually poor, if through no fault of their own) with representation. It is a mandated right under Washington law.

There is also the right to "reasonable defense" through a public defender.

My child was taken on false grounds and I requested Change of Venue because I was certain it would be impossible to receive a fair hearing in this area, and that it would also be impossible to receive fair public defense, absent conflicts of interest.

So far, this has been the case. I have been denied the most basic rights and am now, by Judge Hotchkiss, being denied a public defender for a Termination of Parental Rights trial.

I requested, in writing, a public defender. He claims the few I've had didn't suit me because I am "too picky" and yet I am able to prove they were not doing their jobs because of prejudice and conflict of interest, which is why I asked for Change of Venue at the start. I also went without a lawyer for one entire year, after I had requested one.

I am now creating documentation for purposes of showing I am able to write an email to the entire Wenatchee legal community and receive no recourse when I am legally allowed a public defender.

If someone has any ideas, I'd love to hear what they are.

I have already gone through CLEAR and CLEAR told me no one in Wenatchee will take my case, even if I am eligible and it's a mandated right for me to have representation. I am also trying to find a lawyer through other counties.

However, my trial is this Tuesday and I need a continuance, clearly, because I have no public defender and I do not wish to represent myself pro se and it is impossible for me to do so without normal resources or access to the legal books, telephone, fax, printer, and other necessary items.

If someone would like to volunteer their services, that would be great.

If someone knows someone out of area who feels they are able to be impartial and provide the bare minimum, at least, that would also be great.

Thank you for your time.

Cameo Garrett
re. Dependency of Oliver Garrett

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