Monday, June 14, 2010

Image (candle last night) & other impressions

I had an image of a candle last night.

It must have been about midnight my time. It was a single candle and it seemed sort of large but just one tapered candle type and the flame went on and off and either flickered or I kept seeing shots of it on and off for a few seconds or minute.

It was a long tapered candle style. Everything was dark all around and I only saw the candle and the light from the flame.

I had the vague impression, with this candle, of something red but not sure. Something to do with the candle or candle holder. Because I couldn't see anything else--it was dark. Just remember candle for sure. I also wasn't sure if it was a totally bare tapered candle or if it was covered in some way with a see through thing, but mainly, a candle.
Just now, the idea of "torrid love affair" and found some band called "boysnightout":
Earlier today, I didn't have any images, but a few vague impressions of things that ended up being accurate about people. I didn't get confirmation on the one couple I already wrote about. Then I was in this building and saw this man I've seen before and he was in a wheelchair but suddenly I could just see him on a rideable lawnmower. So I joked about it and then it became a stronger impression so I asked, "Actually, did you ever mow a lot of lawns?" and he said yes. He said, "In Massechusettes". I said, "Like large fields or something?" because I was getting a LOT of lawn mowing out of it. He said, "A lot of different lawns and some large." Then he told me he did it as a job for 5-6 years. I said, "Really? It was a job even?" and he said yes and I felt happy I got something right and a confirmation, even though it was small. He said he was from Saskatcheuan, Canada, well, born there but grew up here. I asked if I could write this and he said yes. I said I would only mention the location and the name he gave me which was "Paul".
I am listening to this "Torrid Love Affair" again. I didn't understand one word the first time. The SECOND time I started laughing after hearing the phrase about "I wrap your hair around my bloody knuckles". I had to. I did NOT laugh the first time, esp. at the part about killing. But the SECOND time, I had to laugh at the random factor.
Then I had "ay carumba rhumba" come to mind but just random so I'm trying to find an ay carumba rhumba.

Here's one ay carumba rhumba, from Cuba:
Here's a Mickey Mouse carumba rhumba (3 caballeros):
Bart Simpson: Ay Carumba:

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