Monday, June 14, 2010

Microsoft "Will" & Wenatchee Obstruction by Legal Agencies (that get grants)

I've had this guy coming around here and there, who is like, a very poor version or rendition of Prince William in face at least. I hate to insult William but it's been weird. He started appearing whenever there was something written about Di by me, or if I was playing video games, and just odd timing and he knew the abusive person I stayed with last. Everyone in this town knows everyone.

Unfortunately, he's another Microsoft employee. I asked him tonight if he knew of a place where I could stay one night, with a woman, because he seemed nerdy and set up, but still, nerdy, so I thought I would ask if he knew someone I could crash with for one night. He said no.

Which sort of pissed me off in the sense that he got "rewarded" for his response and why hang around me all the fucking time? He was even over across town hanging out at the booth behind me at Sharie's on the other side of town, talking loudly about what a player he was.

?! He and this woman were having this conversation that sounded like bad acting and something out of a drama. He definitely doesn't look like a player and I highly, highly, doubt he is. If HE is a player, he's a video game player.

I am eligible for a place in the Woman's Shelter, and have to have a lawyer to fix the federal housing discrimination, which is the ONLY housing I had or was eligible for. There is no way I'm going back to live with an abusive asshole nor am I going to a "home" for mentally ill, which are the only options here.

All day today, it was just one illegal or improper shut out after the other. I did every normal thing someone could do, to get legal assistance and this town has at least 3 different volunteer legal agencies that are supposed to assist and these agencies ALL are supposedly "non-profit" and receive their funding through grants. I filled out a release of information form for one of them, because I want to see the mission of the organization and the public has a right to any copies of grants drafted or used to apply for funding from other sources.

I had already called the "CLEAR" line over two weeks ago, after I went to a "clinic" at the courthouse. At this "clinic", I was told to call "CLEAR" which is out of Seattle and Olympia (I think Seattle) and then they'd refer me to a lawyer.

Well the woman I got, "Cindy", didn't refer me to the right place. She didn't even know that referrals were faxed so I don't know if she was new or obstructionist. So she faxed something over, but without all the info and she ended up referring me to the same place that told me to call THEM. The "clinic" people give you 1 hour of time--they don't take cases. They do little "clinics" and then if they think you have a case, then they tell you to call CLEAR. So I did and just got the loop and run around.

Columbia Legal: I had tried Columbia Legal and the woman there, the first time, allowed me to use the phone to call CLEAR. But when I went there today, after having talked to one of the lawyers, a "Joe Morrison", he didn't even want to allow me to use the phone and when I asked for a piece of computer paper for making a public records request about funding, he said no. I had to go next door to get a couple pieces of paper. He also said that their organization only did class action and legistlative work. He said to go upstairs where they'd referred me.

So I made my records request and as I dropped it off with him "Dodge" came to mind. I have no idea what kind of car or truck he drives, but "Dodge" came to mind and I know it was from God. Either he fuckin' drives a Dodge and why I need to know that, God knows, or God was letting me know HE was playing a game of "dodge" with me. I think someone in his family drives a Dodge. Either that, or it was the other meaning.

I still don't have any grant information from the Women's Resource Center but I would like to get copies of their grants and other documents that they've had to submit to get funding.

I don't have this from Community Action either, and someone had to draft and write a grant.

Northwest Justice Project: Anyway, so I went upstairs and it was the run-around and the other agency which actually takes cases and does family law AND housing discrimination and things, this guy came out and tried to tell me, without hearing the facts, that I don't qualify and if this "Cindy" referred me to the "clinic" people, I don't have a case for them. I had to explain she didn't know I'd already gone there. But it was sort of a nightmare because the receptionists there were making overt gestures and dramatic faces with him. He was telling me to go to Lacy & Kane for housing discrimination and I just thought, why am I being refused services? I also said I needed a lawyer for my CUSTODY CASE because I am legally ENTITLED to a lawyer through public defense and the Judge is trying to refuse this again. Or at least was, and sent such a letter. So he was saying their agency is "booked" and not taking any child custody cases.

How can their agency be "booked" and "full" on child custody and family law when they supposedly get different lawyers who come in and volunteer time? This was Patrick Pleas who I spoke with, one of the lawyers. Pleasant face but very obstructionist when it comes down to it and then he had his evil monkeys flanking either side: Lucifer on the left and Attila the Hun on the right. Oh wait. The one on the left was named "Elida" and the other was "Marisol".

I don't ask for much. In fact, I don't think this town has even provided me with ONE normal thing that anyone should be provided as a right and not a privilege. I got help with a one page paper once when the entire case against me could have been thrown out. Other than that, it has been zero help and 100% harassment. I don't mean hand outs, I mean, normal work and normal legal assistance when one qualifies and normal housing when one qualifies. Just basics.

So Patrick was trying to tell me I had like, no lawyer to help me at all. He did offer a couple of suggestions, to his credit, but you know, the run-around because he didn't have enough information to know yet if I qualified for his legal services or not with that clinic because CLEAR didn't do the referral correctly.
So then, I went back to the Columbia Legal Services again and wanted to talk to Joe Morrison. I asked him which lawyer at his firm handled the legistlative aspect of things. He said they all did.

I asked him, "So has anyone filed anything with the state legistlature to enable parents who are falsely convicted of crime or child issues, the right to appeal and have a new case?" I added, "Because, I know that a lot of parents in this town were wrongly convicted of abusing their own kids and sent to jail. The whole Wenatchee Sex Ring thing and they had their kids adopted out from under them because they didn't even have a chance in jail. As far as I know, all those same Judges and lawyers and I think most of the police still have their jobs. But a lot of innocent parents and their kids were wrongly separated."

He stared at me.

I said, "I would think, that someone out there would have put forth a measure at some point which would enable these parents to get their kids back, who were adopted out from under them and traumatized."

He said, "They had good civil lawyers and got paid money in settlements."

I said, "Not enough. And there is no price that could make up for those kids and their loss and the loss of their parents who were innocent."

I said, "I would think that if DNA can give an innocent person the right to new trial or having all charges dismissed, that the evidence that a parent was innocent of the charges alleged regarding their own children, warrants the immediate return of their children and full restoration of their parental rights. But that's not how it is here in Washington. Once rights are terminated, that's it and there is no lawsuit that can change or challenge this if appeals are lost or not timely (or, in my case, have no point bc not one lawyer filed even a fucking motion or records so there is anything in my file TO appeal on)."

He stared.

I basically told him my belief is that if evidence comes out to prove parents INNOCENT, even if their kids were adopted out, that adoption is null and void and should be null and void.

The natural biological parental right is a right inherent in natural and civil and constitutional law (supposedly) in the United States. Just as liberty is a right which should be fully restored should an accused be found innocent later, so should parents be fully reunited with their children when evidence of innocence has manifested. The right to liberty? and to property? is secure and may secure justice and grace with evidence, but not the right to children? the right to happiness and what is technically "property"--children.

There is no difference.

If anything, the right to ones children if evidence comes through of innocence, is MORE important than many other rights.

So WHAT that these poor parents got a few thousand. As if that comes CLOSE to making up for what happened to all of them and their kids. Their children still suffer because of it and the younger ones bonded with others.

The bonding even, is no excuse to not return children to their proper parents.

This State of Washington, with all its lobbiests (msp) and lawyers and corporate workers and legistlators, and those working on the Innocence or Justice project....Are you telling me NONE of them thought to put a measure onto the table whcih remedies a serious problem that exists now which can only be corrected by a new law?

How many criminals, found innocent through DNA, whose kids were adopted out of family even, should have the immediate return of their children?

You fucking BACK IT UP, and you FIX what was done that was wrong. When the system screws up because of corruption or any other reason, accident, or negligence, the system owes it to the citizen to restore the guarantees of the constitution that these accused were deprived of.

Joe Morrison said I could send an email about it.

I want this drafted. I want a law and I want it not just for this State, to protect parents from being screwed while they're down and without resources for a defense, and not only to protect innocent people charged with crime who lose kids and can't get them back...I want this fucking law to pass.
Meanwhile, I sit here at a cafe because this town is full of shit. A bunch of obstructionists who rest on the idea that they will never be held accountable for anything.

With me, they think they can do whatever they want. When it comes to me and my son, they have done the very worst.

I feel badly for innocent victims and families and want to support them. But for the amount of corruption and obstruction in this state, and greed, really, I think an earthquake is in order. A massive earthquake.

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