Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Laptop Infected and Won't Allow Work

I am having to write from a hotel computer now because right after I posted the last post about Pierce Brosnan and connection, all these "infected" pop ups came up and now it won't allow me to write or go on the laptop at ALL.

I tried to ignore all the pop ups and then it said the babylon toolbar was infected and the mcupdate.exe was infected and everything is so I can't do anything.

Then it came up with an ip thing, saying an attack was coming from, port 11741 and attacked port 24760.

To me it looked like a typical ploy to get one to buy some new program, but now it's just quiting.

This group came in right before this happened, and sat down and then it happened and then they came back in and said they were checking out of rm. 52. There was one man and then a man and woman. The man who said he was checking out of 52 had plates 637 YEF (WA). Probably has nothing to do with him at all but just in case, because someone could do this from here, on this connection or also from a remote location that is farther away. The other couple left right after him in 280 XKT (WA), but again, there are a lot of people at this hotel and who knows who did this.

Doing it right after I blog a post about Brosnan, besides, would be a nice excuse for people who are in this area and don't want me to blog about my case or other things involving my case so want to use that as some kind of exucse or cover. Unless someone is seriously thinking I am a threat in some way, just bc I had a dream about Brosnan and found a weird connection.

I'm going to try my own laptop again because it shouldn't be doing this. SO I'm going to check it out.

I noticed it went down after, I think, I mentioned something about plates too, and there was this guy from Seattle yesterday that I had a bad feeling about. He was blond and his wife was Asian and they had 3 kids with them, one wearing a black shirt that had RAC on it and he faced me. He kept looking at me with this distate and I wondered who he was. They didn't want to tell me what they did in Seattle and said they'd been to chelan and he said, finally, "construction" and she said she worked at U of W but then they were trying to conceal their car's license plate by standing around it and I thought this was so odd, what do they have to hide and be worried about? So I went to the front and got it and it was 456 YNL, WA plates.
These guys here, are from a softball team and joked with me. I have this big tear in my pants and they said, "How are you this morning?" and I said, "Okay!" and then one said, "Looks like you got in a fight with a cat!" and I said, "Really?" and he said, "yeah, that hole in your jeans." and I said, "So who won? I'm still here and where is the cat?" and they cracked up laughing.

I just found out they're all ex military. One said to the others who came in that I'd made breakfast and I pointed to the section with all the dry cereal in bins and said, "Yeah, I made all of that cereal early this morning before you were up." and they laughed. I said it straight.

I can sort of bounce off of goofy stuff. or quipping, which I don't get much here--it's all so serious. I asked what branches and mainly Army it sounded like. I was curious as to how they formed their team.
I am wondering why my laptop went down though and recognized a couple as the ones who broke the bottles of liquor and some are from Idaho and some WA and maybe some CA? someone here is, but don't know, but I guess mainly connected through military. I guessed and they said yes. I guess they're team is Warner Logging. One of the guys looks really familiar somehow. I guess he is from Idaho and has reddish hair but I swear he looks familiar. Like I had an image of him in goggles in a tree or something but probably not. He was wearing glasses so maybe that's what made me think that.
My laptop is pulling up stuff about porns and all kinds of crap on the header.

I cannot pull up internet explorer or anything.

It's like, someone takes my CIA gifted computer and then they wait until the time I need my laptop, other one, most, and screw it up. I was wondering why someone wouldn't tamper with it other than to goof off, for so long and I think it was just because someone wanted as much discovery on me about what I was writing and doing as long as possible.

Now, someone feels either that I am no longer a threat in some way so they can trash my stuff, or they're trying to screw it up right before my hearing so I can't get anything else done or bring out anything that might help me still.

The woman whose face I saw had a longer face and nose and a little bit of a curve or bump and very pretty. She looked sort of classical roman in a way, or italian or jewish or something but I'm not sure what. Wavy medium brown-dark hair with reddish highlights hair, I think shoulder-length, and then white face or fair or medium and not latino but possibly something ethnic. Large eyes. Not really thin lips.

I didn't recognize her at all. Perhaps sometime in my life I've seen someone that looks like her or her, but I didn't literally recognize her.

Then there were a couple of other faces.
I do think it's sort of strange that all these people are here and then they all check out and my computer gets blasted about this time. It is possible it happened at a distance but wouldn't it be easier to do by using the same wifi connection? so it would seem possible someone who was or is in this same hotel location did this but then again, anyone could have done it.

Now, I can't even do any other internet searches on the hotel one. I am still connected to blogger but I can't go my email or any other site. It says the network administrator has to fix things so I will see if this clears up.
I have to talk to a computer guy tomorrow and to my lawyer tomorrow, about housing suit.

This other guy from the firm showed me what Community Action sent over and they are now trying to claim that they don't think they have to comply with public disclosure laws because they think they are maybe except as a "non-profit" which doesn't hold water when you're taking public monies from a public grant and public source, to give to the public. They KNOW that what they did was wrong and easily proven but the letter DID say they are reconsidering or re-examining their decision so maybe this lawyer can talk to them and find out if it will be turned around.

I have a hearing on Tuesday and this is Sunday and these assholes have done everything possible to constantly disrupt my living situations so I cannot be stable and settled in one place. And if anyone thinks I'm joining the U.S. military after all this, forget it. I want my son back and then maybe if someone wanted to contract with me, great, or compensate me for their obsessive interest in me, great.

And now someone just tampered with my laptop.


  1. You get those babylon and mcupdate.exe viruses from surfing the web. It's a long process, if you know what you're doing, to get rid of all the viruses on your computer. We've been seeing a lot of those lately. Good luck!! You weren't specifically targeted, there have been alot of others dealing with the same thing.

  2. No, it's not coincidence.

    This is the last day someone paid for a hotel and people want to terminate my parental rights to my son on Tuesday without giving me a lawyer, and then I am getting dreams that are connected to English royalty and are correct, and it is not some kind of fucking "coincidence".

    I have been surfing the web for over a year on this laptop and getting a virus doesn't cause everything to completely shut down.

    I don't even "surf the web" that much.

    I made the post about Brosnan and immediately afterwards, my computer had instant targeting. It was either that, or the fact that I said, last night, I didn't know what to blog on.

    It was no coincidence. Someone wanted my laptop to crash NOW.
