Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oh MY...Brosnan...What (this is WEIRD)

This is getting weirder and weirder.

I looked up Harry to see how he did on the polo. Didn't find anything but figured there was no horse fall with prevention. THEN, this is unbelievable...

I looked up anything about a charity because I was curious about whether maybe there were sailboats wherever that was and if this is why I was getting something about knotted ropes and the like.

This article about BEATRICE came up with a guy with her, a Dave Clark who looked SO much like this Norwegian guy from a family that I met a few days ago. So much alike! So I was curious and wanted to know who Dave Clark was, because he looked so much like this guy I met, so I went to a different article where it said William made a match for Beatrice with him.

THIS is the weird part...they are connected to, of ALL THINGS, Pierce Brosnan.

I am NOT KIDDING. The same Pierce Brosnan whose face I SAW in my dream. It wasn't even like the man sort of looked like Brosnan. It was him. His face. So this is really weird.

And the guy I met was speaking another language with his family and I didn't know what it was. They said Norwegian but it sounded like German and Norwegian or something and then the guys spoke English fine. The younger of their sons looked very much like the Dave Clark guy. He was dressed down though. They were friendly. The younger one who looked like the Dave Clark guy was wearing a black tee that said "Chocking Victim" on it. I didn't detect any English accent at all. But even if he does look like Clark, I have never read anything about them and never read about any kind of connection to Brosnan either. I have never read about Brosnans with any of them, at all, so that is completely random (I think).
Last night I had very light dreams, not in dream sequences. I mainly remember I saw 2 specific faces (which is strange that I'm getting faces now because I NEVER have in the's always fuzzy) and one was a woman who was sitting at a desk and she knew my situation, a lot about it, and was sad and didn't know what to do. She hadn't told anyone or made any step of action about it but I saw her face. I almost want to say her name was Deborah but I can't say that because I don't know but maybe she had aspects about her that are like Deborah in the sense of a strong woman and judge of types. I saw her hair color and features clearly.

I saw another face clearly but I can't remember what it was. But another one that was not very optimistic but disappointed and wondering if something could be done.

My dreams were all about my son and the case last night, nothing else.

I had just been telling someone, that I was sort of glad I don't get actual faces because a few things (1-2) have been about crime and I don't WANT to know what anyone looks like because then I might be in danger! And even with other impressions, things are always fuzzy. But I told her every now and then I'll see a full face but it's no one I recognize but it's only happened a couple of times. Then, after telling her this, I have been getting faces, but like I said, it might be symbolic...

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