Sunday, June 27, 2010

This Morning

Yesterday I realized the report about Di's campaign on landmines came out about the same time my grandfather had to go in for open heart surgery and I was having weird problems. The thing is, I first thought it was only about landmines and her activism, and then I began to think it was also about power or concern over what groups might gain influence. I wanted to look up Michael Mansfield and see who he's connectedt to, but I do think it's right that the connection was overlooked. However, the timing of putting ALL of the blame on weaponry, makes me wonder about the other issues...if it is an honest attempt to put focus where it should be or shift any kind of focus or attention from other issues which might cause people to question who was involved then and who might try to come into power subsequently.
There has been more talk about whooping cough lately too, and in CA I guess, and I think I said that's what my son had in Canada after we were able to leave but that wasn't it. It was something else. I called it whooping cough but it was more of a wheezing and inability to breathe at all. It then turned into bronchitis. From everything I read, this is exactly what happens to the body's system if it is heated for some time and then removed from the source, because the body counteracts by locking into a series of problems manifesting from cooling down all of a sudden and it affects the immune system and will immediately produce a "kind" of whooping cough but it's really more of an extreme coughing and wheezing and inability to breathe, and then it will progress, about 95% of the time, to a severe bronchitis, which both my son and I had. It is the natural response and reaction of the body to a certain kind of trauma.

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