Thursday, June 3, 2010

OHMYGOSH--emilio estevez impression--st. elmo's fire

I was just trying to apologize or explain to this woman, who I had started laughing at/with when I approached, that I wasn't laughing at her but with her bc she looked so debonaire, with this sort of hat and a cigarette and so I started to smile and then talked with them a little bit. Explained myself too. Then, I went to my computer and the word "emilio estevez" came to mind so I went to it when I was already on youtube trying to find something, and the first clip I got was St. Elmo's Fire which, I figured, would be the song. but no! i've not seen the movie but when I clicked on it, I just had the biggest eyes because there she was! the woman I had just been explaining myself to! And I hadn't wanted her to feel disrespected, so that's why I had to explain to her why I was smiling when I saw her in this hat and with a smoke. I pulled this up, and after, I went back to them, and said, "LOOK!" I had to share it because I knew they would think it was strange too. She was wearing this exact same kind of hat, and smoking to the side this way, and had a t-shirt and pants on. I have never seen St. Elmo's Fire but after seeing this whole clip I need to see it! Then they came over to me later and he introduced himself as "David" which is strange bc I just looked up St. Elmo's Fire on wiki and there is some reference to David's light or something. Then she came over. Both were nice. Then, after that, well, before they approached me, I went past and there was this Asian guy sitting in a chair looking at a skater or surfboard magazine and he turned his head to the side and turned the magazine upside down like he was looking at a playboy centerfold. It made me smile and I said, "It must be good." Oh, so funny and then I tried to explain it reminded me of a centerfold the way he was holding the magazine and the look on his face. He was Korean and I talked about my piano teacher from Korea who I had who was the best one I ever had. She was very, very, good. Oh, and why am I adding this? just a few funny or amusing things today that tickled my funny bone and made me smile. This guy from Korea said he couldn't say which side he was from bc, you know, you never know, and politics and judgment, and then told me his name was "Chris" and I went back to this little table and kept watching this clip and then David and the woman came over.

I was like, "It's her! the woman mirrored this estevan image" so I was laughing. I have never seen this movie before. I saw Sweet Sixteen once but not this one. I have some catching up to do. So the next clip I got was this one:
which makes me think I would enjoy this movie and find it humorous at least.

At final last, listened to the theme song, the instrumental of St. Elmo's Fire.

I had a few impressions but someone was sending to me while I was watching some of this, for about the last half hour at least, and I could tell. I knew who was doing the sending too.

Just now, thinking up something new to type into search for youtube music and got, "abberation"

I don't know if it's abberation like heavy metal bc there's a band listed, or this abberation chromatique:

Then I looked up abberation as a death metal band and they're not bad but not my favorite style either.

Got the idea of "corinna, corinna" and chose Bob Dylan version:

1 comment:

SAMURAI said...

Do not trust the childish logic of a woman in this day she knowS not reason knows not suffering in a world where everything is handed to her truth is a game that she toys with she will never know god or ever know that he was the love of her life that though she dreamed of having did not know why she couldnt have... she will know before the end true lonliness