Saturday, June 12, 2010

photos of swollen legs and easier than normal bleeding

I don't know where the better photo went. I had one that showed better how much it was just running and dripping but then it was getting onto my other fingers. My nails are still warped in places on the nail part too, which happened when I was going through all of this. I am sure it affected the consistency of my blood when it was afffecting my heart and then my legs too.

This doesn't look like a big deal but it was strange only because it was a miniscule piece of skin or I pushed back part of the cuticle or something and then it bled brighter red than usual and then it just ran and ran and kept running without clotting, which is not normal for me. Something was causing my blood to be very thinned out, not clot, and be bright red.

You can't tell how it was before, but my leg went up 1/3 a size, and I wasn't doing anything different in my daily habits at all. So either it was technology like I said, and it affected my heart and body and circulation, or...there is no other explanation. I wasn't pregnant even though I was writing that I was, so someone thought this would be a good mask of symptoms for something else. If I had been pregnant like I claimed, people would say it was just a symptom of pregnancy. But I wasn't. I had been lying, and then someone amped up the technology and it drastically affected my heart, stomach cramps, and then it caused, as a result, dramatic swelling and reddening of my calves. I had taken off my sock, so you can see marks and its hard to see how bad the edema (swelling) was, but if you look at my ankle there, you cannot even see my ankle bones. Normally, my ankle bones protrude. Hospital records would show I was not any heavier in weight. There was so much swelling you couldn't see the bones of my ankle anymore, and I have very bony ankles. I'll have to take a photo of my ankles now for a comparison.

I think you can see comparisons on photos I've uploaded before, which includes my leg or ankle but I will try to put something up next to it to demonstrate how great the difference is between my normal legs and then not normal. It wasn't just one, it was both of them and my thighs hurt as well and my heart was having a lot of problems. A doctor or someone wrote in saying to have this checked out bc it could be the result of heart problems. Then, I had abnormal bleeding even though my periods quit during this time. So my periods quit which wasn't normal and I thought it strange that right around that time Dr. Freed brought up menopause. The bleeding without clotting I took photos of.

Everything quit when I moved.

During this time I was also being heavily surveilled and kept from getting any work on my case with my son done because of the constant trauma.

It was impossible that I was pregnant because I'd had sex with no one for over a year, and this is true to date. It was impossible. I lied, because I thought if I said I was pregnant, maybe someone would quit the harm and technology. I thought people would be kinder if I said I was pregnant. They weren't.

I am putting my photos here, of my legs when they were swelling up when I was living at the other apartment and I was talking about all the overheating and technology things that were happening there. Not only that, I was told I could have some of the food and drink and I believe there was something in the drink that wasn't normal, like a medication or drug because I was not myself and was sick after.

I had horrible pain and heart problems and the overheating and it was technology, not psychic stuff. I had a very small hangnail which would normally clot up like normal--be sort of dark or medium red blood and then clot up right away and my blood was coming out very fast, very thin, and very bright red, moreso than normal. The bleeding from small cuts was 5 times thinner and more fluid and it wouldn't clot.

Since this hasn't happened in awhile, everything is normal again and my legs have not swollen up. However, this was happening when I was claiming to be pregnant and people were using technology that would have not only affected me, but a fetus.

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