Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Possible Medication or Ex-Lax

I don't know when someone would have put this in my food or drink but I had stomach ache 2 days ago after drinking a couple of samples at a cafe. I didn't think about it. Then, today, I ordered at Sharis and then got sick to my stomache and ended up with horrible diarrhea.

Thanks for the colon cleansing, but I could have done without the rest.

I don't know if someone slipped me some ex-lax or lithium but also, in the last 2 days one of my eyes has been twitching all the time whichh is not normal for me and I am not taking hardly any Valium either.

When I left the place today, I saw the cook peek around to have a look at me. I don't know who did it, but someone did something. I just hope someone didn't sanction it bc there was an officer there this morning before I ordered anything, who came in and talked to some people but didn't sit down. Don't know what he was there for.

I have also had a lot of people asking me for a cigarette, I guess because they think I sttarted smoking again just because I made a creative portrait of myself flipping a guy off with one hand and then smoking with the other. But I haven't smoked a bit for 4-6 months.

Never going back.

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