Saturday, June 19, 2010

someone connected to old boyfriend against me

I am starting to think some of my problems have gone back aways.

I have had some indication of problem from a few people, here and there, regarding or referencing an old boyfriend I don't talk to anymore--Robin Bechtold.

Now, tonight, I have had people talking about Erik Lund and "Dana" and calling me "Dana" for, I guess, writing that quote from Eckhart Tolle, about the "child" which is something only a few people would know about. There is no way anyone in Wenatchee would care unless someone passed into on, purely to harass me.

Dana was the girlfriend of my ex went he went to college and her father worked for a law firm in California but I don't recall the name now. I know he dated her for 7 years and his best friend, Erik, who spent time in Norway, did NOT like me.

Maybe things have changed, but I would like to know who would try to get info all the way over here, to harass me about "DANA" of all things. That is completely not normal or even expected, and wouldn't be possible unless someone connected to him was really part of problems I've had. It seems strange. I had someone actually yelling this out at me.

I had a few people kind of harassing me more after what I wrote and then I had some friendly people around too. Some really sweet people.

I just cannot imagine who would spread instant information about me, right after I make a post today, this same day, and try to harass me with it unless they somehow were familiar with him, her, or someone very closely connected.

Now, I am wondering what some of these people and those in their circle are really up to. I haven't talked to my ex for a long time, not since he pretty much told me not to report on the FBI guys in Oregon, back in 2004. I remember a couple of other things but don't know. Obviously, SOMEONE connected to my Ex, is trying to stir up trouble and I guess if I'm getting it confirmed now it was probably going on in the past too. This is weird. Seriously strange.

I am putting some things together but there is a little more to do I think.

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