Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day & Coincidences & Dreams & Image

I don't remember any dreams. Oh, yes I do. It was actually a very dramatic one. It involved a large group of Russians, some American lawyers, and some gang members of various, I think, groups even. In this dream, they were all on my side.

This Russian group and an American group were negotiating for me to get excellent legal representation and have my son back. In the dream, someone had informed on enemies I had, which affected me and my son. It was a group of maybe 6-8 powerful Russians and this group of Americans, including lawyers, and they decided to get me out of the mess and help me with my son. Then I saw some other gang members leaving, and they were happy, and some of them had gone to others in my defense.

It was probably one of the best dreams I've ever had, and most political or complex in a way. But it was short. Like at a table, and a pow-wow of sorts. And then it was like I was going to be free and some of these even lower level gang members, different races, were very happy about it. I saw black, white, latino, and all, and when I woke up, they were walking away from the table, sort of toward me but their own direction, and it was like they had been the ones who actually got things going. Sort of the backbone to finding the right people who then had power to help.
Then, I woke up and this boy came into the room, who is about 2, and he got my laptop out and was looking into it and smiling like someone was on the other end. It was his reflection. I gave him a mirror but he wanted the laptop and then fell asleep on it. I took his head off of the laptop and grabbed my pillow to put under his head, and he didn't want it so it was to the side and what was funny or coincidental was that he then stuck his bum up in the air, sleeping on his tummy with legs tucked under him, and the pillow had pooh doing the exact same thing and they were side by side.

Then, he did a couple of other things which were sort of unusual. After his nap, at one point, I had been cleaning for his family all day, rearranging everything in the cupboards and cleaning from inside-out, and I walked into the kitchen and I'd put most everything away but he was holding this fan with peacock feathers and had found it in a box somewhere and kept opening it up and then he grabbed this turquoise flashlight that was somewhere else entirely, and handed it to me. I said thank you and put it on the counter. It was the only thing he handed me all day.

I ws thinking about the weird turquoise thing and actually, this other girl gave me a lot of drawings and stuff in pink,including a charm bracelet, and then I was cleaning the bathroom and dumped the toys out to clean them and this turquoise spoon somehow ended up hanging from the faucet, above all the other toys. Then a green-turquoise cup fell out when it was an accident and then I was draining the basket of toys and the same toy fell out again.

The weirdest stuff was with the 2 year old because you know he's too young to know what he's doing.
I cleaned today, not just for this family, but mainly, "as unto the Lord" and also had my own Dad in mind. I wasn't cleaning for him, but I was cleaning for God and for the kids and I also, in so doing, knew this is a respectable thing to do.

I cleaned all day without hardly eating. When I scrubbed the bathroom, I used two scrubs at the same time, one in each hand.

Today, I mainly cleaned with God and my Dad in mind and then the kids and their mom, how it helped her a little bit, but mainly I did it for God.

I think he gave me something yellow too. The little boy, but I don't remember what now. Between all the kids, I got something of almost every color.

I found a Snow-Cone Snoopy Slushy Maker and put it on the top of the shelves. I used to have one when I was a kid and thought it was cute.

I am better at professional organizing than actual cleaning. I did a ton of organizing first, which has always been my habit, but it takes a lot longer too.

But yes, what I did today, I hope somehow credits God and my Dad, as a father's day present.

I something sort of strange today though, which involved both someone middle eastern and then a couple of other guys who I knew were in ...Will make note of it later. I know there are some "parties" to what has happened to me, that most would not expect to work together, but I've had some weird things happen. I just hope it IS possible for something to turn around.

This guy came over who is psycho and who the police refused, so far, to file abuse charges against, and came over to me calling me a "slut". Said he wanted to return my "Queen Elizabeth" rose tag thing. I was trying to move away from him and he yells out, "Slut". Sure, I am (no!). But I had to ask associates if he was around me again what to do because it's the second time he's stalked me.
I forgot about one image I had last night before I was asleep. It was of a robot and had a hand or device that did some kind of scooping motion, I know it was some sort of mechanical device and I thought, robot of some kind. Mainly got an extension of some kind, with a long mechanical arm and then some sort of scoop, and I thought briefly it might be something to do with BP but wasn't sure.
When I was leaving the house, there was a lot of red stuff out, like a flower on the floor and stuff, so anyway, like I say, a little bit of everything.
Talked to someone this afternoon or early evening and showed him how I do my random Bible scripture thing. I didn't pray first, but got Isaiah 46:12: "Listen to me! you stubborn-hearted, who ARE far from my righteousness, I bring my righteousness near, it shall not be far off."

He asked if I read the Bible much and I said I do. Not a ton right now, in great expanses, but a little bit. It was a pleasant chat.

I just said a very short prayer and asked God to guide me and what I read today.

First thing that comes to mind, is to go to the Bible first. Again. I got the idea to ask for a verse for my enemies. So will see what I get. I am not putting all my stock in this randomness but I got 2 Kings Chapter 2 and 3. The page with the 2:18-3:13 but don't know which part. It does mention Elisha and the part where he is mocked for being bald--the one I mentioned the other day. --not very pleasant, but also a part about putting salt in water and healing. So that's cool.

Now I will ask for one for my friends, known and unknown: I got just something about sow for yourselves righteousness and reap in mercy. To seek the Lord.

I guess one for whomever I am intended for: oH, this is hilarious. My hand slipped a little bit. lol. I am jinxed! I must go onto my knees and pray harder!!! I got "For all tables are full of vomit and filth; no place is clean." Shit. He does something reeaaally shady with shady people or he's like Jesus or he's the beautiful, dirty, rich. Vomit. How disgusting. I am not THAT much of a cougar. It makes me think about someone in a frat. Or he's an older drunk. Or he's being held hostage or he's around a lot of sick people. Hmmm, next one! I didn't pray first and got something about Jesus. One more. Praying this time...I went to the restroom and prayed for something for whomever and I got the Lord's Prayer, directly landed on it. "Our Father in Heaven,..." Matthew 6:9 and one could read as far down as they like. It's a very good prayer and passage.

One for my son: I got a section of sort of geneology thing so I'm trying for another. I'm still going to look for one more because both the ones I got were about others being overtaken for not doing good, which could be like an avenge thing but nothing direct for my son. I'm in a very public place so I can't really do this the way I usually do. I might move. I moved and then did it the way I usually do and got I Corin. 9:22: "To the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some."

I guess I would take this to mean God cares about children, who are weak and he became even as a child, and refers to this when Christ says, "Unless you become as little children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven
This young woman walked by and as she passed I got the name "Tamara" as a friend of hers, and she said she knew one but the pronunciation was different. She said they were friends but Tamara lives in Wenatchee and she lives in E.Wenatchee. I said, "Was she a best friend?" and she said, "I was her best friend but she was just one of my friends--I only saw her through other friends." I didn't ask her name, but this is a high school girl who had brown-reddish hair that was curly, glasses, and slight build and is studying anime and Japanese cartoons and is going to Japan in a year and then to Oregon for college. I suppose if Tamara came up, maybe it was more about her, that she felt left out in some way or let down. I don't know. I have a feeling somehow, this Tamara will read this and know what it has to do with. If she has a year, I think this girl is to be a senior next year since school just got out. But someone who felt they were best friends until somewhat recently, came to mind. It was the only thing and the only name I got associated with her life.

She walked by again but I didn't ask her name bc I don't need it or want to use it here. She's in high school and enough detail will ensure her friend understands it, or whoever it was intended for, so there is no point. I feel I have enough credibility on this stuff, in general, to not worry.

For the longest time, I wasn't having weird ads with blogger, but all of a sudden, I am again. And I don't know why. I don't know why the start and stop.
Also, I had an impression of something after I first made this post and I think it's in reference to Will, my old friend, I think. I am on his side. I also know that after I wrote this, I started having the overheating of my laptop again. So I think there is trouble brewing or something some group wants to kick up out of fear that anything good could come to pass with me and my son.
I'm going to pray over this book of hours and see what I get at random for this day:

Before even starting prayer I got the word "defeatist"...for someone good to not be a defeatist.

I prayed first and then turned the book over many times and asked for something that applied to me or would speak to me. I got page 1544, at "At first she sought but did not find, but when she persevered it happened that she found what she was looking for." It's from July 22 Mary Magdalene Memorial.

I will pray for one for my son, a passage. I got page 869, Tuesday, Week II, and a hymn about sons and then it goes to the next page about blessed are the meek, from Matthew, and the lot of the wicked and the good.

I just read a little bit because there is a lot for the whole day there. All good.
Going now to "The Blood of Lambs" to pray and see if in this random book which I've not even opened, there is something to post from it. I feel, this must be for someone else, because I have no idea why I ended up with this book. I opened up to something very strange. Page 150:

"What do you want?" Marwan asked curtly through a round vent.
I held up a Kurdish hijab and a lock of auburn hair. "I have a message from your wife."

Then it goes to a blackmail situation and then explosions. I will go to one more part. I opened up to "Colorado Springs--2008" pg. 255.
Going to Angels A to Z for angel for my intended and then my son, for fun.

1. Well, I need to pray first I guess. I didn't pray and I got Satan. Between that and a Honeymoon in Hell, I think I'll pass on this dude who is around vomit on tables. Laughing out loud in public.

My second try, after a hearty laugh and prayer, I got Angels of Mons. Have no clue...Reading ...It's about some very widely reported seeing of hosts of angels, which even "enemy" forces saw, and they didn't know what it was. Some thought it was St. George. Some thought it was Michael the archangel, this book says and many saw a host of angels that were like phantoms armed with bows. It was a force they say aided the British in 1914, and are known as the bowmen.

For my son, I prayed and got, from page. 111, "The Four Angels".
From "The Kabbalah Code", will turn to random and see what I get. I turned directly to 159 which starts out: "What in the world just happened back there?" I asked Phil as we left Notre-Dame Cathedral.

I'd just finished telling him about the statue of St. George and the strange energy I'd felt, concluding the story with what the nun said to me on the way out of the cathedral. It was as if she were tottally aware of what occured in a part of the church she couldn't see.
"Tell me more about the pain you felt, " Phil replied. "You mentioned that you felt it the moment you thought of St. George slaying the dragon."
"Yes, I was thinking about how St. George slew the dragon in the myth, and then I thought about Archangel Michael--a very simliar story except that Michael slew Satan, the devil. That's when it hit me."

(UMMM, quick break. I had not even OPENED up this book at ALL and the strange coincidence is that I got this page when I just got the Angel of Mons and stuff about St. George. So weird coincidence. I didn't plan it at all and I wouldn't have expected a book on Kabbalah to talk about St. George.)

"That's when what hit you? Was there anythign else you saw or felt immediately before the pain started? Did you hear anything?"
"What was strange was the fact that I didn't see or hear anything. I know that sounds bizarre, but at this point, the bizarre is normal; it seems odd when unusual things don't happen. As soon as I thought the word devil and felt the jolt to my heart, I expected

(OH, looking at the insert pages more closely..this is a work of fiction BASED on kabbalah stuff..still, strange...going on to finish writing the first part)

...that I'd come into contact with some angry spirit that was trapped in that altar. when I realized I hadn't, it made me wonder about the whole thing...except that there was no way I made up the pain."
We walked awy from the busy square down a street lined with stores and restaurants catering to the millions of tourists who visit every year. The light drizzle we battled mos of the day stopped for a short period, and Phil took out his notebook and jotted down a few thoughts as we walked.
"I wish I could tell you what happened in there," he said. "The fact is that unless you can tell me more of what you were thinking or feeling, I can't figure this out any easier than you can. I do know that the parallels between St. George and Michael the Archangel are very strong. Much of what we know of St. George comes to us fro mthe Golden Legend, which was brought to us from the Holy Land by means of the Crusades."
"Are you making a connection here with the Templars?"

(and then it goes on. The strangest part is just the coincidence).
Going now to the one I got "Complete Idiot's Guide to The Gnostic Gospels" turn at random. I got page 114 and landed on "signposts". Nothing of note except maybe the title.
Now going to "The Atlas of Lost Cults...

I landed on "The lineage of the Dalai Lama" and just read his name means "Ocean of Wisdom." Page. 128.

Page 84, got The Cult of Horus and "The Eye of Horus" which is interesting. Actually, this looks like an interesting book and I've not opened it until today. Going to randomly look up 1 more.

page. 20 from Rites of Dionysus.

I said 1 more but forgot and thought I was doing one after that. I forgot so who cares. I got

4. Rosicrucianism and Christian Rosenkruez (doctrine oF The Rosy Cross, Cross and the Rose...never heard of it) I guess it has something to do with freemasonry and that one book I found one day too I think, about the chymical wedding.

Ending with something from the OT, which happened to be I Sam 12:8 and on about God being THE king and obeying him in all things, regardless of position or appointments.
From the NT, I just got Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

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