Monday, June 21, 2010

This Morning & Vibe

The vibe, this early morning, was not good. I wondered why my son was sad or someone was sad, but I felt it. Then I had a very good visit with my son and after he left, the horrible sad vibe again. But sad doesn't mean bad, it might mean I'm not close enough to someone who is close whose energy I pick up on. I think it is possible that when I sense the sad energy, it is my son and something he is feeling or something someone else is feeling that's sad. Or, it could be because something isn't good or right. I don't know. I always think about my son.

It lasted as long as I was in the state offices, without my son, and then the furher away I walked, the better it was. I felt

Then the first song that came to mind was "Mr. Tambourine Man."

I was really happy about one thing...

My son LOVED his necklace. LOVED it. I was so happy because HE was SO happy about it. It really meant a lot to him.

However, I have to get him one with an "M" as soon as possible because he told the lady at the counter, "Look! A "W" for Mama!" I don't want kids to make fun. He sees it as an "M" too, and said this and showed it to the monitor and went on and on about it. Isaid to him, "well, this way it's a double-you but the way you look at it it's an "M", see?" and I said, "W could be for a word like "wonderful" or "wonderwoman" and "M" is for Mama.

He was so happy about it and had them hugging together. He said, "The mama is giving lots of kisses to Oliver and lots of hugs." and he said they matched and was really happy about everything. He was so thoroughly and deeply happy about it, it really had a symbolic meaning for him. At 4! I was suprised at how much he liked it.

He showed everyone, and then I later thought, it's a figure of a girl and he might get made fun of...maybe okay for age 4 but not kindergarten. Kids can be really mean about things.

I noticed someone at some point, had taken the necklace and clamped the part together where it fastens so I had to fix it and there was a mark where this happened. Also, I am thinking, I might need to get him a longer chain because he may need to have it slip off over his head if he's playing and gets stuck. So I might ask that he is supervised while wearing it until I get him a different chain.

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