Friday, June 11, 2010

State Cooperation With Abuse Of My Son

Today in my visit with my son, after I had seen the pony book that someone perched carefully on top of the bookshelf, my son was saying things he sounded coached to say.

At one point, he looked in the direction of the pony book and said, "Where's the horn?" but the book had fallen down and was not there. Someone had coached him to look there and say this and yet the book was not there so he said this when there was no pony to refer to a unicorn horn over.

He was also coached to bring up flavors of cotton candy and pina colada, and I had brought this up the day before, in a supposedly "private" meeting with one of Women's Abuse counselors. Either she told people about it and someone then tried to brainwash my son, or it was heard by others becausse there is illegal surveillance connected to my handbag.

So, not only were people in the state offices for CPS setting things up to coordinate with brainwashing of my son, but the women who are supposed to be helping other women who have been abused, were spreading confidential information around and to use with my son to harm him and get to me.

These are STATE workers who are corrupt. CORRUPT and threatening and intimidating ME, my family members, and USING my son. They are not just state workers who are allowing this, but military.

This would not be possible without coordination from various parties. It is child abuse and it is being done by those who supposedly protect children. THEY are the abusers.

My son has come into these visits, time and time again, clearly coached by others and some weeks better than others and it has nothing to do with my family but what kind of game these state "authorities" play to keep people under their thumb and intimidated.

What was so unfortunate, was how I both photographed the pony book on top of the blocks and then my son was acting out his coaching when it wasn't there anymore because I had knocked it down and it fell when I began taking photos. I didn't touch it. It fell all on its own.

What has been going on with my son is not "magic" or something cool. It is abuse of my son by persons who have gone to great lengths to do these things while making sure I am blocked from audio recording or taking photos to document this harassment.

There is a lot more I can share.

But with the jelly bellies, I told this counselor woman that my last lawyer, Justin Titus kept saying he couldn't do anything on my case, not even one motion for 7 months until the very last month he claimed I hadn't given him what he needed when I had already given him materials he could have used. I told this woman, "He was telling me, when he had 100 jelly beans, that he still needed 2 more--the cotton candy and pina colado one."

Everything I shared with this woman went out to people who work at CPS and those who have had access to my son. Today I showed up and she was just mocking me. She had a book sitting out about, I would have to look up what I wrote down again but something "Nothing--An American Traitor" and she didn't want to own up to being the one who left it out. I've had all this harassment about "Queen of Nothing" and just mockery ever since I blogged about rapping on the board a long time ago, one day for good luck.

Just slime. Seriously, today I saw so much slime it was disgusting.

These people should not, and would not even care, about the outcome of this case with my son if it were not for others doing everything in their power to harass me and my son, make me look and sound nuts, and just keep me down.

Someone also coached my son to say some things which were not things he would say or any of the Avilas would tell him to say.

He was tired and said he hadn't slept well.

His speech is better because it is clear my cousin is spending time with him, interacting in speech. He still has problems though and of course, the state, in collusion with the medical professionals here, they have not done anything except block him from getting objective medical care.

Today I talked to a psychiatrist about paying for my own independent evaluation to counter all this BS.
The state, the women's shelter people, the police, and the medical professionals here are all in on things. These people are all related. They're intermarried and related and then they have others from out of area, pooling in a lot of money to generate harassment of me and my son and keep it going. A LOT of money.

How this is even possible, in the U.S., when I have been so vocal about this, is beyond me. I told someone and have said before, "When you have this kind of thing going on, you wonder what America is about and it just gives other country's excuses to invade and justifies their belief that there is no justice or morality, even for its own citizens that try so hard and have done nothing wrong."

My son was ILLEGALLY taken from me in my own country. My son was kidnapped and I have been held hostage in non-traditional ways. This is in the United States of America.

Having some guy who has a similiar sad story sit next to me after my visits, does not "inspire" me to be a lawyer and take what is happening to me and then go on to other things.

No one is going to be shaping a public defender or military co-operative or anything, out of this. You're getting a pissed off creative writer who will publish in another country after suing people locally. It does not benefit people to do this to me or my son.

I was blogging this post and two guys came in, one with a t-shirt on with a saying to "Take Life With A Grain Of Salt". He had his back to me so I would see it. All day today in the visit my son was saying things about "It needs salt" and "We're out of salt" and things about salt over and over. Then this guy comes in now and just stands there where he knew I could see him. I asked where he was from and he said East Wenatchee. He said he works for Stemilt and his name is Ben. Thick glasses. The other guy with him told me he worked for the Nickel Ads. It wouldn't be a big deal if my son's information was not leaked to everyone in the entire community and if he were not targeted for this and then the mockery paraded around me.

The night before the visit with my son, I got a ride from a guy who worked at a car dealership. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants and seemed very nonchalant and happy-go-lucky. He sort of approached ME as I was walking away. So he came over and I said I was looking for this guy I knew who went to a church of my friend's, who could give me a ride home. So this other guy offered and he worked at the dealership and I thought it would be fine. He took me into his office and I sat down at his desk where he had this license plate with 1111 just covering two of the 1's. As I was standing there in his office, he stood up and had his hand in his coat pocket and used something on me that affected my heart. It was something that only affected my heart and it actually made me momentarily dizzy and I almost passed out but it was extremely brief.

I thought, "Oh my gosh. This guy just used something against me." But then he was all cheery and he looks totally normal and clean cut and I thought he was Mormon. He said, "Yeah, the outfit huh!" After he used some kind of military or technology thing against me, I couldn't really believe it and tried to dismiss it. Then I said, "You know what I get about you? that you're so very happy go lucky and cheery but you have a very dark side that most people would never guess is there, which is why you would be so good at doing things that are not very good and you'd get away with it." So he told me he used to be around horses when he was a kid, in Vancouver, Canada. So I didn't trust what he had done to me because I was sort of in a state of disbelief and also it was more mild but still I noticed. He showed me a black truck with the model "Avalanche" and I got in and there was this white cup sitting there. I was hoping it didn't mean anything. I looked in the back and it was framed photos of horses with a little boy standing there. Then he told me he had been in the military. He seemed distracted somehow. I don't know why but some underlying anger maybe or something else. I do not know. I had told him I used to go hiking in Northrup Canyon with my family. He said something about a trail from one end to the other, U.S. to Canada and I said, joking, "Hey! maybe my Dad was doing drops!" and I was totally kidding but he just looked serious. I said he seemed so smart for working at a car place. Then he told me he had been in the military, maybe when I asked, and he said he worked with chemicals. He said he specialized in chemical decontamination. Said he was Catholic and non-practicing. That wasn't a big deal, I wondered more about how he said he'd been in the Army. And then he was talking about Winthrop or Northrup Canyon or something.

I really think he did something with the taser or something and then he offered me a gumball. If he didn't, someone did from a distance and it only affected my heart and made me sort of dizzy. But very mild and there were windows all around. I don't know. It was weird.

I told this housemate and then at the next visit, the next morning, there is this pony book on top of all the grey blocks, 4 of them stacked together. My son had been given "The Last Unicorn" the visit before but then there was this pony book and then my son is saying, when I had already knocked it down and he never even saw the book at ALL, he was pointing at the blocks and saying "Where's the horn?" and said he saw the horse or something but where was the horn.

I took a photo of the guy with the t-shirt about salt. My son kept bringing up salt today which is not typical for him and he is not fascinated with or by "salt".

I sometimes wonder if my uncle is doing things to keep my son from me too. I know someone told me he and my cousin Nessie wanted Oliver and were doing what they could to trash me.

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