Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This Morning & Random

I can't think of any dreams. I'm sure I had some but was tired.

This morning I was going to clean, but there is a hearing tomorrow so this was first priority, to make some calls. Planning to clean later tonight.

After I made many calls, I went to the bookstore to de-stress. Read more about the Suicide Terrorist Rat fire story but I couldn't find exactly what day or night they think this occured. I just read about the conclusion of the investigation.

The ventiliation is still malfunctioned here. I thought that was sort of strange bc the other night, on Sunday, everything was off and not working and then I sat at this table at a different chair and was facing the vent and looking at it and it turned on

I didn't "will" it to turn on. It just did. It only did after I was sitting in this chair that faced it and then I was looking at it and wondering if anyone could ever hide a hidden camera in a vent. Then it turned on and there was cool air coming from it. I was sitting there flipping through a cliff notes on George Orwell's Animal Farm.

So I thought they'd fixed it. It was working for a half hour until closing on Sunday night and then the next morning I went in and it was hot again and I said, "What happened to the ventiliation? I thought it was fixed?" and they said they guy wasn't coming until later this week.

So now it's still not working and it's Tuesday. I'm sitting at the desk but not facing.

I feel like it has to be a joke. Sunday night I face the vents and they, or at least one of them, begins to work and then yesterday this one car wouldn't even turn over and then I walked over and it started and was running so I walked away and then it died.

I just asked about the vents with air and they said they can blow air but it's hot bc A/C is out. However, I know for a fact it was cool air. I was a few feet away. It doesn't matter though, I think it's no big deal. The car sort of was, but not really either.
I grabbed some books at random today, from different sections, like history section and parenting and other sections and didn't look at what I grabbed, just did it random.

I ended up with, first, from History section,
1. Halsey's Typhoon, by Bob Drugry and Tom Clavin. It's a survival story from WWII and involves an epic storm. The cover reminded me of the cover from "Endurance".
2. The Six Unsolved Ciphers (have no clue what it's about yet) by Richard Belfield.
3. Values from the Heartland by Youngs (with a bunch of strands of wheat on cover)
4. 2006 Sun Sign Book
5. Idiot's Guide to Early Christianity
6. Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work (1996)
7. Bible of course (not random selection here)
8. The Vatican (DK book)
9. The Evolution of God
10. How to be Famous (smirked to see I got that one. by Heidi Montag & Spencer)
11. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
12. Caring for your School-age Child (age 5-12) from ACP.
and then this one caught my eye so I did choose this one, seeing it and not random
13. New Spiritual Architecture by Phyllis Richardson.
I don't feel, really, any of these are things I would just pick out, Oh, and I did choose the children's book myself, not random, bc I randomly got one for toddlers up to age 3 and that made me think of purposefully selecting one for my son closer to his age and ongoing development and things to look ahead for.

Just going through all things at random as usual, with a prayer first. I got the Rider cards too and will at one or two things, after Bible first.

1. Bible: Jeremiah 6:23-28. Also, John 9:1-25 (opening eyes of the blind)
2. Cards. haha. I shuffled really well and thought I would see what the top card was to see what was intended for me today or tomorrow for this hearing or something that is going on in my life. I didn't get a normal card. It was one which you remove first. It is the brand card, and is titled "U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC." and has manufacturer stuff on it. I suppose that might mean I'm still in the middle of a lot of gaming with different groups. I asked for what was on the surface and then decided I would choose what is on the bottom for what is below or hidden beneath. Which is...hahaa. Well, truth be told. The gaming is to keep me homeless? I got 5 pentacles with one person on crutches and two haggard people walking through the snow past a stained glass window. How apt. I will give thanks to God that I now have a lawyer who is trying to help me with the housing discrimination. Okay, one card for my "near future" and distant future (doesn't really mean anything...I give more credence to Bible findings I get). For my near future card I got "The Chariot" and for distant future "Ace of Swords".

Oh! and my cool coincidence of the day, is that I saw this one man who said he would pray for me that my eyes were opened and I said I had been praying for more discernment for myself. Then, he was here again, only 2nd time I've seen him and then I went to my table and did the random thing and that second passage is about the blind man whose eyes are opened. So I went back and told him and he thought it was interesting too.

Looking up stuff on the chariot now bc I forget what it's about, and ace of swords. i've gotten this ace of swords a few times for myself but don't remember what it's for. I just looked up wiki defs for them.

Okay, now I'm going to do one for maybe my future partner, same thing I just did for myself in the same manner but I have a feeling it might be muddled this time, possibly...if anyone works against me. Will pray again and maybe go to Bible again once first: I got Psalm 148. It is all about praising God.

I got, for the top card, for current day or tomorrow or what is going on now, the 5 of cups with a man in black cloak, downcast or reflective towards the river, 3 cups spilled over and 2 upright. Not sure the meaning of this card. For beneath, at bottom of deck, what is beneath this, is "The World".

Oh DEAAAAR God! I KNEW someone would try to tamper! I pulled out a card for near future and got for him, 2 of pentacles and then for distant future...just GUESS. The Devil. With his little "hello" wave of the hand.

Oh, I am laughing so hard. Anyway, from what I hear, this card supposedly represents something different from the usual or expected, or what one might first think, so who knows.

Well, I did one more thing. And then that's all, and all for fun and with a grain of salt. I asked about how we would be together, and 4 questions: how will our relationship be with eachother? 2. what will do for the world or relationship with it, 3. what will we do for God and how will God feel about our partnership, and 4. will we have children.

I shuffled and didn't pull from the top but random in the center and throughout.
1. Death. I got the death card so I am hoping it means rebirth or new beginnings of some kind, because the rest is fairly positive.
2. 4 of Pentacles. This was the one I got for world and it looks like the stingy card to me but I'm not that way so maybe it's being thrifty or in the sense of the bad aspects of "the world" we hold onto what is dear to protect it from being taken.
3. Ten of Cups. This is the one where the cups are in a rainbow and the kids are dancing and hands raised by the couple. This was what I got with would God be happy with what we do.
4. 5 of wands. For children, a fight or struggle of some kind and then according to some interps, an eventual success.
Okay, now onto other readings.

I have to recharge my computer batteries right now.
1. The 6 Unsolved Ciphers: pg. 205,
"The Seventh Variation," Tryote, is Arthur Troyte Griffith, a local architect and largely failed pianist, who believed his variation depicted a time when he and Elgar were caught in a thunderstorm. Sadly for him, it was much less fun:
The uncouth rhythm of the drums and lower strings was really suggested by some maladroit essays to play the pianoforte; later the strong rhythm suggests the attempts of the instructor to make something like order out of chaos, and the final despairing "slam" records that the effort proved to be in vain."

Cool. It's from Ch. 6, about a major composer, Sir Edward Elgar, who was very interested in codes, ciphers, and puzzles and applied them to music.

The 7th Variation refers to one of several variations from his "Enigma Variations" which was first played at St. James' Hall in London on June 19, 1899.

(there is someone here so I'm praying in my mind first and then just flipping open.)

2. From "Evolution of God". page 316. "Indeed, seeing how Jesus could solve his problems with sin may have been Paul's defining intellectual epiphany--the thing that turned him into a zealous organizer of the early church."

3. On Children's Pediatric, I got pg. 610, on treating injuries. How to on all the common things which can occur to any child. Landed on fingertip injuries, which my son has already sustained and then below was a section on teeth which I also think about in relation to him.

4. How to be Famous. Not a book I would choose, but I went to humor section and got this. Opened up to a PDA page, not my thing. The opposite page is 55 and says "Go to Them!" (to the paparazzi)...they are your friends it says.

5. The Celestine Prophecy. Pg. 124. Got "I know the woman," he said, "That's Julia. It's all right. Let's talk with them." ...then I read on and for reason instead of going to next book, turned the page and got some things which were underlined. The first underlined part says: "...how a control drama interferes," he said. "You were so aloof you didn't allow an important coincidence to take place." (It's from the Ch. Clearing The Past).

6. For the Spiritual Architecture, I opened up to an Islamic temple in Dublin, Ireland. Very pretty. By Michael Collins, 1996.

7. The Vatican. I opened up to page 83, onto an Architecture section and the part I read first was "A Crest On The Colonnade". "The crest of Pope Alexander VII, who commissioned Bernini's colonnade, consists of his family coat of arms, that of the Chigi of Siena, capped with the papal tiara and keys. It's from St. Peter's basillica.

8. For Sun Signs, pg. 223 on Sagittarius/August. Planetary Hotspots: "Energy floods your world and your system as Mars interacts with Uranus on August 13 and Pluto on August 29. (I don't know anyone who is Sag. besides an ex-boyfriend).

9. Halsey's Typhoon, pg. ? Got a photo 2 pages before pg. 169. It's of a lot of young boys and teenage boys. It says "The survivors of the storm saved by Captain Plage and his crew, on the Tabberer as the destroyer escort heads to Ulithi. (Courtesy of Pat Douhan). Everything is centered around a steering wheel of the ship.

10. Early Christianity, pg. 149, I got "Apostolic Succession" and a paragraph about the origins of the idea

11. Values from the Heartland, pg. 135. "Ollie the Crabbie." It begins, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine! You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear,..."

We were two little girls in the back of a brand new 1952 royal blue Ford pickup truck with our parents, then two young lovers, in the front seat. Radio blaring, my father, a young man just back fromtwo terms of active duty in a long and brutal war now proclaimed over, was singing at the top of his lungs, "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

12. Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work. Turned to p. 251, A Little Courage Goes A Long Way. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." --Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"It was 1986." Then it goes on to tell the story of a woman who created the "powerlunch" by yelling at the top of her lungs in Washington D.C., between Connecticut and K.
I then posed some questions to God, yes, the same Christian trinity I believe in with my heart...I do not imbue any card stuff with more importance than random passages but ideas for me to think about. That is, at least, my intent.

I asked first,
1. What do you see in my heart?
2. What are you happy about with me, God?
3. What can I work on?
4. How do you feel about me God--in your eyes, today?

I got a weird grouping. Which is why I like this in the sense that it helps me to examine my own heart and conscience, done this way...
1. Hanged man, reversed (for 1st question). I didn't reverse any cards so it was random to come up this way. Oh, and when I did the deck first, a star popped up, and this card is constantly popping up when I shuffle. It's the only one, on repeat while shuffling. But I think of it as not good, sort of not sacricial, but when next to the other cards, it doesn't have a bad meaning because the other answers would be very positive so this would have to be some kind of positive "aspect" to a reversal but I don't know what.
2. King of Swords. This one I asked what are you happiest about with me God? and this one, I looked up, represents a very fair and impartial judge, who tries to do what is good in the best interests of all, in general and in important matters. It is of sound reason, so I felt this is right in the sense that I do try very hard and I would imagine maybe God is sometimes happy about that.
3. 6 of Swords. For what can I work on? I got this card that is very special to me but I don't know why, it just makes me think bc it's a photo of a mother with her child in a boat, on a voyage. The swords pierce the front of the boat, but there is a page rowing on still.
4. 9 of Cups. This was for "how do you feel about me today?" and it's this man with a smug, I thought, look of satisfaction, but then if I were to think of God, I would think, proud. Proud of me. I read it is called a "wish" card. That one may make a wish and have it come true but I take that as fanciful.
I did the same for whoever my partner in future is, with the same questions and got:
1. The Magician
2. Page of Cups
3. The Sun
4. 5 of Swords reversed.

1. For what do you see in his heart? the aspects of the magician. (a lot of natural talent? ambition? deep spirituality?)
2. For what God may be happy about--aspects of the page of cups (this is said to reprsent sometimes a child or someone who is psychic and enjoys life and its wonders--ability to appreciate)
3. For what to work on--something to do with the sun or aspects thereof (maybe staying positive?)
4. For how God feels about him, today, aspects of the 5 of swords reversed. (need to change or a good change made? with regard to a challenge of some kind? personal or other...)

But I would have to look all those things up and don't have time.

Ended with Proverbs 25.

Oh, the other thing I noticed was that one turned up, after I grabbed the ones for this person, and it was of the woman and child in the boat again. I got this one right after asking how long it would be until we were together or timing and I grabbed one card and it was the 7 of Wands, after I accidentally got the woman and child in the boat again, after his cards. The 7 of wands represents 'lord of valour' and competition and struggle. So maybe not for awhile I would guess. 7 years? Hope not. It's supposed to indicate success is possible with hard work. It is a card of work and strength I think. Of determination, even when alone, to do what must be done.
I asked who the enemy is and got something strange again.

I think, really, I will leave my questions to prayer and not to cards. It's too easy to be tricked by cards or have other influences interfered I think. I don't think it's bad, if done in a certain attitude or spirit, but I can trust what I intuit from prayer more than the other stuff. I think right now, though, I am getting a lot of pattern about that woman and child in the boat, and the U.S. game system thing. I asked who was working against things, and there was something maybe good or possibly not good but an individual and then a suit and then I got that game card again right before the child and woman in the boat again. Right after this, then came the queen of cups reversed which might be an untrutworthy woman but don't know who and then someone hammering away at something.
It's interesting and does give me, on an innocent level, things to ponder and think about but on the other hand, I think it is easy to get things mixed up too.

I got the woman and child in the boat 3 times in only a couple of shuffles. 3-4 times if I include one that popped up. And sort of weird I got U.S. game systems surrounding that same card, of the woman and child. I DON'T think it's just U.S. anymore, for me, but considering simply the court stuff, and trying to get my son back, it would make some sense.

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