Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No, Not All True Eavesdroppers

I can't do a thing without being overheard and I already know it. So no, don't believe everything I said while accepting dinner from someone.

I also said I couldn't "read" him and he was difficult and he said that was true but one thing I noticed was that I don't think he genuinely likes me. Maybe he appreciates my sense of humor and I gave some stories (not entirely true), bc I knew people would hear, but then I saw these dark looks.

That's where cards are confusing though bc I got back and what I got was that on the surface he's like the high priestess but beneath 4 of coins. However, it was strange because he is somehow connected to important or powerful people. If I look at the cards it's of someone with an idylic childhood in many ways, blessed, then juggling matters about relationships and then death literally or to a relationship, and sorrow, and then money (I think) and a new woman in either a relationship or as a boss of some kind or someone who is influential in a powerful way, at least in this life and then a contest of wands.

That's if I look at what I drew. I get a lot of concealment. And then, a story of love, loss, and then money and new contest.
In a row, left to right:
10 of cups, 2 of coins, the lovers, death, 5 of cups, ace of coins, the empress, 5 of wands.
If I said, what does he think of me or see in me? I get, or got, first,
The Ace of Pentacles. I just read it has something to do with rings sometimes, and weddings and material projects of some sort. Financial prosperity possibly. don't know if this is something he would see, as positive with me, or if this is a real threat in some way to something or someone.
6 of Coins next, holding a balance and giving alms to the poor.
The Empress again. Then a jealous looking man with 9 wands and a scarf around his head but don't know meaning. Guarding I think, with dislike of someone or something. Beneath the Ace of Pentacles, 2 of swords with a a kind of blind justice, then next to her the man working with the stakes, wands of 7, and next to him King of Swords and then the 5 of wands conest. Lots of struggle, money, and contrast of luxury vs the poor and balance of power. Then, underlying this, a man who cannot sleep at night, 9 of swords. All of the cups are absent, so either a view that is non-emotional or that believes I am. 3 cards with wands, 3 with swords, 2 with coins and one empress. female version of empressario came to mind--maybe a businesswoman.

Other question. Does he like me as a person or am a conquest?
first card 7 of wands and next, Ace of Pentacles again.
He did ask me about marriage a lot, how many times it was a possibility and what if I had married, did I think I'd have my son now, and etc.
I grabbed more, out of curiosity. Page of coins, 8 of coins, 8 of wands, knight of wands, queen of wands, 3 of swords...and then I stopped. Still no cups. Then I found the Ace of Cups card and looked at it. I found it next,but not trying to "get anything" or doing it random. I realized there is a "W" on the cup. I wonder what that stands for.
I asked what my heart really is and what people thought who knew me I got:
8 of wands (news traveling fast), Queen of cups (maybe in the past?) then page of coins and then knight of coins (maybe financial loss or taking away of?) and then someone trying to stake things down (7 of wands), then the woman and child in the boat (6 of swords) and then ace of cups (next to woman and child, next to my son, this would be true for me. My heart is devoted and I am a very good mother). Then I asked God what he thoguht and got 4 of swords (more of a spiritual thing--a man lying down with hands in prayer and that part shaded like past and present or something? don't get it, and then 10 of cups.

Well, maybe now I can think the "W" on my son's necklace is a symbol of my undivided love for my son. I was trying to look it up and I think it means water. On the day I gave this to my son, he made a big deal about getting me wet over and over again, with water. That would be a cool way to think of things. I wonder if it stands for wisdom though? I don't know.

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