Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Investment Place Won't Allow Use of Bathroom--Breach of Good Samaritan Rule

The day started out just great. Some bitch in a tiny little "investment" office that was about the size of Abe Lincoln's cabin in the woods, refused her bathroom. I really, really, had to go.

That's like a breach of the Good Samaritan law. I don't care what business you own, you don't fucking refuse BATHROOM services to someone anymore than you fucking offer someone, no matter who they are, a cup of water.

Then her pen in the little triangle thing wouldn't work and I handed it to her telling her she needed a replacement. Then I saw, or thought I saw a garbage and tried to toss my bottle in but it flew out into the middle instead and I said, before I tried to throw it away (with the lid ON) "I'm sure you have a public garbage."

THe first thing I did was have to run to the state offices and pee. This guy named "Sunny" could confirm it.

1 comment:

  1. Good Samaritan laws are laws or acts protecting those who choose to serve and tend to others who are injured or ill.
    Doesn't sound like you were injured or ill so it wasn't a breach of any Good Samaritan law.
    A business has the right to refuse to let you (or anyone else) use the bathroom.
