Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wrong Information From State?

I tried yesterday, to find out what the hearing is about today.

If it's a "settlement conference" I have to be there or I defaul and lose rights to my son.

I was told, by Michelle Erickson,that it's a hearing to request release of medical records.


I thought this was very strange, as they have already received a "blanket" release, from the Judge, to obtain any and all of my records at any time.

When they want something, they have used this, and then when I've tried to ask them to get something that helps my case, they refuse to get the records and tell me to get them myself.

So now, they are supposedly requesting records?

I have no new medical records that they don't have a release for, except for 2 visits with a counselor that I talked to for one hour each time and she said she never takes notes. That was at the women's counseling center. And that's not really medical but I guess "mental health" and I cannot see how this would be helpful when they don't take notes at all.

So I actually called over to the Douglas County Superior Court and asked a clerk to check and see what was on the docket. A hearing just for a records release?

So, what happened? they did it WRONG the first time, by obtaining a carte blanche check for obtaining all my records whenever and where-ever they want?

When I called the court I was told the only thing on the docket at all, is a motion for release of some records, which pretty much says to me they were wrong to give the carte blanche check to begin with. If they now have to ask for specific records, then what they've been doing all along is wrong and has been improper.

I called out of the county to other public defenders offices yesterday, to request a public defender from out of the area.

I told them the first thing I had done in this case, was ask for Change of Venue because I knew there was TOO MUCH PREJUDICE here for me to get a fair hearing or any fair and unbiased public defender.

My point has been proven.

I am accused of "not liking" the lawyers when every one that I've had, have been prejudiced against me and had an immediate and serious conflict of interest.


Also, I noticed that after I went to the Woman's Resource Center to try to report abuse and get restraining orders filled out, all of a sudden, CPS decided they wanted to make ME look WORSE, and one guard told me they started asking their guards to "be present" more when it's not even necessary to begin with and I've never had an issue here and the one guard knows this. I asked him if I would be able to have him testify to the truth in court, under oath, because he knows. The OTHER one I don't trust at all, because he's approached me, scared, when he's thought I had info on him and then he's the same one who was telling me he was sorry my eggs had dried up when he knew I was looking into fertiility clinics to maybe do egg donation or when I was basically having problems at the one house I stayed at, with Steve May as the landlord. I asked that this guard not be here anymore and they started using a new one, who I haven't had problems with, directly, and then they went back to this other guy.

Pretty much, the more I start pulling out shit about what the police and others are doing here in town, the more they try to make it "appear" as though I am doing something wrong or that there is something wrong with me.

I also had a few people tell me there are "photos" out about me but I highly doubt it's me, if they are bad at all, and I haven't even gone to the site to look. If it IS me, it is either stuff I already know about or some public photo of something dumb like me picking my nose or who knows what and I really don't care about anything like that. Then I had someone say I was "on video" for theft and that's bs too and either isn't me, or was one of a few times that I forgot about something and accidentally walked out and then went back and returned it or paid for it and called to let them know about my mistake too. I did this with library books once I think and had to call to let them know and they said no problem, and maybe one or two things, bc of just forgetfulness from stress, but I always went back and either paid or returned and not once have I ever "stolen" anything.

BUT I think there is a LOT more bs going around about me, to smear my reputation. To have someone call me a "slut" or claim I've slept with a lot of people or say someone said this, is bs. I am not the type, and there have been a few times, I know I had someone taking advantage of a situation, but no, I'm not that way. I haven't been with anyone for over a year in that way.

I think people are just trying to make me look worse, and trying to find more excuses to cover their asses, now that they know I'm getting records on everything about people and making reports about stuff.

Today my visit with my son went really well, but I had to overcome some obstacles bc I could tell my son hadn't been happy or had a good time yesterday, with whomever he was around. He had bruising and scratching and someone actually told him to say, "I won't SUE anyone." My son doesn't know what the hell "suing is". So some assholes were doing this around him, and then yesterday I had some younger men sayig to me, over and over, "I'm stuck, I'm stuck" and then my son kept saying to me today, "I'm stuck, I'm stuck" and I didn't know what he was talking about. I was like, stuck in what way? And for others to be saying this shit and then my son repeating it makes it clear to me that someone was abusive to my son and I already KNOW it was NOT my aunt and uncle.

My son was fine the last few visits, and happy and affectionate and now he is acting out, which tells me someone was around him who isn't a good person. He said that he scratched "himself" and I said, "Because something was itchy or because you were sad?" and he said "sad" and then later changed to itchy but then I was cutting his nails and he was worried he couldn't scratch if he was itching. I thought this was odd, because I've had people saying THIS around me as well, stuff about "itching".

I am at the state offices, typing this out and waiting on something, and they have this guard just lingering around me. So I am going to ask.

I just went over there and asked and he said that he was STILL here because CPS TOLD HIM to stay here as long as I was in their offices.

Not ONCE in my life have I lost my temper or demonstrated any kind of irrational or violent behavior in any way, at ALL, and yet they have him HERE, and are PAYING for him to just sit around and stalk ME.

The other guard even TOLD me it was ridiculous and that's just waht they were told to do. I was actually told they were instructed to do this on a certain day, after I blogged about something someone ELSE had done to ME.

So basically, if I make any report about violence or assault or abuse against ME, then I have these totally corrupt state workers ordering to have the PUBLIC MONIES used to PAY for a guard to not only stand by all visits with my son, but to stand around the offices now, in general, ever since I left this guys house, who the police know in town, and said he'd been abusive. THAT is the same guy who had been talking to Michelle Erickson, who happened to live around the corner.

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