Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Not Going To Hearing: Want Lawyer

I checked with the AG office after my visit with my son and they said it was not a settlement conference and was some other motion. I already know there is prejudice and that it will do no good whatsoever for me to even be there bc the Judge will give them whatever they want. So, I am putting my time into documenting things, destressing, and getting a lawyer.

I do NOT want to be pro se and I am NOT in a position to be, and I HAVE asked for representation. I WANT a lawyer or MEANS at least, to try to present my own defense and without an attorney's resources, this can't be done. So I'm sending out email today to the other counties to request a lawyer bc there is some kind of exchange program where it IS possible for lawyers to take cases from other counties and be paid to do it.

I got the response, from 3 different people, that this hearing today had nothing to do with a settlement trial, so there were enough witnesses that I decided okay with it.

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