Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Premonition of Drowning & Images

I had a premonition yesterday of the drowning but instead, it came to me in the morning as a remembrance of a dream I'd had where someone that I knew personally, was found floating face-down in the river. I thought about this and wondered about it. It was Chris Rozollo in my dream. I had this dream many months ago. Then, I just saw the paper and read there was a teen boy drowning and I thought it was weird bc I wondered why Rozollo came to my mind, bc I didn't think it had to do with him anymore but maybe represented something or a drowning somewhere of some kind. I hadn't thought about that dream in a very long time. But yesterday, sometime around mid-morning, I thought about it and thought about drownings and then I guess this guy drowned at 5:15 p.m. says the paper. I didn't think about it at that time, it was earlier in the day when I was walking. I wasn't asking for anyone to drown of course, either, or anything of the sort. I just remembered this dream and then I saw the paper today. In my dream, it was a river and maybe he was more like snorkling but face down and body pretty straight so I wondered. Probably snorkeling. I remembered being worried then, at the time I had the dream, but I thought later, it was just one of those dreams where things are jumbled and it is representing something else.
I also kept having flashes of some man having sex, when I was talking to this over dinner last night. I don't even know if it was HIM, the guy I was having dinner with, or if someone else I'm connected to was watching porn or doing something. I couldn't get it out of my mind and I wasn't trying to think this either. I figured it was about this guy I was having dinner with, but then because I couldn't get rid of it and it kept going on and flashing to mind, so I am absolutely sure, when it was that on and on, and I literally couldn't get this image out of my mind, I know either something WAS going on, or I just saw him as a very active person.

It also had NOTHING to do with attraction, because I wasn't feeling that way at all. It was more like, I was being "sent" this info, or something was really happening somewhere. I met him at about 7 p.m. PST and then it started happening around 7:30-8:30 thereabouts. Just on and on and on. Give me a break and I couldn't hardly concentrate on what he was saying. At one point, I started to laugh.

I said, finally, I keep getting something about you (or someone I guess) that is really not right for me to say but it keeps coming to mind. He said, "What?" and I said, "Um, that you're very active." He said yeah and I said, "No, I mean, VERY active." It was so embarressing but I couldn't get it out of my head, like what is going on? and then I said, "I mean, sexually active. I keep seeing these flashes come to mind." and he said, "I don't know about that." I said, trying not to laugh still... "You like the top bunk". I think I even shook my head, trying to get the image out of my mind. He said, "I don't know about that. Maybe you know more than I do." So it was strange, because I thought, if this is not about HIM, then something else is going on at the same time and I am picking UP on it! I had the feeling somehow that I was picking up on something similiar like what I got this one time while sitting at the Shari's and then seeing this one sign. But I'm not sure, could have been 2 different things entirely.

I didn't see a woman at all. I couldn't see her, I could only see the motion briefly and that this person was on the top and it sounds terrible, but it had no intimate significance to me at all. I didn't feel any kind of attraction and it wasn't really about me at all. It was more like, I got the impression and that was it but it kept repeating or I couldn't get rid of it. And it was, I think a white man, and I couldn't totally see the face or anything but lean. Not skinny, but lean sort of build. Since I couldn't see face I probably shouldn't say white, because the one time I got this woman's dog, I got most of it right but not everything. Younger though--between 20-45 yrs. probably. More middle range. And I think, blond or lighter hair and tallish. I get the impression, but I might be totally wrong, it's someone with a similiar build to Chris Dabney, or Chris Rozollo or William of Wales, or SOMETHING. It's a certain kind of frame. But I don't think it has anything to do with ME at all and I don't know why it flashes to mind, but I don't get the whole picture at all, so it's not indecent and doesn't seem "sexy" or vulgar at all. It's more comedic because I get annoyed it comes to mind at all. But I might be sort of off because I got this woman's "dog" almost right but not completely. I got terrier, and black but it had a white spot and I didn't see that in what came to mind. So I don't think I am always completely right-on, but usually very close. Pretty much, longer, leaner torso. I mainly get the torso and style of motion but not any other part. Arms and torso and that's about it. From a side view and a distance, so I know it's not me and doesn't have anything to do with me. It's not sexy because I don't know why it's coming to mind so instead, it makes me laugh. So in no way is it some kind of indicator of anything about my life or interests or anything. I guess the main thing, is that I want to be clear how it is not perverse or sensual in any way, and when I wonder why God would allow me to "get that" I don't know, but I also don't think it's a "bad spirit" or anything because it's not so invasive and robbing someone of all dignity or showing certain areas or anything. maybe it is one of those things where I am supposed to share because someone WILL know who it's about and maybe it's one of those things that I could never know naturally so it is meant to be profound in the sense that God sees where possibly no one else could or should. That's just what I'm guessing.
I had more of the idea, after awhile, that it was NOT this guy I was sitting next to but someone else that for some reason, came to mind. But that doesn't mean this is a good person or a bad person or whatever. For all I know, I got something about a person who is not on my side, or good at all.

This man came by with a Gonzaga sweatshirt on and it made me nervous for a minute about my hearing, but I asked that many people about it and that's what they all told me, and I got all of their names on it and I couldn't help it if things get stoeln so I didn't have documents to look at. They said if it was settlement, there would be a notation of that.

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