Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Visit With Son--Yodeling

I guess we discovered something new today. Yodeling. I did not think, this morning when I woke up, that I would be trying to yodel in my visit.

First he was sort of acting out and I felt bad and tried to explain about the necklace because I'd called to have it taken off until I could give him a different chain and I felt bad. He didn't act like he'd had a good day yesterday.

So I was playing with him and tried to bring him out of it and was pretty successful. At one point, I sang songs to him about "zippitidy doo dah" which he wanted and then one about "bibbity bobbity boo" and then "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" and then, because I was doing silly word songs, I started to pretend yodel and said, "yodeloo-hoo-hoo" and he stopped and said, with a sharp turn of his head, "What's THAT?! Do it AGAIN."

And then the song from Sound of Music came to mind, about "One little goat, in the lonely goatherd, ladiodleladiodleladee-HOO!" and I sang this song to him and he LOVED it so I have to learn how to yodel now. He likes yodeling.

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