Sunday, June 6, 2010

Thoughts or Impressions This Morning

I began to rest while listening to baroque music, on NPR and during this song, I'm not sure what it is yet, I began to think about Di a little bit, mind wandering and then I thought about tapioca pudding and while listening to this, a string of things just randomly came to mind, not images, but just ideas, of how I like tapioca pudding and eating it and remembering seeing my father eating it and then the words danze, danze, (dahn-suh, dahn-suh), and then the picture of this ballet position but seeing it on a figure and turning slowly like on a music box, and I can't remember what position it is but one leg is down, and I saw the back of the figure so right leg down and left leg up, bent at the knee with the calf going behind back at an angle and arms draped to the side, very casual or almost relaxed with head tilted to the right. Then, the idea of a round wood table that is a side table or something and it has a square box which will drop out from underneath if a key is used. The wood was sort of chestnut or something but not very pale and the box was small and just dropped into ones hand if a small key was used, but you have to reach under the table to get to it and then it's concealed.

None of these things are flashes or images exactly, just ideas coming to mind as I listened.

Harpsichord concerto in D Minor by Bach. That's what I was hearing as these things came to mind. I like that one a lot.

I briefly, in other sections during the song, had the following terms to mind: althorp, (thinking about di of course), capricorn, and gemini. I think William is a capricorn but I am not sure and would have to check and don't feel like it now and gemini I don't know,, maybe that's Henry. after capricorn I was trying to remember if I knew what Henry's sign was but I don't know if it's right, just thought gemini but that was it. Not images or impressions at all.

Probably the only impressions were the figure and the desk and I don't know what it's connected to.
After I made this post I got an ad pop up about hemorroids and still from babylon bc I couldn't unistall last night even though I tried. The only thing I saw about that was when I read one wiki page about palestinians supposedly getting hemmoroids and mice plagues when they took the ark from the israelites. So then this morning I got an ad about that which is weird. Then I tried to look up other ballet positions and got, instead of what it said I would get, 1-20 of 200 photos of ballet positions, I got 1-5 and they had nothing to do with ballet positions. One was a spider, 2 were of a brunette girl in a pink dress in ballet position with a crown on her head, one of a "ballet" birthday cake with pink and blue and then one of a NYC ballet poster with 5 shots of foot positions. Maybe it will have changed by the time someone else has a look.

At any rate, perhaps someone has "hijacked" the babylon program. And other things, for who knows what reason.
I looked up Gemini and it means twins and then I couldn't think of anyone I know with that birthdate. So I looked at other things, typed in, "di's family astological signs" and the first thing I clicked on, in the middle of the last song being played on baroque program, was the duke of edinburgh, who is a gemini and then I had scrolled down and noted, at the same time the woman radio announcer said this, she said, "that was the prince of denmark's march" as I was noticing his father was prince of denmark and greece. Very strange coincidental thing. The only part which I could see on my screen at that moment was about the prince of denmark and greece. Right there on wiki. it was at just before 12 noon PST on NPR. Right at this moment it's about 15 minutes after.

Anyway, I went back to wiki to see where it was framed and I could see from point 10 fictional portrayals and to the right 'prince andrew' framing the top and then at the bottom of where it was framed, just the line about renounced his german titles and adopted the surname Mountbatten.

but anyway, just looking around. Haven't seen all the signs yet.

capricorn, I looked up, and confirmed, is a goat.
before i look up capricorn, I'll share something else:
I got up, had tea, and used tea as the hot water for my instant oatmeal...we'll see how that turns out. Felt too lazy to boil new water.

So anyway, I asked God, show me something about Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, something for his life. So, it's partly for fun of course and used these cards, which I don't put stock in, but I prayed to God, to maybe reveal something for him despite how plain they are. I pulled out the following cards in this order:
1. The Ocean
2. Notice The Signs
3. Shower of Abundance

Then, I went to the Bible, flipped it around and randomly selected a passage after praying but I thought it was a weird one to get. I landed on 2 Kings 14:11, about Amaziah, not listening, and it doesn't make sense to me and then I looked above it and it's something to do with marriage, and mentions thistles of all things. Trampling a thistle underfoot. So, weird, but I'll try for another one too.

With the cards, I thought of the Navy and maybe how he must enjoy or appreciate the water. Notice the signs was interesting after I had just written about "need to see more of the signs". I'll read off the cards and what they say...

I tried for another verse and got Isaiah 31 which starts out:
Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, who rely on horses, who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel, or seek help from the Lord."

I got as far as chariots and figured this is bad luck!
I need something third passage I got, and I tried for NT, but still closed my eyes and chose at random and got John 6:29 and it's about manna and bread of life. I fell on the right side today but don't always. Usually it's mixed. But the passage says, "Jesus answered, "the work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."
So they asked him, "What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert; as it is written: he gave them bread from heaven to eat.
Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."
Sir, they said, from now on give us this bread.
Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty."

and then it goes on, more about bread of life.

So then, the words on the cards I pulled, which I got first, are:
The Ocean: The deep blue sea speaks to your soul, healing and soothing you. Even the act of imaginging yourself dipping into its healing womb brings about desirable efffects. Better yet, spend time physically near the ocean. Allow its power and beauty to wash away all cares and concerns.
Notice The Signs: Yes, the signs you've been receiving are heaven-sent. We drop you feathers, coins, and other signs upon your path to remind you that you're loved and not alone.
Shower of Abundance: To heal your financial situation, first give us your worries concerning money. We will guide you in order to show you how to create and accept abundance. As we work together, your financial situation will heal as fast as you'll allow.

I also prayed for good health for him the other day. Lots of stuff about healing and for someone else for this.

haha, well, I hear he has a sense of humor too. After I wrote this, my eyes went to the other side and top corner of where I had turned and it says:

John 5: 6 (last part of this verse 6),
"been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?"
Sir, the invalid replied, "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me."
(my thoughts went to this picture of Elizabeth yelling, "Shotgun on the tub!" as Edward is hobbling to try to get in and I laughed, at the combo of the cards).
Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.
(come on Philip! Just DO it. throw those crutches out. ;))
At once the man was cured: he picked up his mat and walked.

Well I hope that was as interesting for you all as it was for me! :)
Anyway, I like Philip, from what I read, so this is more lighthearted than anything. I like his sense of humor.
I decided to try for Elizabeth after this but they don't make sense to me but I didn't first really pray over them, just thought about her. I wrote down what they were but going to pray first, just for good measure, not that it's serious.

Okay, so I did and they were different but not that it matters. I just took 3. Then I went straight to Bible and prayed over it and picked out 3 passages at random. It was sort of interesting, by the end. The ending one ends with a psalm with the last verse of "God save the king" AND it talks about not trusting in chariots and horses again (haha).

So I pulled these cards:
1. Notice The Signs
2. Listen
3. Law of Attraction

Notice The Signs I already wrote out, and then Listen says: Quiet your mind, Bleoved One, and listen to our gentle reassurance that everything has been taken care of. Stay in a quiet and receptive state, without worrying about the exact nature of your desire's manifestation. A quiet mind and body hears us quickly and clearly. This is our request to you: Listen." Law of Attraction: Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony. At your request, we will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies.

I guess I mainly got the impression of not being anxious or worrying and to think on what is good. Sort of a relaxed and assured state of mind.

Then I went straight to the Bible and prayed and then just randomly went with it and first I got one about staving off enemies and bad circumstances, Psalm 69, set to the tune of lilies. About feeling like sinking but promise of inheritance. Then I flipped the book around, eyes closed and randomly chose and got Mark 1:2, "It is written in Isaiah the prophet: I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way--a voice of one calling in the desert, Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.

And so John came, baptizing in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River. John wore clothing made of camel's hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. And this was his message: After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."

I thought about how Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist.

Then I did the same thing, prayed short prayer and turned it around and then got Psalm 20, which is a nice way to wrap up:

Psalm 20
May the Lord answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.
May he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings.
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners
in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests.
Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed; he answers them from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our
They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.
O Lord, save the king!
Answer us when we call!
Bless the name of the Lord. Amen.

I'm not writing more because of something changing with me but just gave Pacman a break and have done all I can do.
Last night I had an image before I went to bed, but I didn't know what it was from. I had the perspective of looking down and seeing a large throng of people and horses, but walking in an orderly way, out from an arch and then down this road. It was like I was looking from a balcony and I wondered if it was from the perspective of someone else, who has seen this because I haven't. It wasn't a straight line in the very beginning though, because a few people were out ahead on the left. Seeing this, looking down and then the tunnel or arch is straight ahead and coming torwards me but all staring straight ahead first it was a few people and then it was a whole almost parade. But there were no floats or anything.

Before I went to sleep I picked out a card and asked God to show me something about it for me or what should my attitude be and I pulled the "Heart Chakra" card. I guess I'm thinking about this bc I'm listening to music and there are a lot of references to hearts.
Okay, now I heard something about U.S. troops so I'll see if I get something for them. It's light-hearted though, mainly.

For cards, which I'll write out first and then do the Bible. I asked for troops in general, all:
1. Shower of Abundance:
To heal your financial situation, first give us your worries concerning money. We will guide you in order to show you how to create and accept abundance. As we work together, your financial situation will heal as fast as you'll allow.
2. Change In Direction: The changes you're experiencing are Divinely directred by your newborn willingness to open your heart to love and our guidance. You are protected now and in the furute, so follow your path to the happy outcomes you desire.
3. Acceptance: See yourself and others through the eyes of the angels, with unconditional love and acceptance. In this way, you inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential.

Okay, I know most of the Bible is ABOUT wars! But this made me laugh out loud a little bit at the coincidence and I prayed over it and then just randomly flipped, put my finger on a passage and opened my eyes and I was immediately on:

"One of the servants answered, "I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the harp. He is a brave man and a warrior. He speaks well and is a fine-looking man. And the Lord is with him."

I started laughing, thinking about all the U.S. troops and imagining some guy saying to the Sgt., "Hey, there's this guy who can play the HARP--"

Hahaha! But it was it I Sam. 16:18 and it goes on,
"Then Saul sent messengers to Jesse and said, "Send me your son David, who is with the sheep. So Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread, a skin of wine and a young goat and sent them with his David to Saul. David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers. Then Saul sent word to Jesse, saying, "Allow David to remain in my service, for I am pleased with him."
Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him."

The second thing I got was Job 6:18:
Caravans turn aside from their routes;
they go up into the wasteland and perish.
The caravans of Tema look for water,
the traveling merchants of Sheba look in hope.
They are distressed, because they had
been confident;
they arrive there, only to be
Now you too have proved to be of no help;
you see something dreadful and are afraid.

Then I read until ch. 8, and it's about not
getting help, Job speaking, and then being rebuked
by associates who blame him for his own suffering and
call it karma basically.
Then I got 1 Corin. 8, "The Geneaology of Saul the Benjamite"
Which I stared at, hmmm, long list of names there.
The next thing I flipped to ended up being
"David's Song of Praise"
from 2 Samuel 22
"David sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said:
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation.
He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior--from violent men you save me.
I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.

(and then this song goes on for a long time.)

The last one I turned to ended up randomly being the same pages I turned to for, oops, not Edward, but Philip of Edinburgh.
I got John 6:9
"Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?" Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them. Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as uch as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be basted." So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten. After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, "Surely this is the Propht who is to come into the world." Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.

I think all of these passages, the common link I see is the Majesty of god through humility. That the small things can be great and that sometimes the great also make sacrifices. It's also about provision in times of need. And maybe not blaming misfortunes on the merit of a person's faith or deeds but realizing bad things can happen to good people and it's not always a consequence of actions. Maybe that's important on the battlefield
I just prayed briefly and asked God for something to give my enemies, who would know who they are better than even I do. I prayed for whatever God would have for them, good or bad, and figured it would be something good and positive, because I grabbed the Daily devotional for this. So I literally closed my eyes and prayed over this and turned things around and opened up and I got this:

Something Better
for July 6
Read Heb. 11:4-7, 32-40.
All these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise. Heb. 11:39
I guess I'll just write out the whole thing. There are different authors and this one is by Dave Branon.
"Abel doesn't seem to fit in the first half of Hebrews 11. He's the first "ancient" listed, but his story isn't like the others mentioned there. Enoch went to heaven without dying. Noah saved mankind. Abraham started a people group. Isaac was a noted patriarch. Joseph rse to the top in Egypt. Moses led the greatest exodus ever.

Clearly, their faith was rewarded. By faith, they did what God asked, and He poured out blessings on them. They saw God's promises fulfilled before their eyes.

But Abel? The second son of Adam and Eve had faith, and what did he get for it? Murdered. That sounds more like the folks in verses 35-38, who found that trusting God doesn't always lead to immediate blessing. They faced "mockings", "imprisonment", and being "sawn in two." "Thanks, but no thanks," we might say. We would all prefer to be heroic Abraham instead of someone "destitute, afflicted, tormented" (v.37). Yet in God's plan, there are no guarantees of ease and fame even for the devout.

While we might experience some blessings in this life, we may also have to wait until "something better" (v.40) comes along--the completion of God's promises in Glory. Until then, let's keep living "by faith". --Dave Branon

Press on in your service for Jesus, spurred on by your love for the Lord; He promised that if you are faithful, one day you'll receive your reward."--Fasick

I sort of saw this and thought it was almost something for my enemies about MY situation, but take it however it means something to you. Then, I prayed and asked for guidance in choosing just one card out of this positive-only deck, that would mean something to my enemies and this is the one I got: Change in Direction.

Then I grabbed the Bible and prayed and did the same thing I've done and the first thing I got was the exact same passage I got for Philip of Edinburgh about not trusting in chariots and horses. So I figured it might have been a mistake because I opened it where it was once before already. So I prayed more carefully and asked for a specific message. I put my finger on a page and opened my eyes and read:

"How many loaves do you have?" Jesus asked.
"Seven," they replied, "and a few small fish." Matthew 15.
I was listening to music, worship stuff, all day until now, and turned to NPR which fell on talk about Ajerbijan (msp) and then Prostrate Cancer info, combining horomone treatment with radiation. The Ajerbijan part was interesting bc this country's name came to mind a few weeks ago, out of the blue and I forgot to write it down but I still remember because I didn't know why I got that name but I guess they're in the middle of things with the Afghanistan stuff too.
Then I decided to pull a card, just one, for myself. I did this earlier today but thought I'd do it again and reshuffled and still got the same card: "Joy". It says, "Joy is the highest energy of all. It's the magical sense that everything is possible. Joy springs from appreciating the gifts within each moment. Joy allows you to attract and create your present and future moments at their highest possible levels. On the card, a woman is getting a ride on a dolphin.

Then I prayed briefly for a passage and got I Sam. 1:17 from
God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.
She said, "May your servant find favor in your eyes." Then she went her way and ate something and her face was no longer downcast.
Early the next morning they arose and worshiped before the Lord and then went back to their home at Romah. Elkanah lay with Hannah his wife, and the Lord remembered her. So in the course of time Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, "Because I asked the Lord for him."

Then I flipped around but not turning things over and closing my eyes or anything, just reading different parts and I got a part about the people full of joy seeing the resurrection of Jesus and then James, about "consider it pure joy,my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds" but mainly I thought about the Hannah reference and the card. Now, just reading parts for leisure and then might try to devote some prayer.

Listening to NPR about kidnapping again and resting.

Thought about Hannah and that story and how I had been thinking I wouldn't mind having more children in the future (in addition to my son). Just thought about this and then, I asked for just one more passage for myself today and landed on Esther 7 at the start of this chapter.

This kidnapping program on being kidnapped by your own body, it sounds like my son. It's like a parallel for what my son has been through.
I was thinking about what to think about! and "apartheid" came to mind. Have no idea why. After I got this I looked up apartheid news and found articles about soccer kicking out apartheid in S. Africa, which I hadn't thought about, and then this news article came on, after I was looking it up, about soccer. Then, I saw there are a couple of articles about apartheid in Israel and it's supposed to be over a pride parade or somethign but not reading.
I asked the question of, "What is being done to negate me?" by an enemy? and since I have positive-only cards, I asked God to honor them or me and this, if it's in His will, and help me see what it being undone. So I turned all of them upside down and said I would take the opposite of what the original meaning was. So what I got was an attempt to keep me from being honest with myself or basically, groups deceiving me, and then secondly, trying to destroy my self-confidence, and thirdly, trying to keep me from getting a change in direction. Here I asked about a specific person but the next one I am doing over a particular group:
I got for this one group, that they are working against any reward coming to me or being able to reward myself or keep myself balanced. The second thing that they are working against is my ability to have my own family and have my son. The third thing they are working against, is cupid. I got the cupid card on the 3rd one.

For a second group, I got that they are working against law of attraction and good things coming my way, and got the cleanse and detoxify card (I don't use anything) but I think it's to muddy me in any way possible, and then I got entrapment and wanting to keep me from going out of their control.

Then I asked about a 3rd group and they are working against my getting married (why anyone would care I don't know unless it's fear of someone in particular or bc it would be a positive thing for my son and I possibly, if to the right person), and then secondly, against my ability to travel I think (I got the ocean card upside down), or soemthing to do with this, maybe related to them not me and then against my self-confidence. This one could comprise different sorts of people but who have some common goal. The other groups are more connected by a specific thing.

Then I asked, in general, what would God's adversary want for me, no matter what group or person, what is the ultimate goal? and I got to destroy my self-confidence again, first. Third time I've drawn that card. I guess a goal to make me feel worthless or for others to think this. The second one I got was to destroy the opportunity to forgive, of others who maybe wrongly held grudges against me or mistakenly, from being able to let it go. And third, to destroy all my prayers and requests to God.

When I put this together, I think it's mainly about trashing me and trying to keep God's will from being done in my life, in any good way. Never did I pull a financial or money card, as if that is not the main thing to keep me from. I get that it is not about my having money, it is the threat of some kind of romance, having a family and my son, and against my self-confidence or abilities. I don't think money enters into it at all except as it would obviously improve my position and appearance and work to my advantage in other ways. But although a great deal of money has been spent, it is not about my having money or having any career. It's about how it would benefit me, which they don't want.
Listening to an international christian radio on Mark 15. About the politics of the crucifixion of Christ. The pastor is reading something about this from Davis, maybe an author on it. I guess about the actual thing. He's talking about how when Jesus was being crucified instead of even having compassion they mocked and ridiculed him. The leaders and rulers and political persons then gathered to mock and it included both secular and religious leaders. He's saying the issue that led to this was not lack of evidence but unbelief. Evidence will be ridiculed and they will find a way to stay in their chosen position rather than allow the truth to set them free.
Before I got to this though, I went to the Bible again, after getting these cards, and opened up to Isaiah 5: Song of the Vineyard.
Then I quit and laid down and started thinking about something and what kind of flower it would be, for something for someone, and I got "pansies". So then I was curious about the meaning and history of the pansy. It has a lot of history!
I'm not punning either, to be clear, in the other sense of the word. I got the impression of pansies being liked or suitable for a day like today even and the pansy came to mind.
It's about 7:10 p.m. PST. I listened to some scottish or also nova scotian (msp) music and got a few impressions or images while resting.

First, I saw a white line of a flexible thin tubing or something and it was curved in different places. Saw it like I was leaning against a fence and looking down the line.

I don't know what it was and I couldn't see any person associated with it. All I could see what this line and it curved and it was like plastic or something flexible but fairly long and went on for awhile and curved a little and it was very small in diameter, like maybe, the circumference of a pencil or slightly smaller? It wasn't a light and it wasn't a game or anything, it was some tangible solid.

Then, I saw something as I was thinking about God, and my hands up (not really but in my imagination), at the same time I saw, without trying for this, something coming down like a wooden thing with a long handle sort of like a hammer but it was pointed at the end and almost made me think of something to do with art but I don't know. It also made me think about the way keyboards on a piano have the wooden things under the cover and it went down like that but, oh, it was sort of like a golf club in a way but pointed and I think wooden. Almost like that cooking item that's wooden but I thought it had a longer handle.

Then, I saw a dance sequence but that was an imaginary thing not an image, just my imagination and it was to this elf song and I could see these lines of women skipping sort of forward and then back and then turning at the chorus and wearing these scarves or hats and having full skirts. I think the headscarves, maybe that's what they were, and white. But it was purely my imagination inspired by the music. It was called "Elfin Nights".

Then I could see someone in a tree with goggles, shooting but it was daytime or light out and the knee was bent but it was like they were in a tree or the middle of trees? I saw them like they were to my left.

And then I saw something being sliced, evenly spaced apart and it looked like wood. It was cut but not all the way through so there were pieces. It was held together at the bottom bc the slices didn't go through but it was a peaceful scene and pretty much looked like ginger root or some kind of wood. Perfectly spaced and maybe a half inch or so apart. I sort of thought I was looking at something like an exhibition for wood art or folk art but it was as if I was the one doing it, from my own eyes. I looked down and it was sort of in front of me as if I were the one doing this. I didn't see a knife really, just saw the slicing somehow and it was some semi-hard thing like a root or wood or something. I got the process of the slices appearing and it was a short piece, like a half a foot. Maybe even half of that length somehow. I don't know, but I just saw it.

I think I got these around 6? p.m. or so, whenever this program was on and torwards the end of it.

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