Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bad Vibe & Harassment of My Son

Woke up with the bad vibe again. Everything seemed to be okay until about 4 or 5 and then I woke with the heavy feeling of sadness and usually something will shift or turn within a couple of hours, like someone is going through something and then improves, but it's not improving this morning.

I also thought about some of the things which have been done recently, to me and my son and how I was still withholding on sharing and I don't know why I do protect certain people, and here locally, when they have done nothing for us but harm.

I have 2 programs which, one I downloaded, the babylon, and then another one came on without my downloading it, it downloaded itself or someone else did. I went to the computer guy on Friday and am going to go back to him and have him fix some thing and clear it up.

I don't know why someone in the U.S. doesn't do something to straighten things out. I cannot see how it helps the image of the U.S., to groups that already don't like the U.S., to allow harassment and abuse of a mother and child when I'm able to articulate what's going on.

On Friday I called from SkillSource, where I suppose someone could listen in, or if there's surveillance otherwise, it's possible, but I only talked to my cousin about my son, who was in the background, for maybe 5-10 minutes and when I picked up the phone he was saying something and then I said, "What is he saying?" and she said, "I think he wants an orange" and then maybe 5 minutes later, with people knowing where I was going I guess, I went outside to the sidewalk and there were several cars and trucks going by and with a few just mocking and then deliberately wanting me to see that they were eating oranges. While driving.

Now THAT would sound nuts, like everyone is going around eating oranges, and how is that possible, but other things have been true too and I'm not delusional. I got the plates of some of the guys driving by who seemed to think it was so funny, and a partial plate of one woman who was making a huge deal about eating an orange while driving. She wasn't eating a piece of orange, she was holding up the entire orange and acting like she was eating it like an apple when it wasn't even peeled all the way.

She had dark brown hair (med. length) and drove a red SUV (medium size) and the plates were WA and started with 411 and I was not able to catch the rest bc the guy behind her drove up really fast to cover her plates with his car, and this was noticeable.

It stood out to me when the main thing I asked about my son and what was he doing or saying and what did he want and it was this small part about an orange and then there was all this harassment with people driving by. It was and IS strange to say the least.

So the other thing was that while I was there, this woman I had the impression of, who I'd thought was helping me, opened up my mail. It was okay that I sent it in her care, but she opened it which I thought was no big deal until I noticed how she was showing this other guy from town, who "worked" with me at Worksource, about this and they were snickering over it.

It's a little difficult to prove PTSD and avoidance because of harassment and trauma, if someone is opening your mail up for you when you were planning to go to a counselor to have it at least documented that it's traumatic and that this is a result of what has happened with my son and how it has prevented me from being pro se effectively, and is why it was discriminatory to refuse counsel for over a year.

This woman was also snickering while showing this other guy a certificate which she had out on her desk, for a Chelsea or Chelsey, and the time I saw her before she'd made sort of a big deal about her sapphire necklace. Which would be no big deal if there hadn't been about 10 Harry look a likes in town on Friday. Why in the world people would be trying to bring out the Harry lookalikes and even acting out minor mannerisms or expressions, is beyond me. As if I would think ANY one of them was Harry. If Harry were coming into THIS town, I don't think he'd want me to know and he wouldn't parade himself about to have me notice. He would also be wearing a moustache I guess, bc I read somewhere he does on occasion, incognito.

The day before, there weren't as many, but a couple of William of Wales lookalikes were around and doing the same thing. I guess someone thinks that if I see someone who remotely looks like one of them, I am going to assume it's them. I would know them if I saw them, even incognito, and I am also not stupid enough to think they would be going around town with full-face, and zero police protection or back-up. At the very least, there would be bodyguards around, even if at a remote distance and undercover. Not the least of which, why would I think the military would be allowing them to take off on special jaunts to Wenatchee? Is this likely? No. It is not.

I would think if one wanted to, they could arrive by private plane and sneak in and do a good job of blending, if wanted. I would also think they wouldn't get away with it without bodyguards. When are they EVER left alone or "unaccounted for"? They're not stuffing imitations of themselves into bed at night and sliding down the tree outside their bedroom windows. If they come into town, it would be with one, at least, obvious police back-up or their own guards on duty. The same would be true if it were almost anyone else they were connected to. Could buddies sneak in if desired? Yeah, if they don't have accents maybe.

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