Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Very Strange Coincidence--Russia!

This is the strangest coincidence.

I wrote the last post and was just about to go to youtube and play a song. What happened? You wouldn't believe it.

The song, as I was thinking of what to play, was Bananarama's Venus. I have never seen the video ever. I don't even remember the words except the chorus.

At that moment, just a few minutes later, this man carrying crystals appeared, and from Russia and we had a nice chat. I looked at them but I am totally broke. I couldn't afford to pay for one even though they were very beautiful. They had rose paintings on wood at the top and then the crystals below. Gorgeous and I noted the roses.

Right after we talked, I put on the song, and what was it? The video has a painting of roses that are the same style as what were painted on the wood ovals or clasps at the top. Same style. And then the song mentions something about crystal or crystals in the first few lines which I never noticed before.

A very strange and remarkable coincidence. That is when I know it is the real thing. Some of this just so happened to walk into this or that store is not a big deal. But when the timing is like this, you know someone can read minds or is a very good sender.
There have been other things that have happened, which, friend or foe, I give credit to. I was thinking about that the other day, about whether I should reward possible enemies with knowing if they got something right, but when it comes to this kind of thing, as long as it's not destructive games, it is something that, I think, can bring people together because of a common interest. I think that this might be why, usually, governments and military work alone and don't want the others to know what's going on, they also something collaborate or will do exchanges and allow everyone to practice on eachother.

For example, there have been times when i've been "trumped" but that doesn't mean I am a loser. It means that I am a loser if I am afraid of it and am, basically, a "sore loser". I know that sometimes it is ME, or I who trump others. But I've never claimed to be very good at this so I consider myself to be a total beginner and amateur, however, I do give my credit to God where I may still fail because I may not be very gifted naturally. I still credit God and was telling this man that this is what I did today, was praise God and give thanks for even small things, because it is through worship that He is honored and I feel this is where any power is derived from and God deserves to be honored without a reason too. It is imbalanced to only pray to God for deliverance or through trials but it is necessary to give praise to God even in bad times.

And, I was thinking about the holocaust and other people today, who for different reasons, were persecuted and had power and God on their side, but just as Jesus had people mocking saying "save yourself" so did the Jews, with their captors and so have many other different groups and religions.

I also told this man someone must have read my mind and known about things I prayed for today because he showed me a "unification" sign and this was something I prayed for today, for all groups, and I named, in my mind, all these different religions and country's, to be unified to accomplish a commonn good. And I SWEAR to you, some of these people really ARE mind readers. I think someone knew.

Which then makes me think, "Hmmm..." for example, today, I wasn't going to write publicly about praising God. However, I thought I would share these thoughts now. But when I was actually praying, I prayed that God would guard my praise from being read by others because some things I want to keep to myself. I've never prayed to guard the bad things if such ideas pass through, but I feel more private about the good things I pray.

At any rate, I don't feel this was any kind of trump but an interesting coincidence of an ability between two minds to connect in such a way. It has to go both ways and cannot just go one way or it's mind control. The horse before cart or cart before horse? is hard to tell.

One thing I got right about him was "7". I asked him how many people were in his family and I had the number "7" in my mind. He said there were 5 siblings so with mother and father, that makes 7, but I didn't tell him that.

I also got the idea of a white fence and he asked me why and I said I didn't know, I just had this picture of a white fence. But then I looked at photos of his hometown and at least in the few I pulled up, I didn't see a white fence.

It was the kind of fence that you see around pastures. It made me think of a fence for a house that had a lot of land that was pasture or pasture, but it was wood painted white.

He asked for a donation and I couldn't afford it. I was going to give him $3 but then I thought about how I'd just spent almost $4 on my coffee and biscotti and I figured it would be bad luck to give someone less for charity than to splurge on myself when I can't even afford and shouldn't be paying for these kinds of things at this moment when I have to use a measly amount for p.o. box and safety deposit box and typewriter and payment for records. I have to set up my basics in order to keep my things from being stolen, in order to help my son.

It's not impossible, and I told him I was sure that if I got the evidence out into the open, into the public, to hear the grounds on which he was even removed from me, per Michelle Ericksons "testimony", it is not going to be very difficult.

I also recently renewed my Valium because I have been in no position to help myself at this time, without it and to remove him when I have had no counsel and only trauma from what they've done, which I HAVE had to resort to medication for, would be unethical and illegal. Or improper I suppose.

One good piece of news came from a college. I randomly selected some schools and got a response from one in CA, totally unexpected and means nothing unless I fill things out, but really a surprise. A very good college too. Top ranked! the problem is, I have to see if they allow correspondence or attendence by being online because I'm not leaving without my son and I am tired of the stalling too. I am done with waiting on them to do the "right thing" so if the evidence needs to be exposed to the entire world, that's what I'm setting up to do.

One thing that happened today is that I had an impression of a stove catching on fire today but I did NOT "pray" for this. I just saw a flash but I don't know if it is past time or something like a premonition. It was Michelle Erickson's stove. Just one burner. Everything was controlled and contained, no harm to anyone, but a grease fire or something.

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