Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Visit With My Son, Technology, & Rape

The visit with my son went well, and he was in very good spirits and happy to see me. We had a good time and he was also very affectionate and first thing he wanted to do was cuddle and then look at the necklace I wore with the boy that has the "o" for Oliver.

The thing is, I can just tell there are other issues, but it's nothing to do with the Avilas or my my opinion, it's state workers and their associates using intimidation and pressuring people to go along with it.

We had a good visit but it is only that there are other things surrounding which I don't appreciate. Obviously.

I haven't prayed against the burning thing today but I know it's technology today, most of the time. At one point I prayed anyway, that the technology or persons would have problems and then it quit. I visualized a lightbulb bursting again. I imagine and focus on things malfunctioning or ask God to return to sender or create havoc, even if it's technology, with that technology.

I haven't been diligent at all today, about it, and just let it go. However, when I did finally focus, right before taking a nap, I pushed it all out and it did quit. And I saw a lightbulb burst. I didn't literally see one burst, like in an image in the mind's eye, but I focused on that and concentrated on it. But I was lazy and yet it still worked for some reason. Within 5-10 minutes it all stopped and then didn't start up again until I got up from my nap and was doing things on the laptop.

I also figure if it's happening with me someone is trying to do this with my son.

I would like to know who in their right mind thinks it's a "good idea" to do this. So far, it hasn't helped anything and has only made things worse for others, because as you can see, I haven't backed down on anything and I only have room to go forward. I strongly question the wisdom of anyone directing or employing this, because all that it makes me do is pray to God, for God to avenge in his own way, and without my even knowing what is going on or praying specifically, things, major things have happened. And, I do get correct images now and then I have no idea who would want that kind of thing out there too, but if someone is constantly humiliating me and my family I have a right to defend myself.

If one really thinks about it, I did not and have not started anything and I am not the one doing the harassing. I want one thing which any normal family wants, and that's my son and if people interfere with that, don't stir up trouble for me or others by trying to say I'm a problem when YOU made this a problem to begin with. This has been your own joint decisions. Your desire to satisfy your own egos and try to get revenge, has, in many ways, backfired. It hasn't come without great cost, has it?

Is it worth it? Maybe it's worth it for a handful or even a decent sized minority, but I think if you asked the general population surrounding this, that has nothing to do with what you've been up to except to follow your instructions, they might question your leadership skills.

A lot of people have suffered, because a few different groups have made it some kind of prerogative, to, out of fear and worry of discovery, revenge and ill-will, wanted to attack me and my son. I don't think the amount of money that's been poured into trying to separate me from my son has been worth it, frankly.

I don't believe others have come out ahead, when you look at some of the problems which were created and some of the prayers which I suppose God has answered in my favor, even if it's not the immediate return of my son. I guess he works in mysterious ways.

I also think all the time you used to try to keep me from my own son created a whole new set of legal problems for others and yourselves. You're stuck in a rut and can't get out when what you should have done, was imagine how a mother, preoccupied with her own child, is far less of a threat than a mother who has nothing better to do than to fight people over her child and dig up dirt on them and pray for God's just vengeance.

It's not over, but I feel sorry for those who will lose even more, because of others who continue to press this issue and refuse to quit and return my son rightfully.

I will write about more of our visit later, to document, but I do feel sorry for all of those who have been brainwashed to go along with rich people and then others who just carry grudges and have nothing better to do than act out of fear and monopoly and try to shame others.

Everytime you try to set me back, you create a new pool of evidence against yourselves which you then must fight to cover. There is nothing new against me, but there is a shitload of stuff against you. You spent a lot of time lying and fabricating things and committing crime, to try to make it look like what you've done is justified.

I would still, strongly, strongly, suggest, that those in "charge" reconsider tactics and try, once again, something new.

You think it can't get worse. The worst has already been done to ME. I am not suffering MORE now than I was when my son was first taken. However, it can get a HELL of a LOT hotter for you.

And I would even think about your families and wives, and maybe one doctor in town that's threatened me or warned me, whom I've recently realized who he is and my connection to him...You might want to figure out a way to make this work out for your own family and reputation before I go to the police over rape. The one with the nurse for a wife or girlfriend. My intoxication level was documented, by police, on that same night, the night of my birthday (a few years ago, before I had my son). You said to me, "I don't think your son will thank you for this, in the future," just several months ago.

That's just ONE thing I could bring up. Just ONE and that's before I bring in what happened with medication without my consent on the East Coast and here, and theft and vandalism and then the repeated violations of HIPPA by medical facilities here, and refusal of reasonable treatment, and corruption of the public defenders.

You start pulling your shit together and WORK together to get my son back. Threats and doing harm to me and my son will not work any longer and it will not be tolerated. If you know who the assholes are that are doing the overheating stuff and other things, you might want to do something about it.

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