Thursday, July 29, 2010

Annoying Commenter

I am for free speech, 100%.

However, while I post many negative comments others make about me, I am making this post as a notice to one woman that I am not going to entertain ongoing and repeated attempts to trash me and bring me down.

If you had a good point, or if you were saying something new, I would post it but you have not made any new points, accusations, or offensive remarks.

You did say, and I will respond to this, that you said I make offensive responses to nice comments and this is why people are rude.

I cannot think of one time I've done this and if I have, please select and copy to refresh my memory. There is a difference, by the way, between "nice" and sarcastic comments which sound nice but are degrading or intended to be humiliating and I see through this.

Thank you for your comments, but unless you have something new to add, I'm not going to post more of your comments because making a response to such lengthy material takes up my time and I don't need to defend against the same thing.

But thank you and I appreciate your comments, in general, and I also respect your right to say whatever offensive things you want to say and I will happily include these things in my personal blog.

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