Thursday, July 29, 2010

Reading on Jennifer Godfrey

I may not be right, and I prayed to God first, before picking up cards, to see if it would be okay to see if there are insights. I got most of the insight naturally and through prayer but thought maybe God would show more through tarot and with prayer. Basically, you could do the same thing with saints cards or any card. I am not using it to tell future but to give ideas or see if something comes to mind. What I got is:

First used a set I've never used which seems very odd and fantastical and I don't hold a lot of stock but if it's God, anything can be used, no matter how trivial.

I chose 3 cards from the Shaman Wisdom Cards, by Leita Richesson, for "war path" and 1st card is to represent me, the 2nd, the adversary, and the 3rd, a solution.

1. 34 Squash: feminine, west, earth, water.
2. 52 Obsidian (reversed): masculine, 4th chakra, fire
3. 51 Amber (reversed): masculine, 3rd chakra, water

Then I tried a card for Russ and got
28 Sweetgrass (reversed): feminine, north, sun, air

For Ann M.
49 Red Coral (reversed): feminine, first chakra, fire

For some reason the only one upright was the one I pulled for me. The solution was also an Amber reversed.

I have no idea what it would mean exactly.
For Rider-Waite deck, I asked:
1. who is jennifer godfrey?
I got, without revealing the cards pulled, that she is a person of war, stubbornness, and contest. she is also one for whom decision making is done surrounded by counsel, whether it's good or bad. Got religion playing a big part even if she is not traditionally religious. Gambling in either life in general or with love as another factor. She prefers to have one mate at a time, in general, rather than playing a whole field. The biggest thing is that those who influence her trust in the counsel of those whose appearance may be deceptive or not exactly pure.
2. what is her relationship to me?
with regard to me I got myself surrounded by swords, persons of power and money in high positions, some things falling apart and satisfaction of her own wishes at least for now.

I asked what are/were her intentions with regard to my son and I got
that following a judgement of some kind or first decision, she was expecting news of, or received, financial gain. My son was and has been, for her, a money-maker.

I asked what misfortune or hardship she might encounter and who would it involve and I got
the king of cups
who is described as a ruler of love or contentment I believe and also symbolizes (traditionally) a fair man. some sort of loss in this aspect.

I asked what sort of misfortune will happen with her own son and got that following the star and strength, some kind of illness, disease or poverty.

I also, without any cards, had some impression of birth defects if she tries to have more children, but it was a fleeting idea. For some reason, not a mean idea or wish either, but possibly that she's already been given this same information by a doctor or something.
Then for fun, with my son in mind, I decided to try the Unicorn deck by Doreen Virtue.

I asked for reversed meanings on 1 card drawn for Jennifer, Russ, and Ann, in that order and then for me and my son and I'll probably draw one more for Michelle reversed, the Judge, and then for love. Oh, and I shuffled and was going to lay aside the deck but got curious and looked at the bottom and it said "curiosity" and was the curiosity card.

I said, "what would be the opposite of these people?"
I got jennifer being the opposite of "simplicity", russ the opposite of "share", ann the opposite of "gifted", hotchkiss the opposite of "being yourself" and michelle the opposite of "it's okay to be different". All of the unicorns featured in these cards are pure white with white mane and tail.

for me I got the card of "practice" (the best way to be good at a skill is to practice, practice, practice until you get it right--with woman dancing with tambourine by dappled gray near water and 2 men in background playing guitar), for my son "worth waiting for (your patience will be rewarded--woman with 2 foxes next to the water and a dappled gray unicorn)" and for love, "family culture" (paint unicorn with native american woman in native american dress). have no idea how learning more about my families culture is related to love, as i meant romantic love, but that's the card i got.

oh, hilarious. sort of. I then asked, "I guess I'll choose one for whoever I'm supposed to be with" and I asked, "who would it be?" and not seriously at all, but just random, I took a card and it says "You'll know in the morning." Great. Thanks. I'm sure! I'm sure i'll know in the morning. I know for SURE that it's not this 80 yr. old man I'm staying with right now, but hey, thanks. this card is all purple with a purple horse and a purple woman in a purple sunset. I think I'm going to ask for a confirmation card on that one. Haha. I don't know, this part is just funny. I pulled another card and got "Try something new" and it's of a unicorn in the water on a giant wave, in the middle of a killer whale on the left and a dolphin on the right.

I don't know why this is funny but I think it's time to put the cards away.

I have to say...

I was wondering about being a squash. What is sort of weird was just the other day, I was walking on the sidewalk and saw this enormous squash taking over an entire yard and was very impressed and almost stopped to compliment him on his squash. that was maybe 2 days ago. Then I thought, what's this mean God? i'm a vegetable and my enemies are upside down and unrighteous rocks and semi-precious jewels?

Well, at least the squash is upright.

Oh, hey, this is cool. I picked out the unicorn deck thinking of my son and it's not on the outside, but inside the box, it says it's a deck for children specifically, of "all ages" but for children in particular. And it's the only one that made me think of my own child

Then I went to Rider-Waite and asked how my adversary in romance (whoever she is) was doing and got the knight of wands. doing pretty good I guess. then I asked how am i doing in relation? and got the 5 of cups which looks like despair though some cups are still standing. then i asked what would correct this and got the card for "strength"

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