Thursday, July 29, 2010

Frosty Ann McIntosh and AG offices of Washington

McIntosh was the lawyer on this case but she had some help from Tomas Caberro who stayed on it even though she halfway tried to deny this. The AG had not ONE but 2 of their lawyers on MY case.

Today I asked over the phone and she tried to say no, he wasn't on it or her excuse was that he didn't deal with dependency but that's irrelevant. He's a lawyer. And he's a lawyer for the State of Washington and MOST CPS cases don't have ANY AG attorneys on the case at all.

They cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars on MY case alone, and yet denied even the services they would have to offer if they I needed them, and I was denied a public defender for over 1 1/2 years. They saved over $100,000 in legal costs (at minimum) for ME as they padded their own budget for lying and screwing me over and paying people off to do dirty tricks for them.

Anne McIntosh is like a Hillary Clinton type. I think Hillary comes across as softer around the edges though. Anne is like a cross between a man and a white shitzu with boobs. She's sort of like that fuzzy dog from "The Lady and The Tramp" who has the hair flopping over her eye, but which is now past its prime. It's like her Tramp took off and she decided to suit up and cut the fringe that made her sultry during the Woodstock haze. I think of Hillary Clinton because of the tree trunk ankles.

For some reason, I think Anne and Judge Hotchkiss make a complimentary pair. He's a woman underneath it all and she's a man. When Judge Hotchkiss is around her, he gets soft and wimpy, like a man who is attracted to a woman would. It's like she calls the shots and could lead him about the neck with a small chain tied to her wrist. "Whaddya think Anne? Whaddya think?" and Hotchkiss looks hopeful until Anne gives out an icy and firm "No." Then all of a sudden, his smile and vulnerable eyes harden and he firms up and follows orders.

But it's very strange, because in one moment, Hotchkiss takes the lead, like he's in charge, and then the next, she is doing the orders. Anne acts vulnerable at times but mainly when she's caught on something or nervous and then the Judge seems to be the superior. She gasped once when I admonished the Judge about something so I don't think she would dare do this, but in other ways, she walks with a crop and a tight pair of underwear.

I sometimes wonder what is going on--like, Ms. McIntosh, I wonder if you and Hotchkiss might have more than passing interest in one another. Or maybe you are still blazing a trail, leaving a lot of men in your heartless wake. What about Susan? Ms. McIntosh, who is Susan? Susan came to mind and as I tried to imagine who this person is, that is important to you, the Susan from Skillsource came to mind, but there are Susan's who are lawyers here, and maybe wives, and who knows. You have some deeper involvement surrounding or regarding a "Susan". Oh, by the way, I'm not psychic. Of course not. I can't wait to get a confirmation on who this Susan is but maybe I never will.

I know Mary is the one who I called, before I ever had a CPS case. She gave her name out as Mary and not Anne and now she's "Anne". Unless there is a different "Mary" there. Because I know that if I had known in the beginning who Mary Ann was, I would have asked that she is recused for unethical conduct and conflict of interest.

Back in 2005 I called the Wenatchee AG and asked to talk to someone. I got a "Mary" and maybe it was a different Mary. If there is more than one, it was maybe someone else. But I personally talked to a "Mary" at the AGs offices in 2005 and 2006 to make a report against DSHS, for fraud.

This lawyer, "Mary", allowed me to talk and give out details for over ONE HOUR, and said nothing until about an hour had passed and then said, "Ms. Garrett, I cannot speak with you because there is a conflict of interest." I said, "What do you mean there is a conflict? and why did you just let me talk for an hour if there was?"

I couldn't imagine what kind of conflict there would be, with the Attorney Generals offices and ME. Conflict of interest? howso? I thought the State AGs are there to protect the interests of the public. So I called them. I called them because I had so many people lying about basic welfare stuff and this is when I was on TANF (welfare) with my son, for the first time in my life. I had been promised reimbursement of my traveling costs for medical appointments and the state owed me $1,000 and wouldn't pay it. In doing so, I had a hard time paying my rent and had a problem with this. With all the problems I was having, I called, like a good citizen should, the Defenders of the Public Interest:

The Glorious and Victorious Offices of the Attorney General in Washington State.

WHAT conflict?

As I later discovered, the AG does not exactly "represent" the best interests of the public. No, despite all the facades of doing so, and the wonderful consumer complaint hotlines, they represent the interests of the State. So when I first started talking to "Mary" about what was happening with the Department of Social and Health Services, she knew from the start that it was a conflict and should not have taken my call at all.


wheels turning now...turning turning...maybe it was a FUCKING conflict of interest for the AG offices to be hounding and harassing ME to start with, when they already knew I had a claim against THEM and their clients, since 2005!

How convenient for the State. How convenient to turn this around on me and use my own SON as a battering ram.

Bra? Ms. McIntosh likes white. I would say one is or was, that was a favorite, one with a cotton or some kind of pattern over the top. Like a full size bra, is what I get, but with some kind of texture over the top.

Tomas? As much as I want to say he's a boxers type of guy, I get briefs. Colored ones.

How's that asshole?

Ann and Tomas thought they were covering their asses but I am still seeing, just, ummm, far too much for comfort.

Oh hilarious. This man just walked by in a solid colored shirt of the color I saw a pair of Tomas' underwear, a maroon or wine color. More maroon I guess, with a band that has some logo or name etched in the plastic band part. But maybe that's from the past, I don't know. I know colored briefs. Medium package.

With Ann, I got the white pointelle type of bra or pattern on the top, and then I wondered about colors and saw this big satin pink bra but I can't personally imagine her in that, although pink probably looks good on her. I wonder if she has some moles on her chest. I don't recall seeing any moles on her in general, because she's always covered all the way up, but dark brown or black moles maybe. It might be my imagination bc it's not coming to me in an image. All of this is more of impression-style and it's more difficult to sort out from imagination.

I would guess McIntosh is familiar with military, from the way she acts and conducts herself. I can almost see her in some kind of Navy JAG uniform. With a little hat. I know she's not in military and hasn't been, but I can picture this.

She uses tissue, like Kleenex kind, when she's blubbering--Blubbering to commerce in near future.

For Ms. McIntosh's first punishment, for lying and harming an innocent child and his mother's rights, I would put her on a diet. I think the least Ms. McIntosh could do would be to go without some of the food luxuries she indulges in, when my own son is going without visits to see his mother. McIntosh could afford to lose at least 20 lbs, saved from neat little lunches with Judges and state workers she listened to.

Just now, a large semi-truck goes by with "Godfrey" emblazoned on the side. Real mobster-like. How idiotic. Supposedly, according to Michelle Erickson, Jennifer Godfrey was behind most of this with Russ Haegen as back-up. Maybe this was a "sign". Maybe I should bring up Godfreys fucking underwear. Black is the first thing to mind. I have never met the woman, but I would guess, in a natural guess, not necessarily psychic, that Jennifer Godfrey favors black underwear. And stupid dogs. I am not sure if I was getting a real dog or her significant other. Jennifer Godfrey is a name that evokes cats so I don't know why I get a dog. I feel conflicted.

I want to say Jennifer must be really great in bed but I don't think so. I think she overcompensates with lingerie and other things to make up for her lack. Like, maybe she is mean enough to, one would think, be a real firecracker, and yet she's pretty boring. Maybe Jennifer and Tomas could hook up. Oooo, gravy.

Hmm, someone got a laugh out of that last one!

Oh, just checked the facebook photo and I think I have seen it once bfore but wasn't sure about it. Yeah, it's her, and she's a brunette wearing black sunglasses. Black sunglasses is a fairly good confirmation, on a logical intuitive plane (not psychic) that her other "accessories" may follow suit of the same color. Black swimsuit, black lingerie. I was seeing some racy lacies. I think she does a lot of overcompensation for underacheivement in more than one area.

Probably...I would bet her husband leaves her after the kids are older.
I sort of think these state assholes picked the wrong bitch to mess with. But I don't know. I guess they enjoy spicing up their boring lives with exposure.
I think Judge Hotchkiss might have the hots for Ann. It's not impossible. Sometime I should flesh out a better description of them both.

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