Thursday, July 29, 2010

Visit With My Son (evidence of brainwashing)

My son showed up for the visit with more evidence that he's being brainwashed and not by my aunt or uncle either.

He came in with an "undersea" playdough kit and acted out something that an adult forced him to repeat until he "got it down". After our visit, I could hear state workers praising him for doing a good job. My son recognized several people there, not from offices, but in a different way.

He had been instructed to push black playdough through an octopus mold and then hot pink playdough through a dolphin mold.

It was obvious someone showed him this and told him how to do it and what to say.

The pink playdough had two containers and one set of it was very old, but pliable, indicating this was what he'd used to practice with.

He said, "This looks like a mommy and daddy" and said, "Look, 'black' on 'pink'".

He said these things in such a way there was no mistake it had nothing to do with him but with what someone else wanted him to say, not what he was ssaying naturally.

Then he kept referring to the "star" and made a big deal about that, as if it was some big Jewish theme or someone wanted others to think so. A lot of different references about this.

This is nothing my aunt or uncle would come up with. This is shit that police and state workers and those who have political ties, would instruct him to do. My son has come in with different little messages like "Jamie is in a mess" and stuff about the Queen's car failing when on the other side of the continent, her car did stall and she was escorted in a police car. Then all the princess stuff and comments by others.

They've done sick, sick, things.

My son has sometimes used foreign language words that my family has no clue about and there is no way they could even get a good enough accent for being able to get my son to imitate this.

Meanwhile, there was a huge hailstorm yesterday, which is totally bizarre, and the last time there was bizarre weather was when I was served my boxes of legal papers and termination filed.

My son kept being referred to a book about Squidd00, and I later discovered there was press about Kate and William on vacation on Squidoos or whatever. It was like someone wanted me to notice and feel bad or something, like I was reading a book about this and then here they are on vacation. I was given a box of snacks to take to him last visit, with the code word "Squid" on it. Just so happened, just like I just so happened to pull a shell symbol car from a cheerio box when I was getting spam for Shell corporation, to relocate or whatever.

There are people with government agencies who have basically used gangs and corporate gang shit to effect their own will and messages. Steve May is directly connected, which is why he has had this much protection from local police.

I have tried to protect my son and when I was wrongly jailed and someone thought I wouldn't be able to check on his welfare. I got out, and discovered he'd been throwing up and he looked very ill and was acting out again. Someone thought I wasn't going to find out.

Now, they are trying to block me from seeing my son again, so I am unable to report what he is doing and how he is. I cannot protect my own son and I know without a doubt that there is no one here who is protecting him or all these things wouldn't still be happening to him.

He acted happier in the last visit, but still had mannerisms and did some things which makes it very clear someone has decided to USE my child.

All of these people have had access to be near my son and take him places, and his own mother has been restricted from caring for him and protecting him. I am the only one who cares enough to report what is going on. I am also the only one who had the good sense to try to get the hell out of here and leave the country with my son.

The thing is, I know this is happening when my aunt and uncle are either unaware and it's technology which they have no control over, and it is also certainn persons who transport hiim and who he sees at the state offices. He is in other situations, like a daycare, where this is potential for occurance.

I feel my family would have to be seriously intimidated and afraid, to do this to my son.

I know at different times, they HAVE been afraid. They have been afraid and not even wanted to go to church.

All of these christians who call themselves christians are the biggest hypocrites I know. They would sell their souls for the smallest local favor or to feel they are a part of some group, with benefits. The religious people here, no matter WHAT religion, are major sell-outs. Those who aren't religious are, unfortunately, not the kind of nice agnostic, informed, or atheist individuals who pride themselves on good works of their own accord, they are usually just complascent and cruel.

I talked to Mary Ann McIntosh and that woman had an agenda from the first day. She smirked, in court, at the mention of God and lied through out the process and Michelle Erickson had an obligation to tell the truth, even about superiors if they were worse, and she did not. She had a choice to either be a sell-out or do the right thing and she chose to not only be a sell-out, but then lie further to harm my case.

The state workers actuallly set me up to be living with people THEY knew personally, who then stole from me: stole evidence, records, my belongings, contacts, everything.

Michelle knew the same guy who stole my post office key from me and traded it with someone else's key. Theo Keyes. Michelle Erickson knows him. Theo is the guy who claimed, to me, that the Queen of England wanted to be his facebook penpal. He admitted, later to me, to being into black magic at one time and he does practice stuff. He is friends with police and his father has been in the military for a long time, in the Army. His father still IS in the Army. He told me I wasn't going to get my son back.

How funny that I was told it would be "impossible" back on the East Coast. Some things have been going on which no one is willing to share with me yet. Including some persons in Seattle who said, "You don't want to know." I DO want to know. I want to know EXACTLY what has been going on.

The woman at the counseling place for women mirrored things this guy Theo would say.

Then, Mary Ann McIntosh personally knows Steve May, my former landlord, and is pissed to this day that I exposed this on my blog. Steve May, the same man who threw everything I owned away and gave my other things to others: my photo albums of family and friends (back to my childhood), my photos, my clothing, 2 boxes of legal papers and other notes and papers I made, my electronics (videorecorder with evidence and audio recorder with evidence), my shoes, my new planner, my paintings, my art supplies, my underwear, my FAFSA records and applications, my mail, my unemployment records, and


STOLE my paystub which prevented me from getting unemployment which would have helped me to be in a better position. After he stole this, the State of WA decided they didn't know where the mailed wages and hours statement from my landlord went.

How interesting that Steve, McIntosh, Erickson, Theo, and a lot of others, all know eachother. They know local police, who also obstructed my rights by not providing records in a normal and timely manner and then harassing me the last time I was jailed, handing me a pen, out of all the pens they had, specifically wanting to give me the pen that was marked, "The KitchenSync" because they thought it was hilarious and a point that I wouldn't miss--that they had taken everything I ever owned. Everything but, thanks, the pen from the state that says "Kitchen Sync" which is when I gave it back and said they might want to have something for the day they are hit with my lawsuit.

But I have police telling me NOT to report these people, or anyone at all becasue the object has been to take my son, coerce me into not making reports about anyone, and then just drum up a lot of crap about me that isn't true.

All of these people, conservative or not, are gangsters.

And it was Theo Keyes who stole my key. He stole it because I remember it was missing from my bag and then I found a new one. I believe the Douglas County guard might have taken it to see which one and then replaced it, but it was originally stolen by Theo. Theo also cut my shoes and vandalized them, by burning something onto the bottom of one of them and then partially cutting, with a knife, out little cuts into my shoes.

Then people like, for example, even this guy that works at a coffee shop, suddenly they feel very free to display their religious symbols they wear around their necks when they never wanted me to know before. People don't care too much now--they lost most of their fear of reprisal.

I have the Wenatchee police saying over and over, "Go ahead and sue us" and telling me to sue all the time. why? because they're not worried they will ever be sued and they think they are always going to be protected. They see how many people colluded against me and feel very secure that others will do the same for them.

There were guys in that police station, who I knew, knew Chris Rozollo. I looked one of them in the eye as I was being booked and said, "Tell Chris Rozollo hi for me." Neiman. I don't think I'd ever seen that guy before, Neiman, but it came to mind in an impression and I knew. Hows that for psychic? Those guys knew.

After I was arrested on false charges again, or for something which was false from the very start, I was driven by police to the garage where they had already stationed a couple of other cars for me to notice. These assholes though, hhaa, thought I had some 'number' I was using for drug drops or something, because I said over and over, "It's 1-1 and then 0-0 at the end." I kept reciting a fake string of numbers with o-o at the end and then I was driven into the garage and parked behind this van with the plates ending in 00 and having many of the same numbers. Then to the side, the only other car was a Douglas County sheriff car, which doesn't belong in a Wenatchee garage. I knew what was up.

All of them have known what is happening to me and my son.

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