Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Anti-Harassment Complaints To Federal Court

I took back the complaints from Superior Court today and decided I'm just taking it all to federal court. If I can't fight being harassed and shut out of public places in this town, and forced out of town and housing and everything else, it's turning into a federal matter anyway.

I cannot live with this. It is impossible and it is not the result of anything I've done and has contributed to my inability to get this case over with and having my son returned.

I should have filed something when I was first harassed repeatedly when I still had my son but I'm not going to let this go now. I'm taking it to the finish and protecting, as best I can, my right to live a life free from intentional obstruction and attempts to cause distress.

It would be wrong to just allow this to continue because each time it happens, it emboldens the next person who doesn't like me, to follow suit and do the same.

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