Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fraudulent Advertising: Northwest Justice Project

I tried to get help through the NW Justice Project's CLEAR referral line, which is supposed to find and refere people to legal help if they qualify. I called about housing discrimination and about a lawyer for my custody case. My son was the most important thing and they refused to help me.

As a result, I had no public defender and the Judge has entered an Order of Termination.

On the website for NW Justice Project, it advertises and claims "Justice For All Low-Income People In Washington."

I went to every single possible resource I could, for help. This is help that others would not EVER be denied but I was singled out for discrimination. When I asked who was on the Board of Directors for NW Justice Project and how they got their money, no one would tell me.

I began to wonder if someone was a former adversary and who they were connected to. I just looked up their Board of Directors and find the name of Lisa Atkinson and Celia G., and I've talked to both of these women. I don't particularly recognize the mens' names.

They get 2/3 of their funding from the Washington State Legistlature, and a little over a 1/3 of the money is federal and comes from Congress. Approx. 11 million through the State and 6 million through Congress.

They refused to even pass on referrals to a lawyer for me, AT ALL, for my child custody case. I told them everything that was going on. And then for the housing discrimination, which affected my custody case, they referred me to a party that doesn't even do assistance which I had already GONE to and I told CLEAR this. There were other lawyers available and if they are accepting and taking State and Federal public money, they are required to assist and they didn't.

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