Saturday, July 31, 2010

TRUMPED! Baby Bat & example of fake "psych abilities"

A tame baby bat was dropped off next to me.

I just had to call Humane Society so they can pick it up.

It acts like it was the pet of someone. It's too young to fly.

This little girl, about 5 yrs. old just said, "It's cute! I want to keep him!" I am making sure no one steps on it. I don't want it to be hurt.

I said to the Humane Society lady, when she asked for my name, "I don't think I want my name associated with it."

And then I blog about it.

It's acting cold. It's shaking but I can tell it's not scared, it's was in a warm place before. I saw the way it moved around and preened so it is not scared bc baby bats don't feel comfortable enough to preen and act curious. It seems to be cold and there is a draft. It's shivering.

Nice job bat lover.

I thought it was going to go out into the street but it'sn ot. It's in the sun and that would keep it warm but I don't know if bats are supposed to be in the sun.

I was telling this guy I called Humane Society and he said, "For one bat?" and I said, "Yeah, it's an animal. It's life." He said, "I guess. A small animal."

The woman came and got it. She said it's a full grown adult and that it's not flying because it's disoriented bc they don't fly in the sun and it's out of its element. So she picked it up. Asked if I had touched it and I said of course not.

I just looked and there is an eave with holes in it and I think maybe it fell from there. Right behind my table. There is also a pipe that has an open hole where something could fall out.

It was spooky at first because I saw it behind my chair moving forward as I was writing about magic and psychic stuff. But it was a very cute little bat and had little perky ears and preened and I think it was just out of its element.

I think maybe it fell out of a pipe or was dropped out of one or someone dropped it from a roof. The only reason I believe someone may have intentionally dropped it, is not because it's not possible to come out of an eave, but because people were around, setting up for it. So it's someting that was made to look dramatic to match the set up. There was a man who just smirked about everything and had his son in a Batman T-shirt and a car that was black and looked like the "batmobile" went by before I'd even called about it. It was a a Delorian type of looking car...I don't know the model, but basically looked like Batmobile. So it was set up.

Perfect timing for my illustration of how sometimes people with money or a very small amount of power, will go in larger numbers to create an appearance that isn't real, because they want to psych people out. It's not real "magic"--it's done to create a fear or awe and can be used to work against someone and make them look weird, or to enhance the idea that some other person possesses powers they do not, in fact, possess.

Probably to make me look like I'm a witch or there is something weird about me.

Nice try.

This woman and her husband just drove by and she leaned out of the window to say "Keep going" like get out of here. I guess maybe because she is worried about her husband.

Now some older Italian man just drove by staring, from a Construction truck. Serious straight out Italian.

Anyway, I think I can safely chalk this one up to "Trumped by Cameo Garrett" because on every level, I anticipated a set up and was even writing about such things before it even occured in a gorgeous example.

Thanks to God. Try that bastards. Try thanking God for something and not working so hard to "help him out."

I am not impressed with the stupid stuff. What is impressive is the serious thing.

Stupid, is when something is set up ahead of time to look really phenomenal with a little work, and many involved parties.

The counter to stupid is serious and legit psychic gift, and the problem here fellows, is that even a not-so-good psychic ability, if it's blended with a sharp mind, will always TRUMP

"stupid organized Bullshit."

The great thing is that while it took a number of people to pull off a fake stunt, it took one of me to anticipate it and be writing about this very thing before it even happened.

That is called premonition and hunch and it's real.

Your shit is called "stupid"

So I guess the other lesson to discuss would be about "discernment". Some other day.

I might add that even if it were something done with pyschic concentration, I picked up on this kind of thing, which involves many people, before it happened and was writing about the very thing so I think it's a nice forward to an example.

I add this, because then a black and white monarch butterfly came out of nowhere and then there were 2 pigeons flying tandem. Pigeons tandem is no big deal. But there was a butterfly too so credit where credit is due if I am being fair in all manner of things.

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