Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Sniff Out A Piece of Shit: Steve May (& psychic stuff)

I smelled a piece of shit but I didn't know where it was coming from.

So I left the cafe where I was at and settling down and walked down the road, turning left on Palouse.

Alas. The Ass.

His car was right there and then I looked in the windows but business was closed. So I followed the smell.

I walked straight down and there he was, several hundred feet away. 2 blocks maybe.

Steve May. I didn't even want to get close.

So I got close enough for him to see who I was, and said to him in a firm voice:

"Mr. May, enjoy your time while you're out."

That fucker is going to jail.
But, this is how honest I am about this shit...I cannot take credit where it is not mine to take but Gods. I say this because while God sometimes allows me to know and see things with certaintly, other times, I led somewhere not because of someone else and their great magnetic power, but because there is a moment that God wants to define. If I wanted to, I could say I "saw" the shit, Steve, and that my entire purpose was to hunt him down and make myself sound like a great psychic.

It's tempting, especially with the shitty things people pull. But I feel that if I am humble, God is great enough to demonstrate things with or without my help or knowledge of how He wants to use me.

I was just thinking last night, who is getting the glory and how are God's works manifest in me? because sometimes it is okay to get credit but the entire thing, while its something I can work on, I feel is a gift fromGod and sometimes it is even that much more impressive, for others to know it wasn't even my plan or intention and so therefore I am not some kind of "witch" or pschic putting spells on people but rather trying to walk in faith, not always knowing why I get what I do or why I'm going where I'm going.

For example, I do not know ahead of time if I have a UA or where the foodbanks are, but I end up there a lot, at the right time and therefore, if I don't "know" ahead of time, maybe this is God or a plan and not my own doing.

With this, I did walk directly there and then when I had located his car, I walked in the exact direction without knowing and having many different places I could look. I ended up immediately knowing which way to turn.

Did I leave the cafe to hunt down Steve May, whom I don't even want to be around without an officer present? No. I was looking for a business that was open that might have a microwave bc I had a pizza thing with me.

So I was looking for a microwave for my pizza. then oh! whaddya know.

Then I walked straight back. So yes, I could play it up if I wanted to, which I kind of did for my dramatic intro to this post. But that is not how I am. I don't exaggerate what I get if it's psychic and I am willing to be wrong. I'm not the best one at it, or who is out there, but I try to keep my connections pure.

So what I can say, is that this was not because of Steve May's honing abilities nor was it bc I am psychic extraordinaire. It was because, I guess, God wanted to give me a chance to confront this man before he is charged with crime.

**Having said THAT, not everything is from "God".

There are mind control techniques different countries use and experiment with and this is neither God or "the devil" but technology and mind control.

The other caveat is that sometimes an enemy will prevail over another, in a psychic sense, and it benefits that person or their group and not the other. If they prevail, it is not always "God" or the "Will of God" but sometimes the result of black magic or other influences that are set up ahead of time.

Someone who is heavily into black magic or consults dangerous powers or forces could prevail over someone who is not psychic at all but very good at heart, and it doesn't mean that the person isn't favored by God. It means sometimes power is given to those who use it for evil, simply because guarantees are given of more power, if one is willing to delve. People get power hungry, even psychics, and sometimes trade out their integrity with the desire for more power and sometimes their desires are granted.

Also, some work in great numbers. There is also a difference between one person and working out a psychic objective, and a group of 7-8. The combined energies and strength of a group, against one individual, may be overwhelming, no matter how good or pure the one individual is. Most operate in secret too, not publicly, as I have been open to share some of my experiments.

I think the best way to check motives and check the intention, is by reflecting on the kind of person, where they are deriving their power, and who they give the credit to. If someone is the type where they are just wanting to magnify themselves and their own abilities, and are willing to lie for the purpose of exaggerating their gift so they can obtain money, that would be one example of someone who is not maybe not very trustworthy. I think a good psychic, if they are real, and not trying to be undercover for a purpose, they are open about their success or failures and and keep it honest.

I have known persons who are very gifted, but then they go that extra leap of trying to take credit for things which are not theirs to take credit for, with the intention of making themselves seem even better than they are.

Of course, for spying or a real military or political agenda, this is natural and not the lying is to 'pscych out' others. So there is a point, just as there is a time and season for everything. In general though, it is all something to be cautious about.

I think when I first realized people can be under a psychic attack, I then realized there are sometimes "contests" between alleged psychics or voodoo persons. I read this wiki or article about how some famous voodoo woman was known to be so powerful she "overthrew" all the others. So then I realized how serious it is to some. To some, it is not a gift of God or a natural ability or remote viewing for anyone to work on, but the "arts" of a practice.

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