Monday, July 19, 2010

Camden, NJ Woman

Honestly, I'm not surprised. I felt her piano playing was from the past and I got a feeling she wasn't alive but I didn't want to write that. How do you write on a blog you think maybe she's dead? I didn't get an image or anything except for the piano playing which I felt was from the past. Maybe it was from a video that someone taped of her, or maybe a real clip, I don't know--if she plays at all. I may have crossed wires. But for some reason, I almost wrote what "vibe" I got but then didn't want to and I'm glad I didn't bc it's too risky. If you're wrong and mislead people, it changes the outcome of the future sometimes.

I wonder why she was found burned though. Like, burned from the sun? or just burned, and if so, I would think that sort of thing is to make a point of some kind to someone but don't know what. Probably if someone wanted to fully destroy the body, they wouldn't leave it in a parking lot.

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