Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Horrified About Rhino News & more lucky guesses (Ivan P.)

I was horrified to read about the slaying of the last female rhino in a S. African park. It's horrible. What's worse, is that my son and I were talking about rhinos a lot in our visit yesterday.

I still have to post about our visit. We had a lot of fun. But terrible, really gross news about the rhino slaying--they tortured her.

When my son was talking about the rhino I kept thinking about this woman, a clerk, at the police station, because her name is Candy and my son named the rhino "Candy".
I also read the Lohan news. I wonder why her second lawyer quit, unless maybe there was a conflict of interest there. Maybe he didn't want to hear what Lohan had to say, and maybe he felt uncomfortable with it. I don't know.

Her best option now is to claim a mental health issue like Hilton, but I don't think it will work at this point. It would be strange if she was suddenly claustrophobic too.

I think, I wonder if mentioned a situation of abuse or he discovered and felt uncomfortable working with her then so maybe a female lawyer will come back on. I don't know. I would think she'll get time off for good behavior.

I tried to think of something about her (not very hard, just closed eyes for a split second) and I only saw shaky hands but not in an image, it was an idea so it's not really reliable in the same way, for me. It might be because I've already read news she's nervous so I don't know.
A man approached me yesterday afternoon and as soon as he opened his mouth I got "Ivan Pawlowitz". I might be wrong, and maybe this guy wasn't telling me the truth, but I thought it first, and before he'd said a word about his line of work I asked, "Do you know Ivan Pawlowitz?" and he said yes. I thought it before he said anything about even living in Chelan but a lot of people tell me they live in Chelan or work there and I don't automatically think of Pawlowitz. He's the psychiatrist that the state wanted me to see.

So it turns out, he worked, or works, at the very PSYCH hospital that Ivan works at and the other hospital too. I didn't know this either, because all he initially said was yeah, he worked in the medical field over there. He didn't say where though and then I asked, "Have you had lunch with Ivan before?" and I asked if they had BBQs and group lunches over there because I had some impression about a BBQ. He said yes, they had a lot of different kinds of group lunches. He looked shocked when I asked if they'd had lunch together. He said they didn't have one-on-one lunch but I got more of a community lunch and so asked if there were ever BBQs or if people saw eachother in the cafeteria or something. He said it was true.

I started writing about lunch and this man who is my housemate took out a big chunk of lunch-meat and started eating it. Hahaha.
I read this article, randomly, about an Israeli vote for a more orthodox split. I do think the Israeli jews, some of them, have a very different culture and belief system than some American Jews. To me, it brought to mind what they call the "old world Italian" (or Italy Italians) and American-Italians and though there is sometimes a strong connection, a lot of times they don't even get along because the value systems and cultures are so different. They all have their own ways. I can understand how the more traditional systems want to preserve their beliefs because

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