Saturday, July 10, 2010

Contacted OIG About Investigation of Crime/Kidnapping of Oliver

I am putting things together to request a criminal investigation of the kidnapping of my son. It's a civil matter if it conflicts with civil rights and this case does do that. However, I am discovering crimes were committed to take my son and organize against me to create a false arrest and collude against me. Because this involves the use of official positions and because I and my family have been intimidated ever since, this is also extortion.

The FBI had to be involved in this case because my son and I were across the border.

I believe I can show crime was committed in illegally manufacturing an excuse to have me jailed and then my son kidnapped basically and held hostage ever since, with zero oversight. I am not against the entire U.S. at this point, because I think there are still some things which someone might want to look into, on the U.S. side. I also know it was only certain persons with Canada because many good Canadians wanted to know what the hell was going on.

This is also very sad, because it would explain why the STATE tried to refuse me discovery and then just "won" their case by default. They didn't want me to KNOW what had happened or be forced to testify or be cross-examined by me then. If I'd been in a position to do this, I would have made discoveries earlier, but I had no way of knowing.

I have been requesting police and FBI records for years besides and never got them and perhaps only the OIG can exert influence in getting these things turned over. When a former FBI whistle-blower (from Turkey? or Iran) was blacklisted, Sybil, she couldn't records on anything until she filed a formal complaint with the OIG.

I am giving the head of the Attorney General's office a chance to look into this and correct the matter before I file a human rights complaint, but human rights complaint would be the step after that if no one does anything here in the U.S.

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