Saturday, July 10, 2010

Discovery About My Migraines

I may have a slight predisposition to migraine. However, I never got them until I was at least 21 and after the car accident. Still, I didn't get them very often. Then I noticed someone was doing things, intentionally, to trigger migraines in me at times which were inconvenient for me.

When I had a CT scan, it disappeared and I was told there was no record of it. That was in Oregon, in 1998. I never had a chance to even look at it.

Then, I had 15 in one month once in 1998 and some rare occurances of migraine but it leveled off. I had considered, back then, that so mething was being done to trigger them but I had already eliminated any natural and normal triggers. Then, the minute I said my migraines were connected to my period and menstrual cycle, I had people following my cycle and trying to guess the approximate times I'd have migraine.

All my legal dates were scheduled to be on dates I was suspected to have migraine, especially torwards the end years of my litigation with the Abbey and Archdiocese. The lawyers started planning court dates to fall on dates I would get migraine.

Then I moved and the same thing happened here. Anything that had to do with court, was scheduled for the time I would get migraine and I always did.

Then, though, I noticed how I was getting one extra migraine here and there, on important dates, and also, how if I moved to a new area and no one knew my address, I didn't have any migraines at all that month. There were some times that I went 2 months without migraine and then I'd have to give court my address and I would start getting them again.

So I began to wonder if somehow some group was intentionally triggering my migraines and using my cycle as an excuse.

So at different times I lied about my menstrual cycle to see if the migraine cycle would change to "coordinate" with the time other people who might be doing something,and I was right.

It has become clear that I have migraines which have, interestingly, corresponded to my PERCEIVED cycle and not the actual cycle, which would indicate some group out there HAS intentionally been a cause of migraine trigger.

I also looked at the legal calendar. The lawyers CHANGED the legal calendar to try to "adjust" for the changes in my menstrual cycle, so they could STILL nail me with court dates occuring on days I was suspected to have migraine, and WOULD have migraine because someone would make sure it happened, and still try to pass it off as a menstrual migraine.

Most of this has centered around legal matters.

Almost all of it.

My termination trial was set for a date that others believed would fall on the newest dates for my menstrual cycle. And then I had them triggered around this time, to the extent that I had the droopy eye and everything.

It happened on the East Coast too, but not as bad. And when people didn't know where I was staying, it hardly happened at all. I chalked it up to marijuana, in very light amounts, but really, the lesser number that I had could have been for other reasons.

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