Monday, July 26, 2010

copy of written statement of crime to Wenatchee Police

this is a copy of the written report I am giving to Wenatchee police today:

I made a report of criminal trespass, 2 months ago, and Wenatchee police refused to follow up on this report.

I contacted Tacoma police and they confirmed this was a "crime", not a "civil" matter, as Wenatchee police attempted to displace it as.

I was told by Jim West, with Wenatchee Police, that it was only a misdemeanor if there was no provision from the contract with Community Action, to allow the landlord in whenever he wanted. I said I would check on this.

Officer Jim West attempted to intimidate me into not making a report, saying, "I don't know if you really want to do this," and went on to imply it could be bad for me.

By the time I got a copy of the contract with Community Action, some time had passed, but the contract confirmed what had happened was illegal. However, because Jim West had made veiled threats and directly intimidated me, I was afraid to follow through m\with myreport because I was worried something bad might happen to my son or with my custody case.

I did continue to call to make the report but then Wenatchee Police thought they could brush it aside and ignore it.

I had the license plate number of the man and boy who were allowed to enter my residence without notice, and kept accurate dates.

I have been trying to press charges and Wenatchee Police have gone from admitting it would be criminal trespass if there is no contractual provision, to denying it is a crime.

As I reported, Mr. May allowed housemates andothers to enter my residence without notice and he himself also did so. As a result, some of my property was stolen. Mr. May also threatened me against calling police and got in my face yelling and threatening me, to the point that I was afraid. Between Mr. May's threats and intimidation by Wenatchee police, I was afraid to follow through on my complaint. Things have only gotten worse and this has allowed police and others to believe they can get away with anything and yet they will go after me and continue to harass me and obstruct justice.

On the date of ____________, 2010, Mr. May, after getting notice forom me to give notice, allowed 2 mne to enter my apartment. I was not properly dressed and I had underwear soaking in the sink where I was washingt ehm by hand. I came out of my bedroom and found 3 men there and was distraught. I went back to my room, put something else on, and said I had not received notice and I wanted these men to leave. Steve May said he refused and continued to show the men around my apartment, letting them into my bathroom where my personal items and underwear were. By law, it is criminal trespass for a landlord or anyone else to entere a residence without giving notice first.

I got the plate number for the vehicle this man was driving, to confirm this had occured and to have them testifyand act as witnesses. I tried to take it to Wenatchee Police, and they attempted to subvert the law and obstruct justice. This is not the first time but has been a consistent pattern with this department.

I am once again, reporting crime of criminal misdemeanor of entering my apartment without giving me notice. My reports of theft and of vandalism at this same address, are separate reports.

Thank You,

Cameo Garrett

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