Monday, July 26, 2010

Police Cover For Steve May

I tried to make reports for a long time over Steve May, a former landlord, on trespass, theft, and vandalism. Police refused to do anything. Then I tried to get civil stand-by with Wenatchee police and they did nothing.

I then attempted to discover what happened to my property, which included all of my legal papers and just NOW I am being told everything was thrown away or given to Goodwill.

I know there is another element to this, because May actually gave out some of my belongings--they didn't all go to Goodwill, and he kept some things, like my videorecorder and audio recorder, and I also had a psychic impression of many of my personal belongings strewn out on long tables at a police station, with police pilfering through my things.

I had this image before anything like my bag was taken into so-called "evidence". I saw tables like school sized long tables, with all my stuff on top and police going through it all. Whether this was symbolic or not, I don't know.

I know for a fact that police cover for Steve May.

I also know that the dog named "Misty" that Steve May had at his house, got really excited to be near the Juvenile Detention and Courthouse. I could tell by the way she acted and kept tugging on the leash to go over there, from all of her signals, that she knew someone from that area or who worked there or was there that night.

Supposedly, all my journals and clothing and my boxes of legal documents, which I needed even for Termination Trial and kept calling police about to obtain, and had a right to know where they were--all of these things are supposedly "gone" except, police told me, May gave a "photo" and a Bible to Community Action to give to me.

A Bible.

Why? Because Steve May is religious? He is a corrupt and lying hypocrite and in my opinion, a dangerous individual who has some shady dealings with police. His sons are no better and take after him.

I think God looks at a gesture like that, of saving only a Bible and a photo from all of my photo albums, after committing multiple crimes against me, not least of which was unlawful surveillance and other extremely weird shit, and is about ready to deal with Steve May in an expedient manner in accordance with the provisions of the law.

However, Wenatchee police are refusing to take reports against him. They are trying to write off his criminal trespass, and vandalism and theft, even though I already went over this with some other police and they know the same criminal statutes and agreed what he had done was crime, not "civil".

Of course he's not in with them. Of course not. Officer Huffer admitted to being friends with him and there were other cops there before who were very chit-chatty when getting rid of another woman.

Wenatchee police deliberately colluded with others, to keep information about where my legal papers were, from me, so I could put this in the record for my custody case, and prove my things were being withheld from me.

I also know Wenatchee police have destroyed evidence I've had in the past,which is the only reason they would try to claim my bag now, with evidence, is theirs to keep. They are corrupt.

I talked to Officer Wright today and he is the one who said, today, he refused to take a report, because of course, his supervisor is Jim West.

I have been asking for the ID of the person who ran into me in a hit-and-run and police continue to stall on giving me this information.

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