Sunday, July 25, 2010

Spooked, moldova look up, son's stuffed animals

I just got a little bit spooked. It felt like the time when I was talking to this guy about psychic stuff (or woman) and they'd had a dream about paper falling and then paper fell where I was at.

Tonight, I was exhausted and meant to take a short nap but slept for hours until a few minutes ago. I was sort of awake and had had a V-8 juice and this caused me to think briefly about the Queen's V-8 car, and then I was lying there for some reason thinking about her coronation and a clip I'd seen. I had the image of her (it wasn't spontaneous but natural memory recall) and was thinking about how as she sat her head was bowed and she seemed either nervous or, I wondered, maybe it was the holy spirit, a very slight shaking almost or something. Not exactly, but I was thinking this and at that very moment, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, this noise from something falling and I opened my eyes with a start.

It was a bunch of soda pops and they had burst out of the box and rolled over to where I lay. I checked the box and it had been sealed well and wasn't tilted so that the gravity would necessarily cause a pressure, but it was still possible this is exactly what it was. It was only spooky in the timing bc I was thinking about the holy spirit and then it happened.
I looked up Moldova tonight bc someone told me this couple I met at church today were from there. It was interesting to read--it's inbetween Romania and Ukraine, which sounds like a unique combination. I looked up the wiki article about it, from People at this church are from all of the Soviet regions.

I won't write about church stuff anymore, not too much because I usually reserve this for privacy--anything about church or going there, conversations therein, etc, but I thought it was okay to write what I did tonight. I most especially don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable about being in church or written about if I am there, in general, but I think it was okay to write about a couple things, lightly.
I'll try to detail the last visit I had with my son too. Tomorrow. I have a visit with him tomorrow as well. I am hoping to buy him a few new stuffed animals because the Wenatchee police took all his stuffed animals into their "evidence".

I was telling someone I would really like to get him a pony--I think he would love it. Horses are not very expensive, (if you're not looking at show quality and just want a pet) it's more the upkeep that is.
I called police today to check again about my belongings with a former landlord and was told to check tomorrow.

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