Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Courts Decision On Termination

I haven't read it because I already know it's bad.

I just checked my email and it was sent right before lunch and I understand fully why I saw the reactions from people that I did.

I asked for help from Julie Anderson's office, to file something and I was directed to a different office and then was going to send that man an email and see if he could help. However, when I was there, I saw they had all these things set out in a bizarre fashion on the coffee table.

I was basically sent to an "immigration attorney's" office and the lawyer was former Army and an Army Judge.

After I was sent there, I tried to go back and his secretaries said he was at lunch or gone for the day. It was Philip Safar and I guess he's Catholic too.

I tried to get things done this morning but no one would help me and I had no way to do it other than to send the federal court what I sent, by pdf as they asked. If the Spokane federal court didn't honor my request for preliminary injunction, it was because I was Pro Se and the entire point was to get assistance.

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