Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Read Motion for Termination: Will Appeal

I read the motion and this Judge is exactly why everyone said it would be "impossible" to get my son back. Not from a Judge who hangs up on parents while telling them to represent themself and not from a Judge who is Catholic and prejudiced against me from the start, to the point of wanting me to go back to Seattle and Bainbridge where my life was endangered, just for an I.Q. test. This Judge has sealed his fate regarding his professional reputation. It's over for him in that regard. Once the audio recordings and the truth hits, most people will be shocked. This is a man who refused to recuse himself when he had a direct conflict of interest with multiple persons and this is also a Judge who engaged in ex parte contact with others in inappropriate ways.

He was best friends and partner with the same lawyer who refused to assign any representation to me, who is in CHARGE of the representation.

Some people may feel relieved, but this is far from over.

This Judge actually went so far as to make claims which are really outright dishonest, such as that "services" were offered and I didn't engage in them. He knows that HE is the one with ethical issues and he knows I never needed those "services" and that even when I didn't need them, I was the one who still tried to get them out of the way, simply to cooperate and prove what I was trying to do, in order to get things corrected and then flip it around. The whole point is that the State must first offer and exhaust services and they did not.

If, for any reason, I am unable to put materials into a case for Appeal, it will be entered into the public record for criminal or civil lawsuit. And these will go together, in tandem.

THIS is why all these assholes were trying to put me off on different things until "Wednesday" when they knew ahead of time that I would be served.

This is also why the Wenatchee police did absolutely NOTHING and lied and kept my own records from me so I couldn't even prove how being a victim of crime repeatedly, was immediately interferring with my ability to defend myself in this case.

I hope this town and this State, lose everything. I hope that while it has all of the structures in place to be prosperous and better off than most States, that they lose it all. And I hope I am alive to see the day.

Judge Hotchkiss knew my Ex, Alvaro Pardo, and they had their own "deal" going. Judge Hotchkiss is not an honest man. He hasn't had decent sex with his wife for a long time either, and I just got that bit of information from the psychic side.


  1. did they terminate your rights?

  2. Yes,

    But it doesn't mean anything until all appeals are exhausted. I can appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court, but what they expect is that I won't be able to, because the state is supposed to pay for the first lawyer for appeal and they didn't even pay for the lawyer for the termination trial. Everything they've done in this case is illegal and unethical.

    This town just pulled another sex-ring scandal and used the same gossip and prejudice to do this, with no evidence and then criminal means to cover up for what they did and try to make it appear legitimate.

    They got help from other law firms as well.

    I'd like to know who Judge Hotchkiss had to take this to for "advice" because he sealed his fate. He's obviously comfortable with retirement and being known in the future, world-wide, as a Judge who never should have been a Judge.
