Wednesday, July 21, 2010

U.S. Is Corrupt

I know that a lot of people were involved in this matter. I have zero faith in the justice system here and I believe this country is going to run itself into the ground. That such a thing could happen to me and my son is unbelievable.

There is no way that I would ever work for this country in any way, and then if I choose to work for another country, or "think" I am, the U.S. piggybacks onto that and tries to use me.

I sincerely wonder who is running this country anymore. My son has suffered tremendously from all of this and they continue to cover things up.

There are people at the very top in D.C. and Maryland, who are responsible for allowing this to continue, and some of them work at the CIA, and my son has been affected for the rest of his life because of them. It may have been Wenatchee and Washington state and this region that started things and held onto it, but it is not as if I didn't go to extreme measures to get assistance outside of this area and all of those government workers and employees who met me knew very well what was going on.

Someone should have been involved and turned this around. Someone should have protected my most basic right to normal mail delivery and receipt.

All of a sudden, this Order gets signed and the police here suddenly act like human beings, because their whole point was to harass me and refuse to take reports and refuse to give me records, until they felt they were "safe" or it was too late to effect my case.

My family has been involved in the efforts to medicate me without my knowledge or consent, and I have been given shit almost ever since I came back from Canada.

By the time I am done, even if I do not even win appeals, this country and this State especially, is going to be trashed by reputation.

The Seattle FBI has had a part in covering up for things and allowing problems to result. The CIA did a classic hump-and-dump, and the Department of State got their noses in to see what I would say, if I had anything to say. As for the Department of Defense, they have profited off of my son and I.

I hope that, with God alone knowing where the worst corruption is stemming from, that He cuts it off and brings people in to cut it off.

There are so many criminal acts that have gone into covering this up, I hardly know where to start.

My own family has treated me like shit, and I will not even be able to see my son if he is with the Avilas, whom I've never gotten along with. My mother and father could have done something, like keep their promise to pay for a private attorney in the beginning. My own son has been prevented from being with his mother who he has always preferred.

My family may not believe in "single mothers" and yet they were not my original enemy. They did not create the problems which I had to deal with and have continued to have.

I truly hope that God will bring a swift justice wherever it is needed most, as people who should be held accountable have proven themselves unfit to decide matters of justice.

I won't be able to see my own son with the Avilas, because they have lied about me to keep my son themselves. Their values are so different from mine, and they are so self-righteous, they will never permit my son to bond with his mother. They want my son and they have claimed him for themself.

All I know is that it is possible for me to be successful, but not in the U.S. and I seriously wonder why I would even think I will get anywhere here at all. What has happened has gone all the way to the top, and too many people knew what was happening. I was claiming a right to political asylum before my rights were terminated and now I have that to add to my list, on top of abuses and crimes committed against me and my son which almost have no end.

Then I get threatened about how things are going to be worse and "hot" and how it will be like the Christmas when my son and I first had problems with technology that affected our health.

What the State of Washington wanted me to say, was "I am mentally ill and everything I have ever said about other adults is wrong and I was delusional." I refused to do this and yet I still attempted to access all of the services I was ordered to, some of which the State NEVER even provided as they were required to, and the Judge knew this.

I go to the lowest time in my life, and when I would expect SOME group to intervene, they attempt to use and exploit me more.

One thing I will do in my lifetime, is publicly upload all of the hearings I have been to and have them transcribed so people can hear exactly how corrupt these people have been.

I believe what has been done is a shame to this country, to some who were involved in Canada (not all but those who lied and fabricated events), and to so many who claim to be 'christians' or 'jewish' or religious at all.

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