Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Computer Problems This Morning

This morning I am in a different location, at the police station and with this laptop, it is doing the usual acting up but it's not buzzing--it's just the overheating thing. Then, I tried to go to blogger and it redirected me to a busline page. I checked to see if I bumped something but I didn't.

Last night I had problems only when a certain officer came out. If I was by myself or walking or running into strangers, no problem, but this officer must have had something with him or someone around him because it wasn't exactly normal. I started getting the feeling something was up.

I tried to get a civil stand-by and was told he wasn't there so I walked over and by the time I got there, someone was there at least. So then the guy refused to help saying it was "too late".

Right. These police intentionally prevented me from getting my belongings, which included all of my legal papers, all this time and now they're saying it might not even be there.

I know the police went through everything I own.

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