Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Night Watchman": Wenatchee Police Symbol

I noticed today, while waiting for a civil stand-by, what the statue was outside of the police station. The sculpture they have out here.

I noticed this after I noticed all these guys coming in are testosterone laden and realizing again how some people have thought it would be "better" for me to not have my son because my chances with men were better. The reasoning was that men don't want kids attached that aren't their own and that I need to be with a man or there are men who think they can be with me if I don't have my son. Dream on. Not having my son does the exact opposite. It means there is not one man who is getting a THING out of me. Nada. And Nunca. So if my "use" is over, then I expect to show up in something that looks like a planned suicide like Marilyn Monroe or an intentionally planned accident.

What use did the U.S. have with me? They used me and allowed their government workers to use me and only tried to do anything with my son if I was making some man "happy". Like, here locally, Chris Rozollo. Oh these guys thought that was really "cool". I started getting weird signs and smiles fromthe officers then. And before that, it had to be Alvaro. I guess making Alvaro happy was the big deal. If I wasn't going to help Alvaro then I didn't get my son back. Go ask Ms. McIntosh and the others. That was the only time the state suddenly wanted to act like normal human beings. Because someone told them to. And since I didn't, they retaliated and went back to how they were before.

So here is the symbol for Wenatchee police, in photos:

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