Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Star People & Erin McConey

This morning I got some snacks for my son after trying to get a stand-by with no success. So I made an appointment to just talk to Tom Robbins, the Chief, because I don't have time to lose and I only need to document going through the ranks to get normal treatment for reports and things.

So I left and then I walked from my place to the 7-11 and bought snacks for my son and then crossed the street to get some stuffed animal toys for my son.

There was a couple there who I thought seemed good maybe deep down and the man had a star necklace on. I got my son 3 stuffed animals for our visit today.

While I was at the Goodwill, I looked up at their clock and saw that it was already 9:30 a.m. This is the time for my visit with my son. So I panicked and called CPS from a cell phone from a Lorena who worked there and explained to her I was late for an appointment and needed to request the additional 15 minutes. She saw the time too and said sure and I called CPS and said I hadn't noticed the time and they said I could have the 15 minutes.

I raced over to the CPS offices then and went to the window to look for my son. I asked where my son was or if he was waiting. Then, it got weird.

There was first of all some woman standing there who I have not seen before and she was taping up an empty box that was marked Washington Archives,, the same kind that had my legal documents. Then, I went to Glenna or Glenda (I forget which) and she is usually polite (can't really think of a time when she wasn't polite) and she looked at me and then I thought something was wrong and I looked behind me and the clock said 9:00 a.m., not 9:30 a.m. So I said, "OH! How weird," and told Glenda the other clock had been wrong and I guessed I was early then.

So then Glenda is looking in the appointment book for which room my son was in and she didn't see it anywhere. I didn't see it anywhere either, which is odd, because our visits are always M and W and I confirmed this with the monitor again on M, at our last visit. That monitor was the last person I spoke with from CPS. She said yes, the visit was W at the same time.

So THEN, I said I'll just sit outside until he's here and will someone let me know when he's here, and they said of course.

So I WALK out of the office for CPS and WHO is there?

Erin McConey, who I filed an anti-harassment petition against yesterday, or tried to file one against, and she knows it.

So McConey is staring at me and smirking and I thought, "There she is AGAIN, putting herself in MY space unnecessarily." I didn't even think about it and then I noticed the man next to her who she was talking to, was a Wenatchee police officer.

So then I hear her saying something about "...and then she was in the parking lot at about 8:30 a.m. this morning..." and I realized, "You've got to be kidding me. This woman who harassed me actually called the police to report 'trespassing'."

According to Judge Nakata's order, I am not supposed to be near the public offices of Washington State. Clarification--Washington State Department of Social and Health Services.

I just had one of the workers come out and ask me if I left a "silver bottle" out in the offices. No, I didn't. Oh, okay, now I get it. And there was this woman walking by with a huge silver foil looking purse. It's a "silver" theme today or a "foil" them. God knows, if it amuses THEM, they need to be happy! They're all off of their Prozac and running around sadistically theatening to "call police!" when someone wonders where the hell their benefits have gone.

So anyway, this Erin McConey was literally trying to make a report.

I had gone outside to sit and wait for my son, on a bench which is where I was when I started writing this post.

The computer overheating stuff is going on and that's pure military or gangster. I don't know anyone who would do that other than military but they've put technology into the hands of idiots too.

After I was sitting out here, then a secuirty guard came over. Like a regular security guard for the visits. I was told our visit is going to be in a different room today because the other one is occupied. I guess someone thought that I'd be so traumatized with the news of the Order that I wouldn't even show up for a visit with my son?! I have no clue what runs through the minds of these people.

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