Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Continued Harassment At Visits With Son

We were told to go to a different room and it was set up for things my son had already been instructed in and things to intimidate and harass me.

The State set out just one book, apart from the rest, of a girl and a dog "swimming" or wading in the water. I'm sure this is in reference to my anti-harassment complaints that I tried to file last night.

The interesting thing is, I left them overnight, at the courthouse. Supposedly only Judge Bridges read them. So why was the entire visit set up to reflect what was in my motions?

Not only that, Erin McConey knew what was in the complaint against her and postured to try to set me up instead.

The Officer that was there was the same one who tried to keep me from finding out who the parents were of the children that were harassing me in a group, obviously under adult instruction.

So basically, it was again State workers who decided to disseminate the information from my motions for anti-harassment to others in state offices. If I left the motions there and Judge Bridges was the only one to read them, then that leaves the other clerks and possibly guards and then, upon request I'm sure, police. In the span between last night and this morning, state workers set up their little room to reflect what they wanted to document my son had been "trained" in.

This is NOT my family. They may not always be for me, but they are being intimidated and harassed to say nothing is wrong when something is very seriously wrong.

Steve May has been making visits to brainwash my son, and others as well. Different people have had access to my son, with U.S. military oversight and then they sit there and write about this shit and how my son and I interact together after being apart.

The content from visits goes to almost the whole community and they use this to harass me and my son further and yet Judge Hotchkiss banned audio recording so I cannot even prove what is happening.

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