Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Evidence of Torture of my Son--U.S. Involved

My son is being tortured and it has nothing to do with my aunt and uncle.

I examined my son's nails again and he has the same effects showing up that I had after being targeted in Seattle and Bainbridge.

His fingernails have a line now, up near the top, where part of his nail is blanched and the rest isn't.

A white spot, a normal spot where it typically shows a slight bruise passed or small nutritional deficiency, was STREAKED in his nailbed today. It wasn't that this nail was scraped.

There is no cause for this. I have never seen this before in my life--where a normal spot that stays a spot until it is grown off the nail (cut off after growing out) turns from a defined spot to a streaked spot instead. This indicates something very drastic occured in his body, to alter the appearance of his nails.

Not only that, my son had a couple of white marks on his face like from a laser, or poisoning, the pigmentation change that both he and I initially had when I was in Seattle.

I looked at his toenails and there is a very definite bubble of the nail. It is far more pronounced in his LEFT foot (his left, to him) than his right foot which would indicate...? Why would it be more marked on one side than the next? That might possibly mean something is affecting him from a specific angle. So if he sleeps with his left side to the window or outside, if something is directed to that side, it will show up more there.

Even when he and I both were having problems, I don't remember problems more on one side than the other.

It also shows that this has been happening to my son for at least a period of over a month. Toenails grow very slowly and the amount of the nail that is affected is noticeable.

I continue to have the overheating with my laptop as well, each time I use this laptop.

The same person who said he knows Ivan Pawlowitz directed a veiled threat saying "Christmas" was coming "early" this year, and that there would be snow on the ground by October. I have other people sitting around eating bananas everytime I turn, and making a point of making comments about how my son must be burning up and very hot and me too.

Ivan Pawlowitz is affiliated with the Army and with West Point and I am seriously wondering why he showed up in this area shortly after my Ex left, and why someone who is connected to him would be approaching me to give me warnings.

When I was out last night with Officer Huffer, I didn't have my laptop with me and I started having the problems again when he was around me. I think this is something that some of the police have accessed or been equipped with, and why they are involved I don't know, unless it's to cover up a MAJOR drug industry or human trafficking industry that the U.S. military or CIA, or some religious group with connections to it, wants to use as a springboard for experiments as well. This is something that began as torture of me and my son and then later turned into a cop out excuse for experimental work.

I sent something to several branches of military saying I'd be a guinea pig for the U.S. if I could be of use to my country and even if it was highly top-secret and I never thought someone would try to use this as an attempt to mask torture and an excuse to harass and punish, if not nearly kill a mother and her child.

There is NO excuse for torture. My son has been the victim of straight-up gang torture and it's been connected to some who are religious and some who are not.

I have ZERO fear of being called "crazy" when everyone knows what's going on and despite Wenatchee and Washington state's best efforts, no one else in the country or nationally, is going to believe what THEY say over my testimony, which I am swearing to right here. This is not a joke and I am not making it up. If I'd been stuck here in Wenatachee the whole time, maybe this area could have gotten away with even murder and just called me crazy.

It is too late for that. I got OUT of this area and I got validation in other places where people saw for themselves what was going on. People believe me, not the police or state workers in Wenatchee. Even my enemies believe me, and they know it's true. They want to mock me as if they think I'm nuts and other people think so and feel proud as if they've done this to me, but what they don't realize, is that it's over, and too late to try to make me look or sound nuts.

People have seen and witnessed the evidence in both me and my son and they know things are being covered up.

You can harass me and mock me and try to defame me all you like, but the fact is, you are TOO FUCKING LATE.

You had a CHANCE if I had been stuck in Wenatchee the whole time. People would have never known what to believe and thought it sounded nuts and since I couldn't work here, thought maybe it was me and my fault. I could have been easily diagnosed if they'd been able to get a psychiatrist on me THEN because no one outside of the area had a chance to see me for how I am, and witness how I work in the public eye with ZERO mental defects.

I am not going to hold back in reporting exactly what is happening to me and my son, because like it or not, those who wanted to discredit me are already SCREWED.

I came back to Wenatchee and eventually the exact same problems began again. Why only Wenatchee? Why only Washington State, to this extent?

The people on the East Coast know and believe me. If they have anything to hide, it's simply to hide that they know a lot more than anyone would think and they don't want to have themselves and their families targeted.

Do you GET this Washington? And anyone else affiliated? It's fucking OVER.

You can even lie all you want and take my son, and still, no one believes a fucking thing you say.

If any one of you who think it's hilarious, think that you "got" me, you fucked yourselves. You seriously fucked up and continue to make it worse because some of these people who DO know what's going on, and that's most people...but people who may have more power than you think, are not your "fans".

They are not rooting for you, they are fucking keeping quiet and hiding out and plotting to fucking SCREW YOU OVER. So when you start to feel really excited and want to get out the silly faces and feel like you've won some kind of game because you "THINK" you made me sound crazy and you "THINK" you can torture my son or know this is happening and that nothing will be done, your fucking days are numbered before you're caught. Those of you who are just side-liners and think everyone must think I'm nuts--you have no clue what kind of diverse persons and groups I became acquainted with on the East Coast and even here. You think that just because it "sounds" crazy, to normal people, you think no one could even imagine such an atrocious thing happening to me and my son.

But you're wrong, because you were disproved once before, and no one is ever going to believe I just "go nuts" in Wenatchee and no where else.

You're SCREWED and if someone from the U.S. doesn't give my son a thorough medical evaluation, who knows about this kind of thing, I am taking it to the UN and to the International Red Cross.

There is no excuse for allowing this to happen to my son.

I think it's highly unusual that I've had records disappear from the IRS, from the Post Office, from the Washington Human Rights Association, and from the Washington State unemployment offices.

I have never heard of such a thing in my life. I have also never heard of such a thing as UK and other country interest unless there is something going on. Never.

I have also never heard of Judges and public defenders behaving the way they've behaved in this town, or State workers and police either. I have never seen more corruption in my entire life and that is maybe even after seeing what I first saw in Oregon when I was in litigation. People here are easily bought off.

Right now, the computer overheating is still happening. It quit for about 10 minutes and then started up again. It is immediately connected with the laptop.

I think it's highly hypocritical and shallow for the U.S. to claim they are trying to engage Pakistan and other countries on civil or peaceable terms when the distrust is already sky-high. I have people from these other countries, who are not stupid but are highly educated and highly intelligent people, confirm to me they know what is happening with me and my son.

If people from possibly sometimes adversarial countries, know what is going on with me and my son in this country, to a mother and child in her own country, the "liberty and justice for all" country, what kind of hellish reasons would any of them have for believing a single word the U.S. officials say to them?

What they have seen, in even the treatment of my son, is that the U.S. is full of liars. They have seen the U.S. allow and encourage experimentation and torture of a mother and a young boy when they would not even think of doing the same, to their own people, in their own country. They have seen people in the U.S. treat "liberty and justice for all" like a headline for a fraudulent lotto ticket. The only countries the U.S. doesn't like and tries to isolate, are those whose customs and beliefs are not the same or those who want true independence and don't want to be pulled by a ring in the nose, like an adorned pig, by the world's "Economic Leader".

I am not saying other countries do not have corruption to battle. But when people see such a hideous mess and disgrace as Wenatchee and her "bosses" have been, as a kind of crowning glory of the U.S. justice system, is it any wonder they think the U.S. is "immoral" and "corrupt" and "oppressive" and "hypocritical" and blind to humanity.

I am sure some of them wonder why the hell some in the U.S. and some outside of the U.S. as well, have colluded to tear me down this much and to harm my son and I. I am sure some of the top leaders ask where the priorities of the U.S. are, to devote so much time and expense to harassing and torturing a mother and child.

These people are the ones who rightly and honestly told me "It is going to be impossible for you to get your son back." They said this at the very beginning, before I'd even been offered "services" or they were ordered or any decision had been made. They knew I was outnumbered and that those involved were protected by powerful groups who would amount to being untouchable. They knew that there were enough people to take money or bribes or who would be morally weak enough to steal from me even if I had a solid case and evidence. They knew the odds were against me, even with God on my side.

And these are the people who didn't lie to me when they said "You're being followed" which was at least an honest confirmation of what I already knew. They didn't call me crazy. Maybe they weren't all "good" or always on my side, but they didn't fucking try to cop a lie.

If the U.S. ever wanted to help me and my son it was only in my possible "value" to them, instead, in being some kind of "spy" whether I knew I was or not, by following me and listening to the questions I asked and using me and putting ME under surveillance, to get closer to OTHERS they wanted information on even more.

As soon as I wasn't a candidate for being used and no one could slip me into a federal penitentary or catch me doing something really illegal, my son and I were up for torture again.

People in Wenatchee drive by, laughing and thinking "haha, everyone thinks she's nuts" and they have no fucking CLUE what people think. There may be a few very ignorant or innocent persons who truly think I have some kind of mental issue because they honestly can't believe these things happen in America, but the vast majority believe me and know things don't add up the way some hoped "they were supposed to". There are some who know exactly what's going on, who call themselves "christians" and yet they are not on my side and are only spiteful and hold grudges and were easily offended and cannot get past it; they are happy I don't have money and feel good about it and think they've made me suffer or pay for my "offenses". However, this is a very slight satisfaction to have and one which is almost entirely personal. If it serves to gratify a few people and soothe egos, that is fine, but while the groups can smile and relax and pat eachother on the backs HERE, this is WHY you're fucking stuck here--because you can't make it anywhere else and no one would trust you if you even tried.

In your smallish sphere, it feels good. The big fish in the small pond feels very triumphant. But in the larger sphere, of which most of these people have no experience or context, you're not impressing anyone.

No one believes you.

They believe me, and they believe my son is being tortured, and they believe no one in the U.S. is doing anything about it.

Good luck winning the trust of any Korean or Pakistani country. Good luck with a few other countries as well, and with a very large quiet population that reads my blog and is on my side, and keeps their mouths shut for the time being.

You allow torture and an incredible amount of corruption in the life of just one mother and child, who were born and raised in the U.S. and you think that people who don't even live here are going to believe a FUCKING thing you have to say?

You have lost your credibility.

If it's worth it to you, that's the lot you picked. You made choices and those who dictated what was going to happen and how this should be tolerated and ignored, and if it's worth it to you to overlook what you claim is a localized problem with a mom and child, you overlooked the fucking big picture.

Who told you to "Cut your losses?" You let others tell you I was the one who would "cost" something and you let others who are willing to sell their souls on a regular basis, dispose of logic and long-term strategy as well. You figured you'd let people here locally, deal with things and allow others who were against me from out of the area, to get involved too. You weren't willing to intercede or circumvent this because you thought it would cost too much and really, it is costing you a hell of a lot more than you expected now, and will continue to cost you, in ways you haven't even begun to imagine because you have been dismissive of mass corruption.

A bunch of people from Washington State, who have government positions are happy. Another lot in Wenatchee is very happy, being close-knit and jointly offended easily. Others are coming from a religious or gang basis and might be thrilled.

Someone missed the big picture though and for the real enemies, there isn't any way to go back to making me as crazy as you tried because I got out from under it. It doesn't even matter if it's all coming back again and the same shitty claims are being made. You can get any Judge and police or town person to shut me out and that doesn't give you credibility. It proves my case, that this State has been an enemy to me and my son and illegally kidnapped my child, held him hostage and then has tried to terminate his rights permanently.

I am saying it again: my son is and has been tortured, and the U.S. has done nothing to protect him. They have not brought in anyone from outside of this area to indepdently examine him and confirm torture and that what I'm saying is true.

Believe me, if the U.S. thinks they can randomly kidnap an Iranian and force him to work for them and torture him and make it look like he's always been "free", they can do this to anyone, or allow this to happen to anyone.

Iran, Korea, and parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan, don't trust you at all. Not one bit. They are not likely to begin believing a single word coming out of Hilary Clinton's mouth or anyone from the U.S., anytime soon. You prove to allow rich and powerful, self-interested groups control politics and in so doing, allow great civil and moral crimes against humanity while claiming to have God's blessing.

You allow torture of children and protect LARGE groups of people who cover it up and intimidate families to effect your strategies.

You do this to your own fucking citizens. What the hell do you do to people who are not even citizens?

Maybe a few small groups of Americans buy into the "Cameo is crazy" crap, but most do not, and the foreign countries have enough intel, they know exactly who is behind things and don't want to risk telling ME for fear I'll spout off and uncover THEM.

Nice job Washington State. The "Free World" owes you one.

What it looks like is that my son was affected for quite awhile and it was something that my uncle and aunt couldn't control and had no access for quitting and then possibly it quit, because in his nails you can see the line where the bubble or raised area is. His speech has been better in the last couple visits as well, but this doesn't mean he's not being targeted, because like I said, the nail spot is now streaked and there were other abnormalities I noticed.

He also used the bathroom and I was present today and he didn't want me to look but wanted to be in the same stall so I didn't "look" except to quickly glance and see if there was still the discoloration along the side where he TOLD me to look before. This time, it was more on the top and still was not his usual color. It wasn't as abnormal as I saw before, so maybe something has been done to try to cover it up but he has changes in his color there.

My son's tooth going gray was not an accident. My aunt and uncle were forced to say it was an accident because any other explanation doesn't make sense.

I guess instead of asking Hillary where the accountability is, I would go to the CIA and Department of Defense. I would suspect that this is where one would look first.

As for the man connected to Ivan, it is possible that I misinterpreted his intentions and comments but I wasn't sure. I do know that what is going on with my son is obvious and that the U.S. should be involved to quit this.

I started to have a sad vibe tonight--it's 9:00 p.m., and just feel badly for my son.

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